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Share your quitting journey

Alright, this is really embarrassing

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I worked yesterday and I came home so tired and in so much pain that I really thought I might just die but, of course, I started a load of laundry, scooped the litter box, and got on here...then I saw a pair of support panty hose on the floor and they were supposed to be in the laundry.  I was really annoyed...I picked them up and went into the bathroom and threw them into the sink with some soap and turned on the water.  I FORGOT to turn OFF the water...I flooded the bathroom AND the husband has to deal with the basement because I CAN'T...I used every towel I have and soaked the water up, had to wash and dry them AND the rugs that got soaked.  I ended up filling a huge garbage bag with all of the things that were under the sink...mostly makeup that I don't use any more...lotions that I received as gifts and did not like, and other CRAP.  I now have a clean bathroom...I can't WAIT to see my electric bill and my water bill.  Dear God...when you are THAT everyone a favor and GO TO BED!  The cat kept looking toward the bathroom and the OTHER cat was walking around in it but I was watching TV, decompressing and I didn't HEAR the water running.  Neither did my husband, he came in here and talked to me and went down to the basement...boy did he come upstairs FAST!

Love you all,


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Oh gosh. I’m sorry this happened but I’ll be honest, I laughed out loud for real!


Oh dear Ellen so sorry to hear your flooding issue, but sorry I had to laugh to as now I don't feel like the only one that forgot the running sink. Happens to the best of us. That is sure one hard way to get a clean bathroom lol.  Hope you get some good rest. Hugs!


Sorry to hear Miss Ellen but I laughed as well.   Hope you were able to get some sleep. 



Sorry.  When rains, it pours.  Literally.


I'm so sorry too Ellen, when we're that exhausted it's best to not worry about the little things like a pair of pantyhose on the floor which could have waited to be handwashed BUT I must admit that I probably would've done the same thing, I also laughed too sorry.  XO 


Oh, my, could I tell you some stories    This is tame in comparison!!  I love that you share the 'oops' moments that everyone goes through!!  You are open, honest, and really funny, Ellen, and I totally love you  


I don't know whether to laugh or cry for you, Ellen!

Bathroom's clean though and you didn't let it get to you. Remind me to tell

you why I know that regular Dawn dishwashing liquid doesn't work in a

dishwasher. I felt like I was living an episode of I Love Lucy!



Oops, There be days like that.  No need in crying over split water.  lol The bathroom is CLEAN. I know the feeling I left the water hose on for several hours.  Oops.  As we get older we have to remember to remember to double check. Love you the most. I least you did not think of smoking. All the money you save on cigarettes will cover the cost. 


All I can say is, "well sh*t!"

My first clue that my utility sink drain is clogged (where the washer drains) is usually noticing all the windows in the mudroom are fogged.  Mine has two rag rug runners in it.  When they get flooded, they weight about 50 pounds.  There is very little in the line of house Oooops that can top a flooded room.  Hope the floor will be OK!

Rest today!


I didn't laugh, because I know just how tired you were.  Brian once flooded the kitchen with water, when trying to clean out a drain upstairs in the bathtub, it all ran through the ceiling into the kitchen cupboards.  After that he was not allowed to touch any plumbing in the house, lol.


kristen-9.7.15, shashort‌, RachelMB‌, Barbscloud‌, MarilynH, SimplySheri‌, DonnaMarie‌, JACKIE1-25-15‌, YoungAtHeart‌, Christine13

I am glad that I was able to make everyone laugh...I HOPE the floor will be alright but I find building screwups in this house every day so who knows?  Poor Mike...he has so much stuff stored in the basement.  I refuse to go down there, it was bad enough when it wasn't wet.  I feel terrible.  At least he kept telling me over and over again that it wasn't my fault...of course that just got me to scream "THEN WHOSE FAULT IS IT?"  

I really have to learn to accept that when I am exhausted, the only thing I can reasonably do is to sleep.

Happy last day of July.



Oh no!!


Oh no Ellen. You do so much you are just overtired. You need a break. Sending you many hugs


I have to say my friend, "It happens to the best of us"    Good sound advice, if you're tired, go to bed!  LOL!  


deena-a-yenni‌ I was horrified and I have no idea what damage was done downstairs...I can't go and look.  WHY do I think I have to do laundry after working all day?  How ridiculous.


