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Share your quitting journey


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Not much better than yesterday.  Not so much with the smoking, just general stuff, like accessaride picking up late, then having to pick someone else up which was only 10 minutes away but he took the scenic route which took 25.  Than he took her all the way into Manhattan, I was going to Queens, very important meeting with access a ride.  I was an hour late.  I thought that was going to be the end of it, but they were very nice about it, at least I think they were.

Boy I never knew blogging like this could release stress.  I don;t know if anyone will read this but it sure gets the stress of the day out.  I did smoke less today and I will smoke less tomorrow.  My actual quit date is 2/11 so I am giviing myself plenty of time I think.  If I am rambling please forgive me.   I read some of that book that some you nice people suggested.  It was funny in some places at first  but made sense.  I am going to read parts of it instead of having a cigarette.  I would read more but I am reading a really good book at night before I go to sleep and I want to find out what happens.  Well I think I chewed off all your ears enough for today, so I will stop for now.  thank you for listening and cheering me on.  it does help.