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Share your quitting journey


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Here I am sitting at the hospital again. Husband had another heart attack Thursday night. Heart is slowly healing but his lungs are having a very difficult time. He is on the vent trying to wean him off but not able to tolerate and has to rely on the vent to breath. He wants to live and hopefully his lungs will heal enough to get off the vent. Yes he is a smoker STOP STOP Go through that discomfort to stop, trust me it is not pain you are feeling when you quit. Want to feel the pain then keep on smoking. I tink it will be slot easier for you to quit. The tools are here to help you. Just do it. Love to all Staying strong. I did it now you do it. Stay smoke free. Be heahtly. Keep your body moving.

Oh noooooo, Trudy, I cannot imagine what you are going through.  You have seriously had enough of hospitals...particularly when you are there keeping a vigil for a beloved family member.  Prayers and thoughts and love and strength are being sent to you!  I so hope this vent experience will help your husband to are so right that it is not pain you feel when you quit smoking, it is LIFE you feel.

Love you dear, dear lady,



You and Your Husband are in my prayers


Oh goodness.  When when your dear husband understand that there's more pain in smoking than in not.  I feel for you.  Prayers going up.


I am so sorry you are having to go through this again.  I am afraid hubby still believes all the brainwashing we are subjected to (even the NRT commercials make it seem SO difficult).

I hope for your sake (and his) that he starts to understand his current path will lead to a really bad result - and he has such a berter chance at a good one if he quits.  Remember, too, that he doesn't have to want to quit, but he needs to be willing to quit.

You both will be in my prayers,



Trudy, I am thinking of you and praying for you and your family!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


You're in my thoughts an prayers.


Praying for you and your family. 


You are in my thoughts and prayers too, I feel so bad that you are going through all of this and I pray that your husband realizes that he needs to quit smoking for his own health and well being and for you . (((Huge Hug for you)))


Im praying for you and your family.

The journey continues


Sending prayers I hope he gets better soon. 


Thinking about you, Trudy, and hoping that your husband makes it through and realizes that it's much more painful to be on a ventilator than it is to quit.  You're a strong and inspiring example, Trudy, of how we go through lifes trials realize that smoking never fixes anything.


I am sending a prayer for you and your husband Trudy.....please take care and keep blogging! 


My Dad was a heavy smoker but after surgery and a hospital stay he was able to quit He said being in the hospital really helped him in the early weeks I hope it does the same for your husband Trudy . I thought my Dad would never quit but he became an inspiration for me !

My prayers are with you and your family !

Stay Strong and Carry On ....."When you are weak ,Then He is strong "


So sorry to hear this. I'm adding my thoughts and prayers- for your husband to heal, and to realize that he does have the strength to quit. You have been through so much. Hugs and prayers going out for you as well.


I had a heart attack, a silent one within the last 3 months and a stroke in 2005, have a stint in my carotid artery.  I am so sorry for your distress and your husband's pain, would like to add you as a friend as soon as I figure out how.

God Bless


About the Author
I am a Nutritarian. My smoking quit date 2/12/2015. Quit smoking is my newest chapter in my healthy lifestyle journey. My healthy lifestyle journey begain 2/12/2014. I have enjoyed this journey, it is full of wonderful benefits! I am looking forward to all the wonderful benefits from becoming a non smoker. I am 60 and retired. I have a daughter and a son. I have one grandson and 2 granddaughters.   In Memory of my husband 4/26/1957 - 5/17/2016 SAVE A LIFE - LET IT BE YOURS My son Matthew. Will never to be forgotten. Will be loved always and His light will shine in my heart forever. 10/16/1985 - 3/24/2018