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Share your quitting journey

Admitting It.

0 14 171

I relapsed.

14 Comentarios

Well you aren't the first to relapse and you certainly won't be the last.  Learn from that relapse and get back on the proverbial horse!  Read, read, read,'ve seen the links that are provided....go back to the home page and go through your quit plan.

Quitting IS doable....we have a Site filled with just have to find the road that will work for you.....

Chin up Miz Indiana!!!!!   Let's do this!!!!!!



Stop and get back on track immediately otherwise you will make it harder for yourself to quit.  Seems those nicodemons build more muscle with any relapse.  Don't look back. What's done is done.  It's all forward from here.  We are here for you.


Don't beat yourself up.  Dust yourself off, lift up your chin and get back in the game of being an exsmoker.  You can do this...we are here to support you!!!


You're definately not the first person to relapse, and you definately need to get back on track.  The keys to success:  Commit, Commit, Commit!  and Educate, Educate, Educate!  Stop and evaluate what caused you to relapse and learn from it.  But don't let the nicodemon win!  You can succeed!  You just have to stay focused.  Use this site!  The people here are family and they are here to help.  Ask for help before you relapse, it works.  Keep confident and you will succeed!  


o7, Smoking is never an option! EVER! It's not always going to be easy but it's (o) so worth it!


Just look at the relapse long enough to figure out how the addictive thoughts (aka nico-demon) tricked you.  Whether it was stress, anger, sadness, boredom.... what it REALLY was, was this tricky addiction using something as an excuse to pick up. Close up that chink in your armor and figure out how you can prepare to not fall for the BS again...... That done, put it behind you and start again. 

I comend you for admitting it!  I hope you start over right away because the longer we smoke, the harder it is to stop again. 

You can do this!!  Stick close to the site and blog for help next time you feel in danger of picking up. Give us a chance to help you first.  Read the suggested reading, because it really can make all the difference in staying quit.  and my fav. Allen Carr's book  Here's a link to that, free online, if you're interested.  Education is one of the keys to a successful quit.

You can do this!!!  I know because if I can anyone can. 


get back up and go again, the longer you wait the harder it is to quit, i know i did it to many times,


You have to get up and try again. You need to quit right now and start racking up those days again! You can do it!


Hope you jump back on the wagon soon!!! You might want to check out these links---if you already doesn't hurt to refresh 🙂  


Read and educate youself about nicotine addiction, if you have alread done that you need a refresher course. There is never a reason to smoke as it does nothing for you, smoking only takes.  Blog for help before you smoke.


Relapse Traps.  Click on the previous link.   Keep reading.



Hi! There is NOTHING on your page to help us know...when you quit so we know how far you were into loiong your quit or how long you smoked or anything at all...

OK THEN...welcome back!

How about some info so Iwe know how to help!

Takes a lot of courage and integrity to start over publically...looks like you have got this if you want it! xo


I just blogged & somebody told me to come back and read these comments

And I am so glad I have!

I will put more information on my page.

That's all I could say that day I blogged that.  I slunk away after that.

I need a quit plan, a real one this time...

Thank you all for your comments -