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Share your quitting journey

A day to remember

7 29 276

This is a weird day for me.  I am celebrating 1400 days of freedom, three years and ten months.  Those of you who have been here for three years might remember that I suffered a monumental loss on my ten month anniversary.  I wrote a blog celebrating my 10 months before I left for work and a little after 3:00, while I was at work, my husband called and said, “The house is on fire.”  I honestly did not believe him, I thought something that could be handled with an extinguisher was all there was going to be.  I responded reflecting my denial and I said, “I am at work, I can’t do anything right now.”  I had three students in line waiting to check out so they could get back to class.  I insisted on checking them out.  My boss had overheard what I said and knew that my phone had been ringing sort of nonstop just before that call and afterwards.  She asked me what was going on and I told her that my husband called and said the house was on fire.  She said, “Ellen, you HAVE to go.”  I told her I couldn’t because my husband had the car and he wasn’t going to come and pick me up…I live very close to where I worked. She said, “I am taking you home, NOW.”  I picked up my stuff and I followed her out to her car…I could hear multiple sirens and I could see and smell smoke, all of a sudden, it hit me that this was really serious.  When we got to my road they would not let us pass.  I live on a hill and I said, that is MY HOUSE that is burning and I cannot walk up that hill, I have emphysema and I am already short of breath because of the smoke.  They let me go to a few houses down the road from my house and sternly told me not to go running toward the house…I can’t run.  I asked where my husband was and if they had gotten my cats out…my BELOVED cats.  Mina had just turned 19, Poe was 9, and Zep who was the love of my life, was just 6.  They assured me that they knew about the cats and that everything would be okay.  I listened to the windows breaking, I watched a large hole from something blowing through the tin roof, I could still hear sirens and people talking on radios and shouting back and forth.  It was seriously the experience of nightmares. I kept thinking of the fear those cats had to feel.  We lost everything…the cats, all of my children’s photographs and school papers, everything that was ever gifted to us by our family members.  They came and told us that they had found three bodies, the three bodies of the cats…all in the same room, all where we told them they would be.  They died of smoke inhalation and they looked like they were sleeping.  We are back on the same lot in a different house, our cats are buried in the back yard along with other animals we have lost in the years since we moved here.  The biggest thing that relates to this site is that I did not smoke…so many people told me that they could not believe that I hadn’t smoked.  I asked them what good it would have done.  I was so engulfed in my grief that I could not imagine lighting a cigarette and smoking…how HORRIBLE that would have been.

It has been three years, I grieve the loss of those cats every day, I feel the loss of the “things”, certainly the photographs, some special mementoes of my own childhood but I know that smoking would not make anything better.  My heart aches when I think of that day and even three years later, the tears still come but not as often.  My boss thought I should “see someone” to maybe get medication to help me get through, I saw a psychiatrist because I wanted to know if he thought I was in trouble.  He looked at me and he said, “Ellen, you are not depressed, you are SAD. If you were NOT sad, there would be something really wrong.”  I went back to my boss and I told her, “I am SAD, the drug I would have used to get through this in the past was nicotine, I am feeling this loss the way I SHOULD be.”  She never told me that I needed to “see someone” again.  I was learning to deal with emotions.  I am much stronger now.  My health is not the best but all I can do is to go forward.

Love to all those who helped me and to all of those who took the time to read this.


29 Comentarios

Thank you for sharing this. Learning how to deal with emotions and sadness vs using nicotine is a whole new experience. For me I am finding it to be a lot less nerve wracking as the waves of sadness hit and I don't fear them, I just roll with them. Sending you love and hugs.



Hugs. It was a disaster in every way except your quit.

Big Congratulations

And Much Love To You.


This is so hard to read.  I can't image that amount of pain.  I wish I could hold you right now as the tears fall from my own eyes.  Watered cheek to watered cheek.  You couldn't take anything with you - except your quit.  Which was and continues to be your rock.  Sending love.


Oh ((((Ellen)))), it must have been so devistating.  I'm sorry for all of your losses.  You have incredible strength to have made it through with your quit intact.  I can't imagine going through that.

Sending Love my dear friend.


((((((((((((((((((((((((( huge but loving gentle and a teary eyed hug from me to you)))))))))))))))))))))))))

You are a true inspiration my friend on how to protect your quit during times of utter despair but you made it through, congratulations on 1,400 splendiforous DOF and counting.  you are a Rock Star xo.  elvan


Sending love your way!


Wonderful knowing you and thanking your for being in my smokefree life.

Lillian (vanlil)


Oh Ellen - the memory of this so story is co very sad - even for us. I can't imagine the pain it causes you. Please take care and congrats on your beautiful 1,400 days! Love you! 


Tabbiekat , JonesCarpeDiem‌, Giulia‌, Christine13‌, Strudel‌, MarilynHvanlil‌, Jennifer-Quit  Thank you all so much.  Those of you who were here when it happened, literally lifted me up and kept me going.  I could not have kept going without your help and I will forever be grateful to you AND to every new person who has come and offered such support when they heard of the story.  There are others who went through tragedies and held onto their quits, we really CAN all do this.




Oh Ellen, I'm so sorry for what you have endured. Such a terrible tragedy! I read this and cried for you just imagining what that would be like.

You are an incredibly strong woman and an inspiration. It is very important to protect your quit especially during the hard times when your resolve is low. You are right, smoking will not make any tragedy, heart aches, or difficult time better. Thank you for sharing.





tlajbenn‌  Tina,  Thank you for the sweet's really important to realize that smoking is not going to make anything better.  I never even THOUGHT about it...NEVER.  I left for work with my work clothes on and those were the only things I had left at the end of the day.  I didn't even have a toothbrush or a pair of socks or clean underwear and the grief was overwhelming.  It was a life changing experience.  I am no stronger than anyone else, we all have to face whatever comes our way, we are not in control of the universe, only our role in it.




