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Share your quitting journey

A Writer Who Hates Cliches

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   I just realized today is April Fool's Day -- I keep telling myself this is not joke. 

   I have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars smoking cigarettes and vapes (though I absolutely despise that word), and hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on "quit-smoking" products over the years. 

   I'm 28, and I started smoking when I was 14 years old and was dating Nick -- I'm way too pretty to smoke but I wanted to be cool like him, whereas as a grown-up who studies literature, I just want to avoid cliches like the two in that sentence. 

   That was the beginning, and I smoked cigarettes on and off for the next 11 years (mostly "on"), starting with the stuff kids start with (Camel Crushes) and ultimately landing on Reds (aka: Cowboy Killa's). When I moved to Boulder and started dating Sean, he thought smoking was gross and always made comments about me quitting. I got an e-cigarette at 711, thinking it would help me quit and that it must be less gross overall. It has now been roughly 3 years on vapes, and I'm disgusted with myself. I smoke way more than the average person. One Juul pod is supposedly equivalent to one pack of cigarettes, nicotine-wise, and I smoke between 2 and 4 per day. It's amazing I can even breathe at all. All those discarded plastic pods... poor sea turtles! I'm a vegetarian for Christ's sake!

   If I spent $18 on a pack of Juul pods every other day for the past year, that is $3,285

   I've never had addiction issues, I could always just stop doing something when I saw that it was no longer serving me or I was going overboard. But not the damn nicotine. When I got my appendix removed, my mother brought me chewing tobacco in the hospital! If I ever don't have nicotine, I literally freak the fuck out and have a panic attack. I'm so anxious by nature, plus all the caffeine, that I'm scared to quit because I genuinely enjoy it in the moment and it calms me down, regardless of what my long-term feelings may be.

   I've got nicotine patches, chewing gum, lozenges. I bought this herbal supplement you take twice daily that is supposed to detox your lungs and reduce cravings. I bought b12 inhalers to mimic the "smokie" (that's what I call it because it's way cuter than "vape"... ugh, my God) because I've had a crazy oral fixation my whole life. I downloaded about 4 apps on my phone that help in different ways, one of which utilizes CBT therapy as a means of approaching quitting psychologically. I joined this online community. My boyfriend, roommate, parents, everyone wants me to stop. I have all of these tools and support, yet I am TERRIFIED. It feels like a whole piece of my day will be missing, not to mention the few moments of calmness it brought.

 My mantra will be:

"You can make yourself happy or miserable, and they are the exact same amount of work."

   Do I want that to be my mantra? Sometimes "misery" actually seems way easier.

Bottom line: I could have gone on vacation with that money, but all I've got is a car full of empty Juul pods in every crevice.

You can do this.


Welcome to our community!

It is natural to fear the unknown, and nicotine has been part of your life for a long time.  You really don't know how it will be without anxiety is not unexpected  I think if you fully understand what is going on, it might help you get over that hump.    I will give you lots to read, and some tips on getting through those first difficult days.  This isn't easy, but it IS doable.  I smoked for almost 40 years, and I successfully quit on my first attempt.  If I can, YOU can!

Although primarily a smoking cessation site, I have seen a huge increase in the number of people coming for help to break free from vaping. Research suggests nicotine may be as addictive as heroin and cocaine. Here is a great article with information about the products: There is further information here: and here; .

E-cigarette users can get more nicotine than they would from a tobacco product — extra-strength cartridges are available, or the e-cigarette’s voltage can be increased to get a greater hit of the substance. I understand some pods equal the nicotine in a pack of cigarettes. Because it is available to you most anywhere, anytime, I believe it might be more difficult from which to break free than tobacco products - but it CAN be done!

