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A MUST READ : A life cut short by tobacco

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Barb Tarbox: A Life Cut Short by Tobacco

In September 2002 Barb Tarbox was diagnosed with incurable lung (stage IV) and brain cancer at the age of 41.

She smoked two packs of cigarettes a day since the tender age of 11.

She smoked for 30 years, totaling a 60 pack-year smoking history.

She died May 18, 2003 after speaking to more than 50,000 students about the dangers of smoking.

barb_screen.gifView a fifteen minute video to get a full story.

Or for the shorter three minute video you can capture the essence of her story.

We must warn you however, this video contains strong emotional material regarding Barb Tarbox’s experience with terminal lung cancer caused by smoking.

This is a very sad video and may her life and story offer the power to help others quit smoking by realizing what they are doing to themselves by being willing to be manipulated into smoking by big tobacco.


Visit my page and watch my other video it will make you laugh and help with your quit !!!!!


The best to all my friends







Thank you so much for posting this video.  This is something everyone needs to see.  I sure wish someone would have come to my school to teach me this.  Even as Ex'ers, there are no guarantees for us, but atleast we aren't where we used to be.  Thanks again. 


Spunkie - Thanks for posting this - I have watched it and know its' impact.

So wonderful to see you! Congrats on 791 days!!!


Wow! Thanks for sharing. I am on day 1, and this has just changed my outlook!


So glad this is helpful .... I didn't see it until after I had quit for serveral months but when I did I knew I would never smoke again. 


Beachun1212 be sure to come to my page and watch my funny video .. Hugs you can do this and being smoke free is wonderful


Dear Spunkie, I did go to your page and read all I could on my lunch.  Thank you for the inspiration.  I also watched Barb Tarbox's video, it was heart breaking to see.  Thanks for sharing today.  There are many here that need your inspiration.


Love to you all ... take it 1 day at a time .. I smoked 45 plus years and when I was 20 my doctor told me then to do us both a favor and take a 45 gun put it to my head and pull the trigger ... that was his way of letting me know we would be spending alot of time together if I kept smoking and he was right .. now I have trouble just tossing the ball with my dog .. or playing with my grandchildren thank GOD my husband and I both quit May 25 2009 on one of my 6 grandchildren's 2nd birthday.

It is wonderful to be smoke free and no longer a slave to cig's now I am in control.... My health has suffered but maybe I stopped in time to have more years here with my family I am now 62 and breath like I am 85 or so but thanks to the support I got here my husband and I will both live longer healther lives.  Love to you all and Please be SMOKE FREE AND LOVING IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!