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Share your quitting journey

Amazed (NOT in a good way) at myself...

0 7 21

Here I am, on a layover in Newark.  I have a luxurious hotel room, if fact, an AMAZING suite, given to me apparently because I am the Purser on this trip.  I have EVERY reason to get comfortable, get in my jammies, turn on the big screen tv, crawl into the crispy clean sheets on the king-size bed,,, I've had a longer than usual flying day (14 hours) and I'm exhausted.  But what did I do the moment I got checked into my suite?  I changed into my sweats and came dowm to sit outside in the "smoker's area" outside the front door of this beautiful hotel, where I have sat for 45 minutes, chain smoking my guts out.  When I would SOOO love to be upstairs in my room, enjoying a warm bath or watching tv.  I'm really mad at myself for be  ing this addicted to cigarettes.   Should I move Imy Quit Date up?  I don't want to wait until Sept 24.  Is there such a thing as quitting too soon after you've realized you want to be done with cigarettes?  I haven't finished all the reading that has been recommended.  I have only tracked for five days.   But I'm sitting here and I'm so mad at myself!

7 Comentarios

get started if you're ready!


Yes, start as soon as you are ready. I did. I couldn't wait any longer for fear I'd change my mind. I didn't have a quit date. I joined this site 2 days after I quit smoking.


UGH.  I 'KNOW' that feeling.  Id move your quit date up also!  How many can you cram in before the quit?  NOT WORTH IT!  I did that.... the night before an assumed quit... if I only had 2 or 3 cigs... I would buy more for the 'rest of the night' before my quit... then of course i couldnt quit because I had some left...... 



Quit when you are ready!  It sounds like you are.  You can continue reading after you quit, you know!  I did not find this site until my third day, and reading Allen Carr;s book helped to get me through the end of the first difficult week!

I also chain smoked the entire day before my quit.  Actually made me kind of sick of the things!!!!!

You are the only one who can decide when it's the right time for you.  But - do it!!!!!!

Just quit. With your job, you should be well-acquainted with delayed gratification, use that to your advantage.

When I was finally ready to quit, I put a plan in place for the weekend and smoked 2 cigarettes in a row, got home and ripped up the last 2 in the pack. This was in the middle of the day.

When you are finally able to make up your mind that it's time, then it's time! Have you made up your mind? Is today the day? We will be here to support you. There is no time like the present.


There is no good time, ever, where ciggs are concerned. They have a way of prolonging themselves.  Or better yet, we allow them to prolong our quit. You have to start being in control at some point. It simply will not happen until you do. Enjoy that hotel room. I sure did, just reading about it:)

Acerca del autor
I'm a 64 year-old flight attendant for a major US airline. Prior to that, I owned an ice cream store and six hot dog carts and put my five kids thru college on hot dog earnings! Prior to THAT, I was Director of International Administration for Domino's Pizza, Inc. I was married to my H.S. sweetheart (dad of my 5 kids) for 17 years. I've been with Jeff for 23 years, but we just finally got married in 2016! Jeff & I live in Cape Meares, OR right on the beach. I'm from Ann Arbor, MI, where many of my kids/relatives still live. My flying base is Washington, DC, where I have a condo that I stay in when I'm between flying trips. My dream is to retire and stay home with Jeff and my two cats, Kenneth & Barbara...not happening soon, though. So I go home whenever I can get a week or more off. I LOVE to meet up with other EXers in the cities where I lay over. I usually blog about what cities I'm laying over in, so let me know if I'm staying near you! I'll buy dinner!! Xxxooo, Sky