Barb102   I think you are right...I might need the kind of BRAKE that stops one from going an emergency brake.


Sandy-9-17-17‌ I was so tired and even one day a week working is a lot for me.  Switching to Sundays changed up my routine and I was, for some reason, even more tired than usual.  I am still embarrassed.  I just told my son and he asked me why I didn't call him, he said he could at least have helped with the mopping.  I told him I did not need any less space in the bathroom, I was just crammed in there as it was and I was throwing things away like a crazy person. I would NOT have wanted to argue.  I think the garbage can outside must weigh 50 lbs because of all the wet stuff in it.  The garbage men are going to HATE us, sorry.


Oh dear Ellen elvan‌, don't you worry so much, let's flip the situation, if Mike were the one working, and you were just relaxing that day, things might have been different, right?

And here, to make you smile, the dog groomer was not happy with Nello's knots in the hair over his ears; he gets serious allergies, and I used a solution to calm his itching, and he was scratching it and making all kind of knots in his beautiful hair.  He ended up being groomed very closely..



Oooops. It happens. Dang, though. 


awe diffinite NAPTIME-God willing next time.


This story will be especially fun looking BACK on it. Oy.  

monkey shaking head emoticon


Daniela2016‌ He looks ADORABLE!  maryfreecig‌...yes it does happen but my poor back is not happy with me.  Wet towels are really heavy...indingrl‌ yes, a nap would have been smarter.  There's always NEXT time.  Giulia‌ I really hope I can find some more humor in this than I am feeling at the moment.  Oh and learn...HOPEFULLY.


Oh Ellen, It happened for a reason, I believe that everything happens for a reason, but it definitely should not have been you, and please do not be embarrassed, many people have done this sort of thing and believe they weren't even tired as you were.....I am one of those people!  haha! So now I will share the embarrassment with you!  Oh my gosh, it is not fun cleaning stuff like that up!  Wish I could have sent you a magic mopping fairy to help you with that!  Many hugs my dear friend!  Rest easy and don't worry about those strong garbage men....they'll handle it! 



OH LORD! No----I could not laugh at this as I can just picture myself doing the same. We have hard wood throughout so that would be a nightmare!!!!! Once...when our basement flooded because a pipe broke, the cat did come and sit on my son and kept touching his arm with her paw and then running to the basement door. Their litter was in the basement. I still swear she got my son's attention so that not too much flooding happened. Watch those cats Ellen!!!!!


Sandy-9-17-17   I WAS so exhausted and I really need to give myself a break when I get home from work but I ALWAYS do my laundry's not like I have never done anything like this before...I have, a little fatigue and distraction and I am completely off balance.  Thanks for the thoughts about the mopping fairy...those towels were SO HEAVY.

Sootie‌ We just have vinyl or whatever the Hell it is in the bathrooms, the kitchen, and the laundry room, no hardwood.  We have Pergo throughout the rest of the house, thank God it did not get out of the bathroom.  I really do think the cats were trying to say something...poor Bijou was on the bed and she can't get off by herself, she can barely walk...she kept staring in the direction of the bathroom.  I SHOULD have paid attention to her and the other one who kept walking into the bathroom...I am sure he left wet footprints all over but there are area rugs where he walked.

Oh's over. I will be more aware for a while anyways.



"but I ALWAYS do my laundry then" - that's like saying, I ALWAYS smoke after dinner.  If you can change the smoking "always" you can certainly apply that to other areas of your life.  No?  Just sayin'.....


Giulia‌ Point taken, well played, my friend, well played.


Smile.  ♥


 I'm smiling too  ♡


I did the same thing but in my back yard with a sprinkler yesterday.  We live in Houston and it’s been so terribly hot and dry that I finally had to water the lawn.  3 hours later, I remembered I turned on the Long story short, I flooded my yard and 1/2 of my neighbors.  At least the birds had a nice 


Lvyles‌ At least you don't have to clean it up with every towel you own.  I was not ten feet away from the bathroom but between the fan, the TV, the air conditioning...guess my hearing is really getting baaaaad...  I am sure you made the birds AND your neighbors happy.  I got the water bill today which cannot reflect my flooding but it is STILL up...I have no idea why.  How annoying, can't wait to get the one that DOES reflect the flood.  


