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Share your quitting journey

928 days ago, still the last one....I am proud.

1 11 122

I wrote this blog 25 days into my quit. "Just one more" 2/19/15  

Since the topic has been on "just one" it reminded me of how far I have come.  Thanks EX community for helping me get there.  NOPE has kept me free. SINAO smoking is not an option for me. 

Last night I was up until the early hours of the morning, watching some Celeb Apprentice espisodes.  As I sat there I was thinking how comfortably gratifying and calming it was that I did not have to focus on when or where I would be taking a smoke break.  So let's get to the one more thought.

It has been 25 days since I told myself just one more, or this is the last one, or I'll do it when.... my grandson is born (16 yrs ago) ...when my granddaughter is born (10 yrs).  Oh, this is the last one because I am the only one in the office who smokes.  Just this last pack, telling myself, I'll do it for my New Year's  resolution.  Just one more then I will do it because my doctor advises it.  No more !....because my husband died of heart disease. Of course, this is the last one because they are starting to cost a lot more. I could go on and on with this just one more.

Yes, I have had a few short quits here and there, but all for the wrong reasons.  I finally had my ah ha moment when I decided to do it for ME. My quit date was my birthday.  I was only two days late and it has been a great birthday gift to me from me.  The thought that it has taken this long almost makes me want to cry but that's okay because with this quit  I am learning to care about ME.,............................ finally I have had the last one.

I am a nonsmoker.  Thank God 928 DOF

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Lay aside every weight that may be slowing you down. Make up your mind not to allow doubt cause you to stumble. You can do this! Do not allow fear , False Expectations Appearing Real to hold you down. You can do this! Break the chains of addiction, forgive yourself for ever smoking. move forward and start loving yourself more each day by staying smokefree. Put aside worry, anxiety, depression, any EXcuse that you would use to not get in or stay in the race of freedom. Take one day at a time, one step if necessary. Run the race diligently, steady and sure with endurance. Believe that you can. Keep your eye on the prize. Hang tough, stay close, be mindful, never give in, never give up.