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Share your quitting journey

9/19/08 My first day

0 9 41
I know we are suppose to pick a date and work up to it, but that doesn't work well for me. I keep telling myself that I'll cut back, not smoke as many, prepare myself, but truth is that doesn't work with me. So I was thinking yesterday, What am I waiting for? It's going to be hard, no matter if it's today or next month. This morning I woke up, my husband asked me if I needed any cigarettes for work, and I just said no and kept going. My mind is made up. Hasn't been too bad really. I have always noticed that I don't crave the nicotine so much until after I have that first one of the day. Then for the rest of the day I'm craving it at different times, different triggers. So I'm not having a huge problem with cravings right now. I know that will change, I know it's not going to be THIS easy, but so far I am encouraged. The real, real test will be the weekend. So easy and accessible to smoke at home. So many triggers at home. I'll probably be blogging alot. LOL
Tell him I said thanks!!!
The weekends are the toughest time for me too but I am living proof that they CAN BE SURVIVED!!! 🙂 Hang in there and blog as much as you need to!! 🙂
Hang in there. I've finally gotten to Day 3. Although it seems like 6!! I've been feeling irritable and restless which is to be expected. This morning I had thoughts of having just one to reward myself but have been fighting it so far. It'll be tough, but don't try to think about tomorrow or next week or a month from now. Just live one day at a time, in fact just one hour at a time. Tell yourself "OK let me just not smoke for an hour" then two and so forth. Good luck.
I am so proud of you for taking that HUGE first step, not an easy one at that. Knowing they won't be there for you when your receptors are screaming at you to give them their fix.
Well hear I am and it's 1 pm, I've just finished lunch, having a pretty strong craving for one right now. *sigh*
hi amy,
after you get the nicotine out of your system, then you have the mental addiction. it is my opinion that that is the hardest to over come, just keep your gaurd up and the craves will not beat you peace!
I wish I could send you the sirloin David ordered, let you go Rocky on it, that should help you. Just imagine all those rich sob's who changed cigarettes so you get addicted so fast right in the middle of it, and then tenderize the thing.
Ain't it the truth. They did this to us on purpose, but I allowed it too, so have to take my blame.
We all do, that's the part I am pounding into my brain for the times I get irritated. No one else did this to me, I am the one who decided to start this junk, no one forced me. So, it's no one else's fault by my own, so I am going to do my best NOT to take it out on anyone else. By the way, David says WAY TO GO!