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Acid Reflex

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Hi everyone..... Nice to see and hear from you. 235 days of freedom for myself today and very proud of myself.,ans especially all of you.....I have been experiencing acid reflex-or seems like that... not sure if I ever have had it or know what it it. But what I have heard is it feels like hot in chest,and in throat area. Also feel like I could vomit if I really tried the finger thing.....yuck-sorry. But does this have anything to do with quiting smoking>?  I know stupid question(maybe) But I'm gonna ask away anyway's. Love to all of you great folks and nicotine is NOT an option.......


11 Comentarios

HI DEB I don't know if it could be stress related I am having problems with lots of canker sores in my mooth which i think may be stress related I relied on cigarettes to manage stress for so long that I think my body needs to adjust to aN Ex -SmoKinG LIFE !

i AM WITH YOU THoUgH I do not want tO GO Back bUT It is hard gettinG THESE Negative symptomS ! SORRY MY ComputER HAs gone CraZy again ! iT WORKS GOOD FOR AWHILE Then HERE IT GOES AGAIN !  LOL


Smoking contributes to acid reflux in that it weakens the closure btween the stomach and esophagus.

I happen to know a lot about this because I have it to the point of pre-cancer in my esophagus.

Talk with your Dr. about a proton pump inhibitor.

Raise the head of your bed

Eat smaller meals,

don't lay down within 3 hours of eating.

Don't drink alcohol, eat high acid foods, or peppermint. chocolate is also an irritant.


one more thing, if you are a side sleeper, sleep on your left side so that valve is on the high side.

If you sleep on your right side the acid the acid can easily back right up into your esophagus.


Good to see you, Deb!  Sorry you're suffering with the acid reflux -- my sister gets it really badly.  I'm lucky -- I've only had it a couple of times, but I know how miserable it is.  Kudos on your beautiful 235 days!


Agree with jonescarp here.  Raise the head of your bed.  I had GERD and doing that has helped.  If you need ideas on how to raise your bed, let me know.  Also true - stop eating at least 3 hours before lying down.  Alcohol stimulates it.  Not a stupid question at all.  HAVE IT CHECKED OUT!    NO at this stage of your quit - your symptoms have NOTHING TO DO WITH QUITTING.  Again I say - have it checked out.  If it IS gastic related there are many remedies.  Either way you need to know for sure.  Untreated acid reflux can lead to much bigger problems that you dont' want. 


Have you tried Tums or Maalox.  Proton pump inhibitors have lots of side effects.  There are ultimately very unhealthy.  I had a scope done.  I never had indigestion when I was smoking.  The doctor said I had erosion around my esophagus and that was not uncommon for smokers. I had problems for quite awhile, I used Tums and sometimes Maalox.  It finally went away. Drink lots of water.  Hope you feel better.   


Hello Deborah!!  Haven't seen you lately.  I had some painful heartburn between day 30 to day 70.   I can't go back and recreate so I was quitting , still using the patch And was weaning off nexium.  I am Still quit.  I am done with the patch.   And I went back to nexium every other day.  No more heartburn.   I'm just reporting where I am in my actions, I wish I could help you more.  For me nexium (proton pump inhibitor works good and now doing every other day.  Get better!  That is miserable!!


Good to see you Deborah, I miss hearing from you.  I don't think any questions are stupid, how would we learn anything if we were afraid to ask?  I think that acid reflux is miserable, I have had very little experience with it personally but my husband suffers terribly with it and I have almost called an ambulance in the past because he looked and acted like he was having a heart attack.  He was clearly in agony.  He goes back and forth between Nexium and Prilosec and another one I cannot remember.  He does lay down after eating despite numerous warnings not to.  I hope you feel better...I would pay close attention to what Dale says because he has a significant amount of personal experience.

Hugs, lady.



Hi, Deb!

While we're on the subject...

The opposite of acid is alkaline. Look for alkaline rich foods and drink lots of water with either lime or baking soda added. I prefer lime. Avoid coffee, citrus, tomatoes, processed meats, chocolate (as already mentioned). Another home remedy is Apple Cider Vinegar. 

And by all means, PLEASE consult your Doctor!!!!

Congrats on staying Smoking FREE!


OH there goes that smarty pants Thomas again!  I have read about diets leaning alkaline.  And there are people that believe alkaline water drinking is the way and the truth!  I do have to say, I occasionally take a big chug of apple cider vinegar and that is supposed to be good for lots of things.  

Hope you figure it out!   (and the dr. idea is always a good one)


Oh wow I have been dealing with this issue for a good 2wks( with my husband) thanks for all the wonderful advice. Congrat on 235 days of feeling good!!