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Share your quitting journey

A new day

1 5 17

Hello everyone. yesterday when I posted i was really emtional. .This morning i feel a lot better. It is a new day. I am very blessed over my quit. I can breathe a lot eassier.and I dont smell horrible anymore. My lungs thanks me. My grandchildren are closer to me now .Just going down on the 7mg patch is kinda hard. But I will never give in or up. I love not smoking. A girl asked me for a cigarette the other day and I told her her that i dont smoke. It felt really good to tell her that i did not smoke I am so proud of myself. And i joined the group my daily pledge.I think Terrie told me about that. Thanks Terrie. I hope everyone has a nice day.

5 Comentarios

Like we've said, this quit thing is a roller coaster ride with ups and downs and twists and turns.  Enjoy the good days and know when you have a lousy one that another good one is coming!!

Glad today is a good one!



Good for you, Kathy. I used the patch this time because I felt I just needed that extra boost to get me through the early days. And, after doing all of the recommended reading that people here suggested, I quit the patch about a week or so earlier than recommended. In some ways, the patch makes it easier. But it also keeps the addiction to nicotine going. I don't know if you have had time to read the Allen Carr book, some of the material on, our lists of crave busters or 100 things to do instead of smoking. But, at a point, you do need to let go of the NRT and learn to rely on your commitment and resolve to stay quit. Reading the suggested materials goes a long way toward achieving the proper frame of mind needed to succeed. Another good one is to say out loud "I don't do that anymore" when a crave hits. Hang in there. You're doing great! And it is an emotional roller coaster in the beginning. You just have to ride it out. 


Woohoo way to stay commited to your quit! 


You are doing this - way to go! 


Stay Strong, Kathy! You are doing this!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!