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A Sunday Drive!

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I woke up this morning with my head spinning with all that I need to do today! I wonder how I will do it all! Then I wondered if it really matters so much! Some of it does! And I will Focus on the things that matter!

With that thought in mind, I have decided that today we will take the Freedom Train for a Sunday Drive! Anyone who wants too can take the controls for a while, and decide what track we go down! There will be no sense of urgency today! We will just relax and enjoy the fact that we are Free! So come forward if you will and pontificate on what this Freedom means to you! The great champion of Freedom, Ronald Reagan once ask, "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?" I will ask today: Are you better off than you were when you still smoked? Tell us why! Expound on the future that you have created for yourself! Visit the lack of future you were building for yourself! Tell us why you are here and where the Train needs to go for you to have true Freedom! Today, just enjoy the ride! Share what you will! Or just quietly enjoy the words of your friends and family here at EX!

A frequent rider pass will be issued today to Peggy! She has 2200 days! I remember fighting for my first 100 days! She has been there and done that 22 times in a row! What power! But she knows, and some of the rest of us know, that the power for the next hundred come from the last hundred, and the ones before that! The more hundreds you have the more power you have for the next one! Relax and enjoy the ride today Peggy! Thank you for being here!!

ALLLLLLLLLL ABOARD!! We are rolling toward FREEDOM!                                   Tommy


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Can I have a window seat???  I kind of need to just look out the window and enjoy the beauty of nature today.  Good news:  I smell pretty, so whoever sits next to me does not have to smell nasty old cigarette smell.  : )


Tommy, thank-you so much for being the best conductor and for running the Freedom Train!!! You are awesome!

And Rose, I'd love to sit next to you! 🙂


Yo, Conductor! A window seat for my friend here, please! May I sit by you?


Check it out, guys!

We can sit together and still have room!Stock Photography - inside of an old  train. fotosearch  - search stock  photos, pictures,  wall murals, images,  and photo clipart


Debi has 453 days and Kellie has over 600 days, I will be celebrating 650 days in a few hours nad I have been crusing around and I am seeing number today, so congrats, I hop eeveryone looks at their numbers and get themselves a reward for time well spent. something tangible  a ring, shoes, clothes, a trip, something that will mean smomething when you see it a knickknack just a reminder about the time you have. Love to you all All aboared Aztec

thanks Tommy, Hope everyone posts their number today,sure would like to see them, hundreds and those on their way to a hundred, every number counts, lets see if we can post a few thousand by the end of the day. so have fun

every one counts here today, please post your numbers


Lost my internest for awhile....but I'm back, and looking fowrard to the freedom ride!  38 days of freedom for me, and looking forward to my first 100!  Could I have a seat at the bar?  I feel like celebrating!!


Ok, here are the numbers thus far . . .

408 days for Pirate Man

248 days for Me (Irish Rose)

194 days for Laurie

649 days for Aztec (Hop-a-Long)

38 days for Promise

2,200 days for Peggy

TOTALS:  3,737 Days (that’s a lot of cigarettes not smoked too, huh???)


Bartender!! A Bud Light for my friend Sandy, please! Put it on my tab! As many as she likes!


I'm here because 364 days ago I smoked what would turn out to be my last cigarette. My journey to becoming smoke free was slow and cautious, 1 step at a time.  I worked my way back from 1 1/2 packs per day to 2-3 cigs per day, over a period of about 5 weeks.  And one morning after smoking just 1 cig day before I realized I was close to 24 hours w/o smoking and at that point I knew I could keep going smoke free.

At that point I put up a sign in my head, with big bold letters reading "I DON"T SMOKE ANYMORE".  To me that made it now non-negotiable and I didn't let myself stress or fuss over it.  It was what it was and it still is, except its even better. 

BTW anyone looking for reasons to quit or stay quit here's my favorite....BETTER SEX!  I  mean how can you argue with that???*giggles* And that's all I'm gonna say on that subject I don't want Tommy to toss me from the train! *winks*

Alrighty let the train keep rolling, have a lovely day everyone!


