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Share your quitting journey

A good day to all ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

1 14 44

I slept half decent the last couple of nights so I was awake at 6 thinking about getting a batch of bread on early so I got up at 6 : 30 and with hubbys help we had it in the bowl by 7: 10 and I did it on one coffee . I don't know about any of you my fellow Exers but when I was still smoking almost a yr and a half ago , I would need at least 3 cups of coffee and at least 6 cigarettes before I could even consider doing anything especially a batch of bread but now as long as I get a decent nights sleep, I'm ready to accomplish a task shortly after waking up. I want everyone to embrace your quits and realize my friends there's life after cigarettes and if you stick with it you'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that staying strong and hanging on tight to your precious quit was and is the best decision you ever made or will ever make again in your lifetime because a few weeks of discomfort and roller coaster ups and downs of mood swings is so worth it once you get to that good place and after a lifetime of smoking it only makes sense that it's going to take some time to relearn different ways of handling situations without smoking but it's sooooooo worth it so stay willing, committed and determined and you can and will be smiling knowing that you are living your beautiful forever quit. 

Marilyn 544 DOF and counting 


As always.  Your blog speaks volumes to me.  Sadly I didn't heed your advice and I'm back on day two of a determined quit.  I've seen many restart they're quit.  By working my program daily, throughout the day, my plan is to never restart again.  Staying vigilant you would say and I thank you for your daily input and the ability to include the story of your day which makes it interesting and personal.  I know other's do as well.


Good Morning!

Bread is Good!



I love the smell of fresh baked bread.

I love the warm bread with real butter.

Thanks for the memory!

Have a great day!


Warm bread?  Here I COME!  Your hubby is SO spoiled - but since he quit smoking, too, I guess it's OK!

Warm, drizzly, overcast, gray here - yet again.  but - I'll take it over snow and the teens!!!  I want to make a New Year's/winter wreath of greens to send to my daughter (she was here so didn't get a Xmas one) - but can't seem to find a day when they aren't sopping wet!  I guess I'll just have to wear rubber gloves and get to it!!!

Enjoy the rest of your day!



Good morning.  Sounds like your day sarted off wih a bang.  Fresh bread! Enjoy the rest of it. I am just piddlin around the house.  Looks like it is going to be another warm day.  Going to do some me time. Have a good one.  Talk with you later.  349 DOF


I am so coming to live with you!!! All these yummy things you bake!!


i will be there to marilyn.      i can smell the bread down here.           we r going to eat good kris.


I'll drive!  I'll swing by and pick you up joe! Then off to Marilyins!

I wonder if the freedom train would be so kind to drop us off. Hmm?


i hear marilyn is a hell of a cook too. her husband eats good...


Yum! Fresh baked bread, so good.Thanks for your daily blog Marilyn. It's good to have that reminder!Have a great afternoon! I am going to listen to Brandy sing and maybe do some dancing tonight. Just popped on to make my daily comments!

Terrie  187  DOF


There you go with the bread again.  I agree that I am much more capable of handling things and getting them done without smoke breaks.  Happy Saturday.  (((HUGS)))


I definately agree Marilyn, I get so much more done in the mornings and throughout the day now that I don't smoke. It's great! I love your daily blogs, even if they do sometimes make me very hungry lol


So jelly of the bread. Of course, I could make some if I wanted to. 😃


My alarm didn't go off the other day at 5:00 am for work (I had all sounds off !!! ) I awoke at 6:30 and I had to be there at 7:00 am well I flew around getiing dressed and washed and out of the house ! I never go to Dunkin donuts in the morning but this time I treated myself on the way . I knew I would never have been able to do that had I still been smoking ! I was very slow in the morning I had to smoke and smoke with at least 2 cups of coffee then I was ready to move after I had my nicotne fix and level back up !

I wasn't on the computer yesterday one of our bunnies bit the wire to my laptop ! Have a relaxing evening and a nice day tomorrow My friend.

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....