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Life has been so hectic and crazy these last few years. If any of those who were there are still around, hope you all doing well. For those who may stumble across my blog hope you are doing well and your quit is going well. I havent posted a blog in 306 days and have been smoke free since April 7, 2013. I am here again writing this because today... I had a cigarette. 

There was no reason other than my brain was in neutral and resorted to some sort of trigger that i still am not sure what happened. I bummed a smoke from a co worker out of the blue. There were no cravings, no peer pressure, no outside "stress" that drove me to smoke. My co workers smoke and i just dropped my guard. Day 1....again.


Welcome back. I'm sorry you decided to bum that smoke and have to repeat day 1.    I put myself in a bad place and had to do day 1 over too but unlike you, I continued smoking for over a year. You are doing the right thing jumping right back on the wagon!

You know you can accomplish this.

Let's move on.


 If you only smoked the one, the journey should be MUCH easier this time around.  Something must have triggered your need to smoke after all this time - maybe you thought you deserved to enjoy one with your co-workers???  It's really important that you try to figure it out so you can guard against the same result in the future.  I definitely would  not go with them on a smoke break in the future.

I am SO glad you are right back to quitting!  Let us know how we can help!



Welcome back, I am so sorry you are at day one again.  Obviously, you know how this works and you know how to stay smokefree.  I am glad you stepped right up and took responsibility.

Welcome back...slips happen, you came to the right place, again welcome back!!! Congratulations on day 1!!! Addiction is a tricky thing...I had quit for several years, had no desire to ever smoke and yet I did...5 years you're not alone...the past is the past let it go and congratulations on your smoke free day...way to quit!!!!

Noooooooooooooo!! I'm sorry you smoked but very happy you came back. Happy day 1!


This can happen. Just move forward and don't look back.....



I'm sorry that you relapsed but thank goodness. only had the one and are restarting your quit, you know that every day you get through is another day WON. You will rock this quit one day at a time. 


I'm sorry you relapsed but so very glad you are back with us. It is really important that you figure out WHY this it does not happpen again. Believe me...I know. I blew a much longer quit many years ago. It was very important to me to understand why (which I really figured out by reading on

Welcome back.


I am so sorry you had that one cigarette, it is like the smokemare come true ! You must feel awful.

I am so proud of you for coming here and fessing up and beginning again . The fact that you smoked just one doesn't change the fact that you suceeded for 3 years to be an Ex- smoker  ! This is a small set back and you can continue on !  I am so glad you did not continue smoking.

Today is my 1 year anniversary and I thank God for this site . Your admission keeps it real for me.... once an addict we are always vulnerable and we must protect our quits.

Stay Strong and Carry On !


Only One! Thank you for your honesty! This quit should be much easier than before. I don't know that for sure but I would think! I am so sorry you lost your quit! Glad you are here. Blog or message someone if you have questions or need help! Keep moving forward!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


slips happens,  try again.


well dont be like me and keep it up for 4 yrs after u know u can quit & did it for a long period of time.


Six weeks into a quit I decided I would smoke just one, 2 years later I found EX and will have 5 years next month. Glad you came back. I agree with Sootie and see if you can find the reason it happened. Stay with us and keep protecting your quit.


Here is a link to a blog that I wrote 9 months into my quit.  It may help you in the furture.


Wow.  That's really scary to me.  Yes, even after an almost 10 year quit.  The trigger that comes, it seems,  can make us relapse and there's no seeming answer for it's occurrence nor prevention.   April 7, 2013.  Almost 3 years.  And yet something enabled you/made you bum that cigarette.  Neutral brain, you say.  When you figure it out, let us all know, will you?  I've been trying to get a handle on why long-term quitters relapse since before I came to this site in '08.  

I hope you only had that ONE cigarette and didn't trot off to buy a pack.  The fact that you came here immediately is a good sign.  Means you really don't want to go back to being a smoker again.  And of course the sooner you get back on the horse, the sooner....

I have many questions.  How did it taste after all that time?  Did it taste as good as you remember it?  (The truth - we can handle it.)  If it tasted bad, did you smoke the whole thing?  And if so why?  Did the fact that you smoked it now make you want more?  Or was that a minor burp? In other words are you now thinking/hankering for one?  Did it awaken the sleeping giant - your nicotine receptors? 

You're back here because obviously you don't want to retreat to that addiction again.  We don't want you to either!

Get it back!  Glad YOU'RE back. 


Welcome Home, Cody!

I wish you the very Best!


My heart sank when I read your blog.  It's terrifying to me that you smoked after almost 3 years.  I'm going to try to make it a positive thing--I'll take it as a cautionary tale that we have to guard our quits even after a long time.  I'm glad you came back here right away.  Hope to see you around.  Thank you, Cody. 

Ok so my big heartfelt comment didnt post so this one will be quick in case it doesnt show up either. Tasted horrible, dont miss it, smoked less than a quarter of a short cigarette, dont feel the need to make the same mistake again. After reflection i have decided, even though its bending the rules quite a bit, that April 7 will still be 3 yrs for me. Upon much thought, the reasoning behind the why smoke now? Because i could. Im grown and make my iwn decisions and i have to live with them. The reason for keeping my 3 yr anniversary date, because of why i am still not a smoker.... Because i chose to not continue smoking that one cigarette. By consciously making a decision to not go through with it reassured me that i am in control and not my addiction. Now for some words of encouragement: tell yourself everyday you are in control. The addiction cannot rebuke you, only your self doubt. Be strong, be brave, be confident. You have the control over your addiction. Cody