Thanks, Tommy!  Cheers!  It's gonna be a great ride!


Oh a ride on the freedom train sounds so good to me right now.. but I'd want to hang my head out the window and feel the wind in my face.I NEED AIR! It's my second day without , 36 hours since my last cig. I woke up choking and my chest feels so heavy.  thats why I'm quitting. I am tired of these moments of choking fits and the feeling of congested heaviness in my chest. And cigs are getting way too expensive. and the most pressing reason is There is a man and two grown children that I Love, and Love me so very much. And I want more time with them. the longer I smoked the longer I thought about things like funeral plans. Now that I quit. and with Gods Help stay quit. I actually have a living future to look forward to.


Wow, that's a lot of really big numbers, 14 days doesn't seem like much, but I figure you were all at 14 days at one point, so I'll add mine to the tally. I feel awsome! I have exercised 6 out of 7 days. I am finally getting my focus and ability to consentrate back. I know that I am gonna make. I want to ride the freedom train in a seat as far away from the bar as possible please, not ready for that yet. Went to town with the devil 2 days in a row, and did not smoke. She's really not the devil, but she will try to get me to start back. We rode in My van, She's my mom and I would not let her smoke in My van.  This is a first for me, being firm with her. She stood outside the van to smoke and tried to make it look good, but it really didn't! I felt sorry for her instead.  N.O.P.E. is my new motto.  I feel free, like a child spinnig in circles, while laughing hysterically.


Thanks Tommy,

 I am SO much better off today compared to 453 days ago,,,,,,

1) breathing is good

2) more energy,

3) sleep great now (as a smoker I woke up several times a night)

4) no more coughing

5) no more smelling like disgusting cigarette smoke, no more hiding from people that I smoked!

6) no more throwing money away to do something so bad for my health on a daily basis.

7) I feel proud of myself -----freedom is good!!!!!!!

😎 my headaches I used  to get are very rare now.

Life is much better as I have now kicked the cigarettes to the curb 453 days,,,,, and counting!!!   I would like to celebrate a little later on (maybe around five-ish) could I order a nice cold bottle of Yuengling Light please,,,,,,,thank you sir

Sunday Drives are the best!!!


woooo hooooo I love train rides

and love love love being a non-smoker

today I am 1month FREE   YIPEE

so Im just gonna bounce around the train excited by my non smokedness (lol not sure if that is a word and don't care)

just glad to be here and glad to be alive and happy to know spring is coming and ....

maybe I had one too many coffees ?


Member'll take one of those tall iced mocha thingies,  please....

55 Days here...


Peggy - I can't even imagine 2200 days.  Thanks for all you do!!!


364 geminigypsylady

1 day and 12 hours lauahe

14 dana

453 debi

30 Zenagrin
 55 pipster540

+917 and 12 hours

plus the above tally

            3737   plus 917= 4654 days plus 12 hours, wow lets keep going were almost at 5,000 days every hour counts.


An honest and true 45 days for me Not One Puff Ever.  I want a seat next to Peggy and Aztec, Geminigypsylady is so right on the better sex.....must be the oxygen we've been missing out on!! 


Here you go, Pip.  I hope you like whipped cream with that. . .

Mocha Cappuccino

So, 4,654 plus 12 hours = 4,666

Then we add Ellen’s 45 = 4,711 days of smokefree people


I would love to catch a ride today. I have never caught a ride on the freedom train before. I am over 115 days now, i think, and can honestly say, I dont think about those cigs much at all anymore. It feels great.


Wait a minute, that 4,654 plus 12 hours = 4,665.5; plus Ellen's 45 = 4,710.5.

Now, we'll add Lil Mom's 115 days, and we have a total of 4,825.5 days of smokefree people.

Here's that bud light for Sandy.

Leaf And Bud Of Rose

I thought that was a good funny!  OK, here...

Beer Glass


I got up at 1:30 and made chile cheese dogs ad I eed more  Please?


