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A Smart Turkey

8 137 1,425

Quick!  Tell me what comes to mind when I say the words, "cold turkey".

Let me guess.  Miserable withdrawal.  Endless cravings.  Curling up in a dismal ball on your bed.  Feeling horrible.  Pacing anxiously.  Am I close?

Here are two ways to quit:

1) You decide to quit.  You get rid of your cigarettes.  You gut it out.  You spend your time FEELING all the effects and symptoms of the nicotine leaving your system.  You feel out of control.  You don't know what to do.  You don't think you can make it through...because all you are doing is FEELING...without understanding it.

2)  You decide to quit.  You educate yourself.  You read about nicotine addiction and how nicotine usage has hijacked your brain receptors and your dopamine pathways.  You learn exactly why your brain has told you that you LIKE and NEED smoking.  You start to understand what will happen to your brain and your body when you quit.  And you prepare for those emotions and physical symptoms by planning how to handle them when they occur.  You get a support system of friends, family and EX in place. THEN you get rid of your cigarettes.  And when urges to smoke hit you, you are able to step outside of them emotionally and see them for what they are...making them much easier to deal with.

Gee.  One of these methods is cold turkey.  The other is smart turkey.  Not hard to tell the difference, is it?

Oh, what about nicotine replacement therapies?  They have their place.  But only if you understand that there is no commercial NRT in the entire world that will do your quitting FOR you.

Your BRAIN is the biggest, best nicotine replacement therapy available to you.  (And, it's free!!)  Use your brain to make the decision to quit, to commit to that decision and to honor that decision every day.

Then, if it helps you, use NRT to take the edge off during your early Quit.  Anything that you use temporarily to help you quit smoking forever is great.  Just don't substitute one way of using nicotine for another!

Smart turkeys are more likely to join that small percentage of forever quitters.  Be a smart turkey.  Gobble, gobble.

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What an intelligent blog!! I quit smart turkey:) education makes all the difference:) It saved my life!


My first thought for "cold turkey" is a sandwich!

My second thought is the way I quit!

Nobody had ever written a blog about "Smart Turkey"! And I was not smart enough to figure it out on my own!

Now that I know that there is such a thing as "Smart Turkey" I recommend it highly!!''

You are soooooo clever!! Thank you for coining this term! It is sure to be a popular one!! You just made quitting without aids a lot easier for a lot of people!! Love it! Love you!



Turkeys photo:  BandTurkeys3.jpg


It really is a great blog.. Smart Turkey is way cheaper and I think easier. Nrt's just kept me hooked. Like you both said, Knowledge and our brian are the best necodemon Buster. But the support we get , just make all better

Renee 1 month and 1 day


(Psssst.  Tommy!  I didn't coin this term, although I wish I had.  It's mentioned in the last few paragraphs of that article that I am forever/endlessly recommending to Newbies: "Nicotine Addiction 101" on  But don't tell anyone.  I like having you think I'm so clever... xxxooo,  Sky)


Also to Tommy:

1) Stop posting pictures of me.

2) Please add Muenster cheese, lettuce, tomato, avocado and mayo to that turkey sandwich and hand it over to me.  On toasted sourdough, please.

3) Are the margaritas ready yet?

xxxooo,   Sky


This IS a great term. AND fabulous blog.  The mindset is the KEY to the quit.

Joyeux had one the other day too for NML - "not my life" no you don't.

I hope this blog will get recylcled again and again.  It should be.

Tommy and Sky:

Please hold the tomato on mine, add honey mustard, and slap it on honey wheat bread.

Love you! XO!


1. That is not you! Your plumage is brighter! You are taller! You are beautiful! And I am pretty darn sure that you are not a male!

2. I never put anything on a cold turkey sandwich EXcept mustard!

3. There is booze in the blender, and soon it will render, that frozen concoction that helps me hang on! (I did not coin this either) (another bird)

Margaritaville photo: margaritaville margaritaville.jpg


Hey don't call me late for a party!!!!   Here is my photo so don't feel bad sky!

