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Share your quitting journey

A very indelicate subject - flatulence

2 31 169

I was talking to my daughter last night about the subject of the malodorous gas that seems to have developed since I stopped smoking.  She had stopped several months ago and then restarted and   I remembered her complaining about gas and I actually remembered experiencing it in the past when I quit.  I am fairly sure that it comes from the changes in my diet, I am trying to eat more healthy things but I AM eating more often to push away the urges. I also suspect that nicotine acts as a gastrointestinal stimulant and when it is withdrawn, there are some side effects.  In any event, I asked her when it ends and I really thought everyone here would, once again, love her sense of humor, she said, “It doesn’t end, it’s just that now that you don’t smoke anymore you can SMELL it.”  I laughed until I cried, along with her suggestion for a reality show for people who stop smoking. 

  I am pretty sure that this is a temporary annoyance but I am thinking that I am going to have to not eat when I am working for obvious reasons.  I never used to eat when I was at work because I would go out for a cigarette at what would have been my lunch time.  I never took more than a five minute break and now I just don’t take a break but I do nibble on stuff.  I work in a café…we always have freshly baked items and soups and fruits, a well stocked salad bar, etc.  I must say that I find it really unpleasant and I want it to go away.  Now that I don’t smell like smoke, I have replaced it with something either just as bad or worse.

It’s clearly not enough to make me smoke…as I get closer and closer to NML.  I am not letting the NicoDemon get me this time. 

If anyone has any advice, I’d really appreciate it and if I have, in any way, offended anyone, please accept my apology.

31 Comentarios

It is flamable burn it off.Harv:-)


Well, that's just great, I gave away every lighter and match I own.  ]\


your digestive system has been running very well with the aid of nicotine for many years.

You take it away and it's payback time.

Usually the first month and constipation can abound/abind also.


So, it should end as I enter NML?  At least approximately?


It depends on your body as to when it will go away.

My medications give me gass, so I'm s#$&%@).



Sugar substitutes such as Splenda will also cause you if your eating a lot of hard candy...chewing gum or snacking on the so called healthy things like granola bars etc..things that are prepackaged its gauranteed your getting more fake sugars then your used too before quitting. Sometimes our diets change with out us realizing it because we are trying to satisfy that oral thing...and trying to eat more healthy. Nicotene also relaxes the bowels so when we quit...they kind of have to regroup...yep constipation can set in....eating a lot of fiber when your not used to it can also bring on gas. It will work itself out! Give it a month or so..and everything in moderation.


I went to my doctor complaining of this when I quit....I was binging on Werthers candys...yep that was the cause of my gas!


I work in a bar.... we all smell like a cold beer every now and then! Love the humor of all this, its just makes us NORMAL... I feel it is  just the way our body says O-KEY--Dokkey--Non Smokie!  Good job..well done Love ya all.... Susie


I have been chewing sugar free gum and I also have been snacking on granola and fruits.  Even made myself a little pepper salad yesterday...banana peppers, roasted red peppers, and artichoke hearts.  It was great but I think my intestinal tract was less than impressed.  I haven't changed any medications but there is a chance that they are reacting differently without the nicotine.  Thanks for the advice, moderation is such a crappy word when you are craving...I swear, even the cats' treats are starting to look good to me.  


My daughter, the one who is also quitting, works as a restaurant manager and does her share of bartending and waitressing, she keeps me going with her sense of humor.  We figured the reality show could be the "Witches of Nicotine"...this whole thing really IS funny.


sugar free gum always gave me gas. artificial sweeteners of any kind do that to me.


HMMMMMMMMM  A rather potent weapon for a witch  LMAO


I think I remember that happening to me in the past but I always chewed gum after a cigarette so I wouldn't smell so bad...yeah right, I should have taken a SHOWER in peppermint.  I am probably chewing a LOT faster and swallowing a lot more air these days.


or is that potion weapon ............


Potent potion!


deadly as hell either way  LOL


Chewing gum didn't used to be sugar free...heck I think only the last 10 yrs or so did they start that. Lol, better gas I guess then smoke! 


Guess it is better gas than smoking (unless you happen to be stuck in a small space with me) about second hand smoke!  I think second hand gas might be in need of a study as well,


they make silent fans, but perhaps you'd want a loud one?




As a wise old man once said, "tis better outside, than inside. LET 'ER RIP!!!!!!"


This might work if you wear it upside down.

Intake close to source, exhaust downward toward pet air zone.



My poor cats would probably try to bury me....with good reason.  I am going to bed, I am such a bundle of energy these days.

Thanks for all of the suggestions.


Dear Elvan. Be thankful that it will pass for you. Mine wont cause of surgerys.. What a gas  lol  I am going to hate it when I start and if I date again. lol.. Susie and Oldbones you made me laugh my but off. much needed.. And One thing that really gives me gas so bad that my family wont allow me to eat it when I am at family get togethers is salads. They banned them.. lmbo.. Have a nice night.. Erma


Take your cat to work and blame it on the cat! LOL (P.S. Don't tell my Grandkitty I said that!!!)


Elvan I am 5 months smoke free and still have gas issues/bloating.  I have discovered that chewing gum was an issue as was drinking my water through a straw, both cause you to swallow too much air which causes gas/bloating.

I take gas x daily and that is helping.  My family is pretty impressed on how much and how loud I fart.  People at work um, not too impressed!


I am glad that I am clearly not alone in this and that it WILL pass, no pun intended.  I will pay more attention to my diet.  Wish I COULD take my cat(s) to work, but somehow, I do not think cats would be welcomed at a cafe.  

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


Digestive issues cropping up is par for the course for lots of us.  I blogged about it too... Argh.  Umpf.  Blah. 

It does get better over time!  Promise.

Your body is also detoxing so that is part of my theory too.  It is really common and I had so many private messages about this so you are not alone.

I found Gas X to be of some relief...

Keep on keepin on and thanks for raising an issue that many EXperience!


I had not tried Gas X but will absolutely get some and I really think I will probably not snack at work, I think it makes it worse and I never really know what is going to set me off although I DO know that their baked goods are extremely rich and I shouldn't be eating them anyways.

Glad so many people responded because I really did want to know there was an end in sight at some point.

Have a great Monday, if there IS such a thing.


Ellen. I know this is from 2014. I’m still having the problem on day 163. I have Chrohm disease and it really making it worse for me. I’m going to try the gas x and stop sucking on peppermints. Besides uncomfortable it’s embarrassing 

I feel bad I blamed the cats when friends came over



It is most definitely embarrassing...have you tried those charcoal capsules?  They help a LOT with odor.

Acerca del autor
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.