Ellen -

Your strength always amazes me. Thank you for sharing your story. I knew parts of it before, but this time I was in tears.  You're truly an inspiration! Xoxo



I totally remember reading your blog when I first got to this site.  I read blogs of those who were encouraging me to stay strong.  I practically had to pick my jaw...and yep...that blog stands out when that suggestive urge creeps in. 

Inspiring for anyone who is new to this the blogs/bios of everyone...together we are strong!

You're the bestest Ellen!!



Ellen, thank you for sharing your poignant story again. Each time I hear it, it moves me greatly. I can only imagine the nightmare you endured. Thank you for your courage and your wisdom that you share so freely with us all. ♥


Thank you for sharing Ellen. What a tragic time! You are such a strong woman and inspiration. ❤️


What a heartbreaking story Ellen, thank you for sharing! I am so impressed with all you have been through you were able to stay STRONG and remain smoke free.. If that doesn't inspire a person, nothing will! I will say you have inspired me to stay strong, if you can make it through all that - well I certainly can go another DAY without a cigeratte. Your wisdom is touching to my soul, and it does wonders for people like me looking for exactly that - THANK YOU!!! ❤️ 


RachelMB , KMC56 , c2q ,Elle047 , & Deb-EX  Thank you all so much, I am no stronger than anyone else, I DID and I DO not believe that smoking helps anything.  It was, without a doubt, the worst experience of my life, so far, but I know that others here have been through terrible losses and they have not smoked either.  Love to all.



You are such a strong and very wise woman, Ellen.  What a heartbreaking story.  I have so much respect for you that you were able to hold strong to your sense of compassion, especially for yourself.  ((hug)).  I can't say enough how much I'm glad that you're part of this community.


My dear friend, I remember that day so well. My heart fell to the floor as you told us about it. You are a very strong person and I admire that so much.

Sending love and hugs once again as I dry my eyes.



Brianairb2‌ and OldBones-Larry‌ thank you for your kind words...all of the people on this site mean the world to me and I am so glad that I had them that day, most of all.


Gratfully, I didn't quit soon enough to remember that awful day.  Gratefully, too, I did quit eventually and made your acquaintance.  Did you ever discover what caused the fire?  Please tell me it wasn't a dragon.


I LOVE your positive attitude. You're absolutely right once you make the commitment to be an EX, get that much time under your belt - smoking would do nothing, but further hurt you! Still. that was a HUGE test and you passed.. takes a lot of WILL.

Bottom line, I'm thrilled that you didn't and I am so happy to have met you here.


    Hi Ellen, Thank you for sharing the details of such a terribly difficult day--and that you did not smoke. Sorry for the loss of your cats--that hurts--all I can do is send you a great big hug, and another. 

    I'm glad you are here to pass along your strength and hope. 


puff-tm-draggin , Deb-EX‌, and maryfreecig‌ Thanks to all of you for your comments.  It was a really dark day but I know that smoking would not have helped, I knew it then and I was sort of surprised at the number of people who said "I cannot believe you did not smoke!"  Of course, most of them were either smokers or former smokers.  The fire was caused by an extension cord that was plugged into the wall and laying across a cardboard box that also had some papers on it.  There was nothing plugged into the cord and it was new, the house was built in 1850 so it had some challenges with electrical wiring and plumbing.  Much of it had been fixed but not all of it.  My husband walked into the living room which is where it started, just as some flames rose up from the box, he turned and ran into the kitchen and threw a dishpan full of water onto the fire.  He was seriously lucky that he was not electrocuted.  Just as he threw the water, the heat came on and the register was right next to that area so the flames literally SHOT to the second floor.  He crawled out and tried to get to a window to save the cats.  He was on a ladder when a passerby called 911 and told him that HAD to get down.  He was so disoriented that he was on the opposite side of the house from where he KNEW the cats were.  What a day...thank you all, really, you cannot imagine how comforting your words are.



That was powerful. Thank you so much for sharing. 

One of my big worries is if a disaster like that happens I'll go back to smoking but should that time come I'll try to remember your words. 



Ellen, I am thankful today and everyday for you strength and wisdom on this site.  You are a great inspiration to me...I’m so sorry fir your losses!  XOXO. CP


I am just now reading this, and will add my same sentiments as those before me. I was aware of the basic story about the fire and the loss of your cats, but this is the first time for me to read a full account of the incident. Despite your humble idea that you are not exceptionally strong, I think all of us beg to differ. You are an inspiration to us all. While this is my first reading of the whole story, I have always deeply appreciated your presence here, your kind and helpful advice to others, and your calming way of viewing life's difficult situations. You are amazing, and I am so sorry for your losses of that day. This is a very powerful blog. I'm so sorry you had this experience- I feel like I would have been totally devastated by such an event. Hugs to you.


bdawg568 , cpsono , NewMe  Thank you ALL so much for your kind words.  This is a bittersweet time of year, I will never forget that Thanksgiving, laying in a bed in a motel, nursing a broken rib and my nearly broken spirit.  Smoking does not mend anything, it does make losses go away, it does not take away pain whether it is physical or emotional.  Smoking is an addiction that stops us from feeling and while there are certainly times when we don't WANT to's not worth the cost.  The cost is high and never ending...feel your feelings and GROW!  Love to all of you and Happy Thanksgiving.  

bdawg568  Welcome to EX, I don't think we have "met", you have come to the BEST place I know of to quit smoking and start feeling.





Acerca del autor
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.