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Share your quitting journey

92 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well i have made it to 92 days. After smokeing40 years. An all i got out of it was COPD/EMP. So wished i would have had the will to quit years ago but i never so i have to live with the health problems. But i did fially give the darn things up. So glad for every one on here who quits. It will cause health problems so quit while you still can breath good. Iam on oxgen 24/7 AN SOME OTHER THINGS. I DON'T EVEN GO TO THE STORE ANY MORE ITS SO STRESSFUL. SO BE PROUD YOU STOPPED BEFORE IT WAS TO LATE LIKE ME. AN I HOPE YOU ALL STAY WITH YOUR QUIT. YOU WILL BE SO GLAD YOU DID. WELL GUESS I WILL GET OFF AN DO A TREATMENT. AN STAY WITH YOUR QUIT. HUGS DEB.AN I THINK EVERYONE ON HERE FOR THERE SUPPORT.

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