Oh my gosh Ellen! You were just way too tired! Hope you have been able to get some rest my dear! 


I am a work in progress.  I think I am so afraid of not being able to get things done when I can that I don't even recognize how tired I am until I do something really stupid.  Unfortunately, it happens more often than I would like it to but I am getting there.  

Member that's a topper!  That happening out does me by a long shot. When I am overly-tired OMG, I feel as though my back is itching & my scalp. Also, please don't let me "all of a sudden need to read something". Start looking for my damn glasses & my girls look at me like I have 6 heads because they are on the top of my head. {You'd think that I'd check since this is repetitive}.  SMH


fmorris‌ My glasses LIVE on top of my head most of the time but I never look there first.  


I have to brag - yes, indeedy I DO!  I weeded one (make that ONE) flower bed a day for the past three days!  Pruned a few bushes as I went - but I actually STOPPED after getting just ONE bed done!  This morning I worked in the garage a bit so that the Overhead Door repair guy could get to what he needed.  Then I did ONE bed!!   I went grocery shopping yesterday, then to the pool and LIMITED MYSELF to only four lengths of the pool - no water walking - JUST four lengths.  Must admit to being a tad sore from not taking a day off in there - but just a TAD.

See - elvan‌ - it IS possible -  not easy, I must admit, but possible!!  Let this be a lesson to you!!!!

Overdoing it is not in our best interest!


While am concerned about the problem & the damage it has caused, I don't think you would have posted this if you didn't feel it was funny too. I did something similar (sorta) a few years ago.

The girls had clogged their bathroom sink drain with all their hair along with hair ties & bobby pins. It was a Sunday morning so while they went to church I decided I would take the time to unclog the sink & have some time left over for Mike. I had seen that our Kirby could be transformed into a blower & one of the applications was to blow out sink clogs. Always willing to try something new & rigged it up. I put the end of the hose into the drain, sealed my hand around the hose & switched it on. Didn't really see what happened because it was so fast. I look up & there's a black gunky crap all over me, the mirror, counter-top, face of cabinets, walls, door & into the hall because the door was open. What I had failed to do was plug the overflow drain at the top of the bowl. After plugging it, I turn the vacuum back on & unclogged the sink. It took every bit of the time I had left until my family came home to clean up my mess. Next time I do it the old fashioned way & take the p-trap apart.

M n @ Signature 002-2.JPG


Yep, I'm laughing again!  I think there are too many of us do it yourself-er's Mike!  Ha Ha!  I do it myself whenever I can!  

I have never heard of anyone using the Kirby for that, but I have heard it can be done!  Too bad we don't keep those instructions around!  It might well have warned you!


Oh, my dear, I add my voice to the chorus of those who love you and cringe at the scenario you faced.  I find that a) I tire so much more quickly than I did even a year ago; b) the more tired I am the less organized I am and I wasn't so organized to begin with; c) when I'm tired I can lose something I had in my hand 30 seconds ago.  I'm moving on Monday and I'm SO stressed out, but I did get an offer (finally) on my condo.  I'm sure when I've had a night's sleep I'll be elated. 


Mike.n.Atlanta   Oh dear, Mike, I was cringing when I was reading this because I considered doing that in our old house where the plumbing was so old and awful that it would probably have blown out the kitchen downstairs from the bathroom upstairs.  I did think it was funny...sort of, it is funnier NOW than it was on Sunday night but I still have not recovered from the fatigue.  That was a GREAT story, thank you for sharing.



djmurray‌ I so am glad that you  have an offer on the condo, that HAS to help you to feel a little better.  I cannot imagine the stress of moving in this heat and humidity.  I can hardly make it to the mailbox.  I am not a fan of this weather and neither are my lungs.  Yeah, the fatigue and the forgetfulness DO seem to be on the rise...this gettin' old is definitely not for sissies.

Love you, Donna.  I can't wait for you to feel settled and get some rest.


About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.