Nicotine addiction is nicotine addiction - no matter the delivery device - and how to beat any of them is about the same. Every time you read :"cigarette" in the information I will give you, just sub "Juul" or “vape,” or “device.”   The one thing different I would recommend is that you first start to reduce the nicotine content of the pods.  Start with a lesser amount in, like, one in every four, then three, etc. until you are only using the smallest amount, or reduce the amount of nicotine in the pods over time That way the physical withdrawal should be more manageable. You might find useful information, as well, here:

I recommend that you educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind To that end, I suggest Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” . Vaping was not a concern when this was written, so you will need to sub “vape”as necessary. This is an easy and entertaining read which can be found online or at your local library. If you do nothing else to get ready for your quit, please do give this a read. Here is a video to inform you further about nicotine addiction:

After you have completed the recommended reading, it will be time to make an informed choice of the quit aid, if any, you will use. If you go that route, I personally recommend the aids that don't let the addict control the dose such as the available prescription drugs or the patch. If used properly, gum, lozenges and inhalers are fine, but they need to be used only as a last resort after you have tried to delay and distract.   I have seen folks become addicted to them if they substitute them for every cigarette they used to smoke - just trading one addiction for another.  You need to start out with a plan to reduce use of them over time - which the patch does by decreasing the dose contained in them..  For the gum, you can start by cutting each piece in half, then in quarters, then sub regular gum of the same flavor in between, adding more and more regular gum.  For the lozenge, you need to start subbing a mint in between to begin, increasing the number of them over time.

It will be informative if you do the tracking and separation exercises recommended here on the site. As you track each device use, note its importance, and what you might do instead. Put each use off just a little to prove that you don't NEED a puff just because you think you do

The idea is to change up your routines so the vaping associations are reduced.  Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand in a place different from where you vaped. Maybe switch to tea for a bit.  If you always had that first puff with your coffee, try putting your tennies on right out of bed, going for a quick walk, then taking your shower and THEN your coffee! Rearrange the furniture in the areas you used to vape so the view is different. Take a different route when you are out and about so you aren't driving by your vaping supply shop. Take a quick walk at break time instead of vaping.

You need to distract yourself through any craves.  You can take a bite out of a lemon (yup - rind and all), put your head in the freezer and take a deep breath of cold air, do a few jumping jacks, go for a brisk walk or march in place, play a computer game.  Keep a cold bottle of water with you from which to sip. Don't let that vaping thought rattle around in your brain unchallenged. Sometimes you need to quit a minute or an hour at a time.  You will need to be disciplined in the early days to distract yourself when a crave hits.    Get busy!  Here is a link to a list of things to do instead of vape if you need some fresh ideas:

The conversation in your head in response to the "I want to vape" thought needs to be, "Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it.  You will need to put some effort into this in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do.

Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!



Welcome to the community you've made the best decision that you'll ever make in your lifetime and it's definetly the best gift that you'll ever give yourself which is the gift of LIFE please read the links suggested above me and keep reading everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick poison to the curb permanently it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT with commitment and perseverance you will make it through to that good place in your quit, stay close because we're all here to help you in any way we can you can do this quit believe it deep breaths.....




HI and Welcome to Ex’s Erica_holland 

Most of us thought like you ... we could stop when we wanted ... Not...we are addicts that keep feeding it...I give you a lot of credit for quitting young...Please do many of the readings suggested by Nancy YoungAtHeart above me...Also, keep close to the support site for help.  You can do this...we are in this journey together...Colleen 485 DOF 


Thank you so much!


Thank you, oh my god! Everyone here is so supportive and amazing!


I appreciate you so so so so so SO much for this. I've printed some of the materials you linked and I will comment again when I read through them. THANK YOU for the words and research!!


OH MY GOSH you are so kind and amazing, thank you!


You are going to be successful one precious day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time BUT you will succeed in living a life of Freedom, you've got this....


You are so amazing for this comment, thank you!


Welcome to the EX Erica_holland‌... 

You have been given such great advice above from some of our elders who have long, sustained quits. I hope you will take time to do the work that Nancy offered to you. 

Education leads to a more firm commitment which leads to success!

An additional thing that helped me was to write a "break-up letter" to my cigarettes. That may help you as well, especially with your writing background

I've included mine if you'd like to take a peek. 

Hang in there, stay close , and post often

Wishing you well~


About the Author
I'm 28 and started smoking when I was 14, because I dated an older guy who did (so cliche, I can't). About 3 years ago I switched to e-cigs in attempt to stop, which has just lead to a disgusting amount of plastic pods everywhere and thousands of dollars spent on something even less cool. Haha!