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Share your quitting journey

9 short days to 10 years!

4 8 182

HI All,

I hope everyone is well and continuing on their journey free of smoke. It definitely gets easier although I can't truly say that I never think about it. Sometimes when I mad at my family I think I should smoke to piss them off... seriously, how stupid is that of me? Anyway, I don't want them anymore.

I can't stand the smell of the smoke, the ashtray or the smoker. My mom is a smoker and lives with me. The other day she threw cigarette butts in my inside can, it was horrible and I had to take it outside. I just couldn't take it.

Well, I am having a really hard time this week with my mental health and thought to come here to find something positive I have done. 

I wish you all success in every stage of quit. 

As always, Thanks for helping me get this far. 


Congrats to you! Amazing milestone! 


Hi, @stmand92 !  Good to see you!  Better STILL to hear you are maintaining your stupendous, marvelous (almost) ten year quit!

Remember how awful those first quit weeks were?  You KNOW you don't want to go through that again, right?  SO - don't.   Your family problems will still be there after you lose your hard earned quit, so try to keep in mind that if you give it up, you will have given them victory over you!!!  

Go for a walk!  Call a friend!  Wash the car (or the dog!)!  Distract, distract, distract!




 9 days 10 nope years @stmand92 

WoooooWOOO I am so glad for you 

  • Dear @stmand92 , I am.sad to read that you are dealing with some mental health issues.  I relate because I am too.  But it is a wonderful thing that even with these struggles you have, you are still committed to remaining smoke free.  That is a testament to your strength and your hope.  Congratulations on your upcoming milestone and thank you for coming here to post so that those of us not as far along in our quits can see that forever quits are possible and are real.  Cheers to you.

@stmand92 Congrats on your upcoming 10 year quit. That is a fabulous achievement to celebrate.  For those that aren't on the Ex regularly anymore , it's nice to know that you can come back anytime for support and acclaim on your success.  That reinforcement can do wonders for your mindset.

Wishing you the best.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations @stmand92 on 10 years of being smoke free!  What an amazing accomplishment to remain smoke free while living with a smoker.  Stay strong! We are here for you.

Quiana, EX Team


@stmand92  I hope you come back to celebrate your (10) TEN year ANNIVERSARY of quitting nicotine.  I commend you for quitting while you have family that still smokes!  I admire your resolve.  I can only imagine how many ailments you do NOT have, due to your decision to stop smoking.  Wheezing improved,  cough improved, stamina improved, smell improved.  You can add your own.  Congratulations and never ever take your quit for granted.