1503 days here


12 12 hours chile dog free


Gimmee Gimmee Put Them Right Here In My Hand!


sorry 11 1/2 hours chile dog free


172 days for me and not lookin back. Take me for a nice ride to the Naples pier then on to visit my good friends on Rattlesnake Hammock !!


330 Fabulous Smoke FREE Days for me!!!! I love the AWESOME FREEDOM!!! Thanks for the ride, Tommy!!!


467 days for me!!!!!!!!!  Great Sunday ride, let's do it again.  congratulations to Peggy on 2200 days, how awesome is that?


Congrats to Peggy on 2200 days!! Loving the freedom Tommy!


Ok, we have. . .

Carp Man’s 1,503 days = 6,28.5 and one order of chile cheese dogs.   

Chili Dogs #1

Plus, Van’s 172 days = 6,500.5 smokefree days.

Then Van wants to go to Naple's Pier...

naples pier

Van, which way to Rattlesnake Hammock...

US 41 color closeup, Naples, FL


Thomas has 330 smokefree days, and Bonnie is at 467, and Strudel I had to look up your days, because you did not mention you were at 245 (which, by the way look very well on you) equals a

TOTAL OF:  7,542 smokefree days worth of people



I forgot the 12 hours.


6500.5 days logged by just a few of us, thats pretty good, I'll see if I can get more days at the top of the page


6 weeks!


Hello everyone 🙂

Ex-smoker for 47 days 11 hours, 949 cigarettes not smoked, $154.21 saved.

Smoke-Free: 28 days, 36 minutes and 46 seconds  

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 560



413 days


413 days


413 days


413 days


Sorry I must of hit a repeat button!!


I have 5 days, at midnight tonite I will have 6.

245 days for me! Kathy

97 days, 21 hours and counting!!!   


Wow, Tommy, you are one cool guy to do this! Thanks!

And Irish Rose, you angel you, I'm just amazed at how you make all those graphics!

Can I have a Whiskey Sour? With a cherry? Please?

(I've never smoked when I drank, don't know why. Wasn't a trigger. Now, coffee.....)

Hey!! Add my 61 days!!


To my EX Family!!! Love U Guys!!! And thanks so much for your support!


As some of you know---both my husband and I quit smoking over a year ago---he went first and me about 1 month behind. tonight--out on our "Valentines Dinner Date" we were talking about what is better...

1. We both agree we smell so much better and that smokers stink!

2. I think food tastes better---he disagrees and says he never got any more sense of taste back (but I think I had LOST more than he did)

3. We both feel better physically. He is 59 and still shovels the snow from our 5 apartment buildings and our home---and this winter it was shoveling nearly every other day---literally!!! He is doing this with no struggle to breathe and no problems. I am sill doing my daily workouts with no problems (except snow has me inside)

4. He still has the "habit" for one---especially when he has an alcoholic drink....consequently---he drinks less which I guess is not a bad thing. I was never a big drinker.

5. I don't really feel like I miwss them all that much. He states that he does even thought he will not smoke.


Hi Tommy,

The Freedom appropriate!  I do feel free from so many chains that smoking had on me.

Today is day 361......almost one year........a celebration!

Free to travel without all the hassels of finding a place to smoke.

Free from the financial burden of smoking.

Free to have my time spent the way I would like, not calculating how & where I can get in the next smoke break.

Free to ride with friends/ family and not worrying how I can smoke.


Thanks, I want to go along for the ride, it is a great place to be!



Naples Pier! Rattlesnake Hammock! Highway 41! We are very close to my house! And not to far from Sandy!! I am not ready to take the Train back to the yard yet! Lets ride a little longer! Anyone who is riding for the first time should know that the Freedom Train runs every day! Everyone who seeks Freedom is welcome to ride everyday! The seat are all free! There are a few reserved seats for special guest on specials day! But no one need a ticket to ride! If you yearn to breathe Free, come aboard and enjoy!! We are headed to Freedom every day!! Thank you to all who made this day special! What a wonderful collection of friends!