Ya know I apparently have  REALLY good taste in friends!!!  You make me 'think' and 'laugh'  all at the same time...You truly are quite a gal and I am honored to know you...BTW...Do you know that the whole trip to Vegas was amazing of course but my favorite laugh every time I think about them (even if in a completely innappropriate time and place to do so) are our shopping trip at Ross, the Houston Airport (every minute of it!!!) and the supermarket sweeps at Vons with our taxi running...I just feel incredibly blessed to have met you especially right now when I am redefining my life and how I live it...xo


Smart Turkey.... I used that phrase in my ummm day 6 blog... and yes... nicotine addiction 101... I was sure everyone would notice that I had done my reading.... 

I love this group


This blog is nothing short of brilliant and I thought NOTHING could ever beat

But you have such wit and a perspective that astonishes me in the best possible ways!!!


I can't help but notice that these pictures have nice large proud................well ...........feathers ................and everything!


Oh shoot they got another photo...damn paparazzi...xo


But, Teddy!!!   Those SHOES!!!  AAAAhahahahahaha


What a great blog. I did use an NRT but love the concept of smart turkey 🙂 thank you for sharing.


lol can't stop laughing @ comments and pictures, Needed that.

Smart turkey for me also. Great blog for new comers and even me.


FEATHERS, Tommy?  Seriously?  THAT is what you see?  Here's what I see...


Just for fun and because I know this blog will be legendary....from

PS Tigerladie did her reading!!!! xo

Education (Smart Turkey) Is a Quitting Method

Is it possible to become so educated and motivated that the deep inner mind no longer sees ending nicotine use as a threat, so much so that the body's emotional fight or flight anxiety alarms hardly ever get sounded? Roughly half of quitters report that recovery was far easier than expected. Is it possible to so embrace coming home that fears evaporate and it feels like a cake-walk?

Did you know that unplanned attempts, which avoid accumulation of self-induced fears, are up to 2.6 times as effective as planned attempts?  xo


Everybody grab a plate...Tommy are you carving??? xo


I'm comin and I'm bringing mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn bread dressing, bread crumb dressing, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, homemade rolls and extra gravy.

Screw the low carbs for a day.  I'm bringin' carbs!


PS I CANNOT imagine that lady's oven.  Jeepers!


HOLY HELL!!!!!  thats all I got to say!

  Hey all!
  Great blog here!
  Sky, I love how you mentioned if you choose to use an NRT, using It temporarily in the earlier days of your quit can help take the edge off, just as long as you don't substitute one for the other. This helps folks understand that using an NRT is okay. There seemed to be much controversy about this on this site recently.
  And I'm all about turkey smothered in gravy with stuffing and cranberry on the side. YUM!
  Teddy, where did you find those shoes!

I TOLD you guys that I did not coin that term!!!!  I only hijacked it for my own creative purposes!  I'm glad I did because of the response it's getting!  And I LOVE that it's making tigerladie sit up and laugh!!!  (At least, I THINK "holy hell" means that she's at least giggling!)

Seriously?  We are going to have a turkey/margarita party?  Right here?  Right now?  You guys know I am ALWAYS up for an EX party, particularly if we can draw in a bunch of NML'ers... many folks are actually going to read this blog and come to the party?  Should we take it to a new blog????

I think that maybe a turkey sandwich and a margarita are about all we've EVER needed here on EX as an excuse to start a party, eh?

Just saying...


Ooopps! I forgot to get one of those colorful margaritas. Easy on the salt, ok?


Patty!!!  Here, have a turkey dinner and a margarita!


I think we should re-post this link so the party and smart turkey blog (which will live on in our forever quits because I am a link poster...NOT afraid to admit it!!!) stay together!  I re-post all the time know why...xo


Since we are in party mode you KNOW me well enough to know I have to get properly attired!!! xo


I need a snack while waiting...xo


Thanks, Nancy! It looks perfect!


I said feathers........and everything!! Including Teddy's picture above!


