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Am I Worth It?

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How do I convince myself I'm worth going through the grinder of quitting?


What a sad question.... I must admit I can have pretty low self esteem but it doesn’t keep me from having HUGE dreams for my future.  I know that lugging around an oxygen tank is going to seriously curtail my travel plans, so no brainer cut out what could add fuel to that fire.

You need to start looking around and finding the blessings within your own life. We all have them. You need to start focusing on them. Life can be really rough and sometimes feels out of control. Is the stuff that you do have control of working for you? Is smoking working for you? Can you honestly say there are any positives to smoking?

Yes quitting is tough. You will go thru all kinds of crazy but you will survive. It does however require belief in yourself and the ability to be successful. I think you can do it. I think you do have dreams and hopes for the future. 

We we are here for you. Make yourself proud. Be amazing!



Wrong question. 

Here's a better one:  What can I look forward to when I'm not a slave to nicotine anymore?

What makes you happy right now? Can you imagine it being even better?

I found that my sense of smell became so intense and makes me SO happy it easily takes the place of smoking.


My value comes from my relationship with Jesus. I'm still here so he still has a purpose for me. When I quit, 6 weeks ago, It wasn't about if I was worthy or not. See, I smoke and let my copd get so bad, it was more about if I wanted to breath or smoke.



You can control the grinder.

Coarse or fine.


Wow...I like what everyone wrote above me...hon everyone is worth the quit...Genesislazarus 


Of course you are worth it.  Why wouldn't you be?  You look like a person full of love.  With such a loving face, we KNOW you're worth it.  Stick around.  Maybe we'll convince you.  I'll tell you this, when you master quitting, your sense of pride with soar.  It's one of the greatest accomplishments you'll ever have.  Can't hurt to try, right?!   I also see a lot of determination in that face.  Use it!


Anyone that is a human being is worth having peace, happiness and love in their life.  You certainly qualify.  Get started on that quit and you'll feel so full of love for yourself that you did it.



     I'm a fan of walking the walk no matter what, rather than looking for a good feeling about quitting. Looking back to my state of mind when I was smoking, there was nothing anyone could say to convince me to quit. Now that I've had some time smober, I realize that I wanted the dependency to end in a nano second. But I overcame my nicotine addiction by staying firm about NO. No smoking. No. I felt weird and terrible for a while and at the same time a few positive feelings would pop in to my mind. But mostly, I had to do the grunt work. It's the work that fixes the mind's dependency--so I've come to believe.

   The best thing I did as a smoker was decide to quit.  It's easy to forget what didn't work about smoking--like I was coughing up phlegm often throughout the day. I wheezed a lot. I had heavy congestion in the winter. I burned holes in my clothing, car. I smoked in the dark of early morning--sometimes two cigarettes--but for what reason? Addiction. No love, no choice, no say so, nothing. I planned on getting cancer and dying from it (as if it could be imagined and planned for). Insane.

    Quit to find out why you ought to, and accept that smoker you has got to bend and mend because you say so.


yes, of course you are worth it!!  In fact you deserve to stop smoking.  we are all valuable and worthy, no matter what the circumstances we are in.  Please set your date and get going on it!!


Welcome to our community. Yes, you are worth it.  We all are worth not being enslaved to the addiction of nicotine.and it doesn't have to be a grinder either to quit.  Quitting smoking is what you make it. Quitting isn't easy but you can make it harder or you can make it easier.  Smoking has a tendency to create a low self esteems one's self-esteem.  I know I did not feel great smoking. Period. You will get better once you have a taste of freedom and not be downed by smoking. 

 It is about attitude. Don' think of it as losing a friend.  Cigarettes are the enemy. Quitting is relearning behavior and the way you think, plain and simple.  You convince yourself by telling yourself that you are worth it. /blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2016/12/10/words-matter?sr=search&searchId=c24719e0-03af-43e3-a6b4-4937237...   Come here and read through some of the blogs and quotes. Positive Affirmations and Support  Start telling yourself that you can do this and that yes you are worth it.  New beginnings resurrected.


Did you mean are you worth it? Of course you are! Or did you mean is IT worth it? Of course it is!

Welcome to Ex...we are all here for each other and would LOVE to have you join us.


Does addiction have you down, then get quit with the Sexy Exers! (Read with a commercial sales pitch voice) 

You see how crazy addiction is, it had you questioning your own self worth. I love you, you are worth it! 

On the other side, your confidence will boost, your self perception will increase, and you will have accomplished something that will make many others envious! 


I'm currently having trouble even finding a church that treats my poor and disabled family like we're people. I know that churches aren't Jesus and I'm trying to cling to His promises but I'm loosing the battle without any support. I'm supper thankful for the Ex community! Thanks for the reminder about Jesus, I'm glad you are out there too!


Your self esteem will grow, not weaken if you quit smoking


I didn't get to comment on the poll about calling us the "sexy exers" and I see you're still up to it! I've never been into trying to be sexy and have raised my children to be very modest, even around each other. BUT I like it!

You are right, I need to focus on the goal where I will have accomplished something and hey! I've already accomplished 48 hours without a smoke! I've been bad about looking at the bright side of things. Maybe this will be a whole new me in more ways than one  

Thanks for the support Jdeering! You have been most helpful to me


Big congrats on your 2 days smoke free.



You get ALL the smiles! I'm so happy for you! If you've made it 2 days without NRT, the nicotine is almost out of your system! For me, day 3 was easy except the 20 minutes when my blood sugar dropped as the last of the nicotine left my system. If possible, have a fruit juice with you suppo that if that happens, you will be able to respond to it. It is all downhill after that one. 

Besides being ecstatic that you are in your quit, and that you've proven that you are capable, I'm happy you are finding your self worth! You will continue to see your self worth, your confidence and self image will also increase. 

I'm thankful that I could be a candlelight in your dark world; your words are very kind. You've quit smoking, you have done this. Sexy can also mean exciting or appealing; we Sexy Exers are the most exciting and appealing thing there is! You made me so happy to hear you are quit! 


Day 3 and I have quit coughing!

Thanks for the line. I'll hold it like a lifeline today. So far I've been gone at appointments, cleaning out closets and on the phone. Today I don't know what I'll be doing but staying busy has made it easier. I'll have to check the 101 list!

Keep the support coming, write about anything you think of. It's about all I've got


My go to's were Sour Patch Kids and chewing on straws!



Oooo Sour Patch Kids, loooove those! Great idea Thanks


I imagine our replies aren't all you have; you'll soon be 3 days without nicotine! Remember, tell yourself, "I don't smoke anymore" and happily chuckle when you get a crave. You are completing a very difficult task but you will be better for it!

You got this! 


So far I've only got a couple Exer's who write to me. How do I get more started?


Hi Genesislazarus you are doing super...if you want more exer’s to support you...write a daily is hard with everyone volunteering to go back and read old posts when we are trying to keep up with new ones too...keep that quit going...and a Happy Friday...~ Colleen 284 DOF 


If you particularly like a Sexy Exer, go to their profile and their should be an actions drop down on the top right corner of the banner, one of the options is conversation or something like that.

If you blog, you will get a lot of attention, and you are at a critical day where you will need it the most!


Thanks Colleen! Will do right now


I'll look for it and here I go to blog. You've become a good friend and I hope I can repay the favor some way.

About the Author
Grew up in the north But raised in the South Raising my children here Loving Jesus