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Share your quitting journey


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so i'm just going to put it out there, just because you all seem non-judgemental...but i do like to drink.  definitely afraid to though while quitting smoking.  the two go hand in hand with me.

anybody else struggled with this? suggestions?  should i definitely avoid drinking for awhile and for how long do you think?  but i guess what i'm really worried about is that i'm trying to give up two habits at once...not sure if that is setting me up for failure.

17 Comentarios

Alcohol is one of two ways to lose an early or even NML quit.

If you must drink, limit yourself to one and then drink water.

Don't drink when there's access to cigarettes. When you've unlearned the hand to mouth for awhile, you can work it back in.

If you have to be around smokers, put a little vicks under your nose as a quit reminder.


I think asking yourself to do both at once is asking a lot.....but you really shouldn't drink early in your quit journey.  We have heard over and over on here of folks who have lost their quits by drinking.  I like what Dale suggested - just one - if you must.  The idea is that you don't know your tipping point - the point at which your addicted brain tells you, "one will be OK" and you believe it!

You might try staying away from bars and parties where there is a lot of drinking and smoking early in your quit. I define early as the first 130 days.  Seems a long time, but you probably smoked for much longer!

I;m glad you asked!



I just quit alcohol about 6 years ago. Thank God ,I didn't have to deal with that AND SICKERETTES!!  I've failed quite a few times at quitting ole Nicodemon. THIS IS MY LAST QUIT. My mind feels right. My focus & mindset are sooo important. Keep reading about addiction. Once an addict, always an addict.

Candy        11  DOF


thanks everyone, good stuff....think i'm going to try to give it a break for a little while.  trying to think one day at a time, but i have a feeling the weekend is going to be rough (1st smoke-free weekend).  you all might be hearing from me more come saturday.


237 days and I am definitely afraid to have a drink , smoking and drinking go together like peanut butter and jelly for me , I don't know how long sense you quit but I would take it slow if you decide to have a drink.


Had my first beer after quitting on my first year anniversary. I also had a Coke on the same day. Giving up alcohol & Cokes was part of my commitment of doing whatever needed to remain quit. Coke was a trigger for me & alcohol is a major quit killer so I wasn't about to expose myself to all that. But that's just me.

Listen to Dale up there if you must drink.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


one thing. people who have quit for 10 or 20 years almost always lose their quit to drinking.

drinking makes people lose their memory and focus as to what was important to them before they drank too much.


I am only on Day 5 and I too am nervous about drinking.  I don't drink daily, but I do like to have a few when I am out with friends.  A few of us at work do a Girl's Night on Wednesdays after work.  We had them on hold for a bit since year end around here is extremely busy.  So now that things have calmed down they want to go out next week.  I told them I was very nervous and wanted to sit this week out.  They assured me that they would hold my hand and make sure I was cool.  May just have some water and not drink, but I am gonna get on with my life and hang out with my friends.  Good thing is that it is a no smoking bar and only one of the girls smokes, so it's not in my face.  Just not sure about the alcohol yet.


Drinking is the biggest, fastest quit killer we know of.  It only seems like you're giving up two habits at once.  Drinking you can go back to, however.  So you're not giving it up.  You're just being smart and protecting your baby quit in it's early stages.  Until you're secure in your quit, the object is to AVOID known triggers.  And ease them back in gradually.  As Dale said, have A drink (if you must) and get out of the setting if you are tempted to have more, or to bum a cigarette.  You want to help yourself and your quit, not make it more difficult.  n'est-ce pas?

And PS - try to re-arrange your thinking - you're not "giving up" cigarettes - they are not your friend.  Parting from them is not 'sweet sorrow.'  You are giving up being a victim to an addiction.  You are giving up slavery.  You are giving up that which is killing you slowly.  And you are gaining strength and empowerment.  Come on Champ, you can do it!


jdrabbit01 sounds like your situation is similar.  i really don't think i trust myself yet...not this early in the quit being that it's only day 3.

thanks everybody, time to pick up some much healthier habits!


Not sure what your preference is, but for example if it was a mixed drink of any kind you could try sipping flavored sparkling water. That way you have the fizz and some flavor. Noone will tell you its going to be easy, but you can do this especially if you keep asking for advice and protecting your quit. Good for you 🙂


right on...good idea


I have had good luck in the past with non-alcoholic beer.  They make some good tasting ones, and you don't lose your inhibitions. 


I was thinking of going the Virgin Strawberry Daquiri route myself.  I still get to have my fruity drink, just without the alcohol.  I'm feeling really strong in this quit, but not nearly ready to tempt fate yet.


Welcome and come and blog as often as you need to read as much as you can to help to strengthen your quit. You can do this, stay strong. 



I still have a glass of wine sometimes two at dinner... but I don't sit in the bar and drink... and I I knew I would not smoke.... it was not an option.. and I never drinked so much that that thought was forgotten. 


it only takes a couple extra drinks and a good mood to lose your inhibitions along with your quit.