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90 days today!

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Today is 90 days nicotine free for me!

However I have gained 16 pounds in the last 3 months.  I have never had my upper thighs rub together before.  Yuck.

I really wish that I could say that I am feeling great but am still feeling really bad.  Having tests done to try to find the cause.  I so want to feel good again!

Anyway just taking it day by day…


Congratulations on 90 precious Smokefree days and counting WTG YAY for each and every Day WON you're just around the corner from the awesome TDC ~Triple Digit Club ~ 10 more splendiferous days to100 glorious Days Of Freedom with many more to come. I hope you start feeling better very soon once you get more time under your belt with your quit then you can start working on the weight loss but for now concentrate on your quit and once you get your tests done and get your results back then hopefully you'll start feeling better huge caring hug coming your way. @JuJuCFruit 



Thank you so much!

Only 10 days away from the triple digit club!


You really are rocking your precious quit journey YAY for each and every Day WON. 🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉


  Congratulations @JuJuCFruit  on you 90 days of smoke free living. 

   I do hope you get to feeling better    Don't worry about your weight gain it will come off     Quitting smoking and feeling better is the most important 

You're doing great          Take it a day at a time you'll  be fine





Great advice.  Thanks!


Congratulations!  Be sure to celebrate the TDC with us!

When your quit is well in hand (and you get a handle on the health issues) there will be plenty of time (and extra $$) to work on any weight gain.  Nobody ever died from being 15 pounds overweight  - the same cannot be said of smoking!

I hope they get to the bottom of your health problems - and SOON!



Congratulations! That’s only a small amount of weight to work on compared to your huge accomplishment! Enjoy! 


Three months is just an amazing accomplishment as far as this addiction is concerned.  At least in my quitting book.  I gave up two quits at that 3 month mark.  Just didn't have enough knowledge at the time.  I think in both cases I thought I could have "just that one."  And I took that "one."  And that "one" became a pack and that pack became a carton and that carton continued for years.  Watch your back, say I.  

And, ok, you gained 16 pounds.  So - stop feeding your face.  That's not fair, I know.  Quitting tends to slow our metabolism, so we're going to gain weight because - we quit smoking!  That kind of sucks.  And when I quit I wanted to put everything in my face that I could to get over the feeling of emptiness in my gut.  Understandable.  And sugar and all that crap tends to help.  Suggestion:  drink strong plain green tea.  It never tasted great to me, but I knew green tea was good for me and as a consequence that kind of bitter flavor tended to kill my appetite.  And too, I chowed down on raw vegetables.  Carrots, for example.  They will help you feel like your belly is full.  Hate carrots?  Find something that is lower in calories than perhaps what you've been currently eating?  No criticism here whatsoever.  That gut emptiness feeling when we quit makes us want to eat and eat and EAT.  I get it.  Just choose different things to eat.  Ya know?  Try it.  

Yeah, my thighs are now rubbing together too.  Sucks, doesn't it?  Yup.  I hear you.  Just work at it. Work to change it.  That's all we all can do.  Ya know?  At least if you're working at it, you can say "I'm doing the best I can do."  And that give you a sense of pride and self respect.

Triple digits coming up soon.  A great milestone.  Keep going.  You're going great.  Despite the 16 pounds!  Hope your tests give you answers that will help.  Hang in, hang tough, stay true to that Best of you!


Congratulations on 90 days smoke free !

Big congratulations ... commendable job. It is testing time still. You are doing wonderful. In next 10 days, you will be 100 days !.....Ohoooooo..

Regarding weight gain, just check calories input and output ratio ... any thing needs to be corrected. I am sure, you will be able to do that !

All the best !


Congratulations on 90 days smoke free. 10 more and you will be in triple digits. That's great. Keep up the good quit.



@JuJuCFruit  Big congrats on 90 days.   You should be so proud.



  You probably know, some of us don't agree with the comments about not worrying  about the weight.  That's true for some, but not others. Downplaying that it is an issue for a percentage of quitters, isn't supportive.    In addition to the changes in metabolism,  definitely have your thyroid checked although it may not surface until a year after quitting.  


Lots of good stuff here.  Thank y’all! 

Since I have quit my lifestyle has changed a lot.  One example, I used to drink a lot of coffee; now I don’t even finish a cup in the morning.  Although I have never eaten cereal in my adult life, within a very short time of waking I eat a big bowl.  

@Giulia is correct!  I have got to stop feeding my face!  My appetite is out of control!!  And my fatigue (laziness?) is also out of control.  
As I have never had to watch what I eat or diet, I am not sure how to.

I am obviously going to have to increase my output whether I feel like it our not.

So my goal for the next month is to lose at least 7 pounds by being active.  If I can accomplish that while still not smoking I will be very proud of myself!

Wish me luck!



I did have my thyroid checked recently so it’s not that.  It is because I am sedentary, pig out all day long and don’t feel good.

You are correct that becoming large  it is of concern to me as I want to fit in my clothes!  It is up to me alone 

to do it!

About the Author
Smoked for FIFTY years most recently about 1 1/2 packs a day. Cigarettes controlled every aspect of The Who, what, when, where, how, why and if of my life literally. Have made several serious attempts to quit but none lasted at the most more than a few months. This time will be different so help me God... please!