I have to walk Lucy...Be back in a few...xo


Tiger is giggling... while eating her it's my journey cookies and waiting for the party to get started!


Hey!!!!  Watch my tail!   lol


Stand back! i am ready to carve!

Machete photo: Machete Machete.png


Slice mine nice and thin, Tommy. But double up on the gravy. When it comes to turkey dinner, it all about the gravy.

Hey tiger, did you say you were bringing the cookies!


ok... how did that happen... I'm I losing my mind?  I responded to the ready to carve statement and now my watch my tail is above it?  WTF?  maybe it's nap time for me







Oh my gosh!!!!  This is GREAT!  We haven't had an impromptu party in several months!  Okay, Teddy thinks we should stay where we are and keep the momentum going...  But I think SOMEONE (that would be YOU, Tommy) should go post a blog that directs everyone to this Turkey & Margarita party! Tommy, your mission is....should you decide to accept, please post a blog directing everyone to this party and telling them bring something turkey-related, wear something turkey-related, say something turkey-related (other than "gobble,gobble", DUH)...or just come and drink margs until you can't type your way home...  Oh, I'm SUCH a bad influence here on EX.

I wonder what I will find if I google "Turkey Party"...  (wait and see....)

P.S.  If there is anything in the world called a "turkey margarita", I don't want to hear about it.  🙂

xxxooo,  Turkey Sky Girl




You wanna quit smoking SMART TURKEY!!!??? We know how! xo


Thank you guys for my laugh of the afternoon reading this post! I love the concept of smart turkey, I "tried" to quit stupid turkey a bunch of times and that never worked. Smart turkey this time seems to be doing the trick! Thanks for a great blog, Sky, I'll be laughing about this idea for a while (and the turkey pictures, too!).


Great blog, Sky, even if you did "borrow" it from why quit. I want turkey, mashed potatoes smothered with gravy. Green beans and cranberries. and a margarita with extra salt !!


Mmmmmmmmm, chocolate chip, my favorite it the whole world, next to Oreos, that is. Thanks Tiger.

Who wouldn't come to a blog that has 500 comments? I just had to see what all the commotion is about! You guys are funny... and sure know how to party!

@Hop:  "stupid turkey"????   Aaahahahahahahahaha  Oh, my cheeks hurt!  (No, not THOSE cheeks!)  Now...stop thinking about your quit education and have a plateful of roast turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy and green bean casserole.  Not to mention another marg?

@nana: Extra gravy on my mashed potatoes.  Extra salt on my margarita.  Oh, dear, dear, dear woman, we are going to be GREAT friends here on EX.   Tommy, my dear!  Please make another marg for nana!


Wait???  500 comments????  Yeah, nora, have another margarita...because you can't count anymore anyway!!! Heeeheeehee


I... am... so... full... and ... tired.... sleepy... You gave me extra tequila didn't ya?  Well it really is a great party and I hate to go but my naptime is calling my name and Ya wouldnt want me fallin into the mash taters.  So... off I go!  Have fun!


If the pic at Margaritaville looks distorted, click on full size If you are a sissie, or have more margaritas til it clears up!

About the Author
I'm a 64 year-old flight attendant for a major US airline. Prior to that, I owned an ice cream store and six hot dog carts and put my five kids thru college on hot dog earnings! Prior to THAT, I was Director of International Administration for Domino's Pizza, Inc. I was married to my H.S. sweetheart (dad of my 5 kids) for 17 years. I've been with Jeff for 23 years, but we just finally got married in 2016! Jeff & I live in Cape Meares, OR right on the beach. I'm from Ann Arbor, MI, where many of my kids/relatives still live. My flying base is Washington, DC, where I have a condo that I stay in when I'm between flying trips. My dream is to retire and stay home with Jeff and my two cats, Kenneth & Barbara...not happening soon, though. So I go home whenever I can get a week or more off. I LOVE to meet up with other EXers in the cities where I lay over. I usually blog about what cities I'm laying over in, so let me know if I'm staying near you! I'll buy dinner!! Xxxooo, Sky