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Share your quitting journey

89 days smoke free

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Good morning everyone 🙂


89 days the days have past so quickly. I guess i am what you call in no mans land. and i really need to read up on this a little bit more. I have to stay vigilant on myself. I notice cravings come and go but I am usually able to overcome them rather quickly. I do have to be careful because my other quits lasted longer and I fell back to smoking when I wasnt paying attention.

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This addiction is sneaky! Gotta keep your guard. Have a great day


Hi Mellie! Stay strong! Don't let the nicodemon get the best of you. He can be very convincing, but its lies.  You will be at 100 days in no time! YaY!


There is only one way through to the other side, just keep on walking everyday.

things will get better, I can't promise the craving s will go away but they will get easier and once you are cemented in your quit and determined to breathe you will stand head high and carry on.

You are strong enough to battle this addiction, educate yourself, enter smoking cessation in the search engine and read all you can find, do your homeowork

writ edown 100 things to do besides smoke, write your reasons down and get busy living healthy. maybe start an exercise program.

you will feel good form the endorphins.

dont be scared to fail, you will be fine a day at a time , keep bloging

there is alot of good information from my homework on my page, maybe you might check it out.

warm regards aztec

quit date 5-5-09


G'Morning Mellie. Congrats on day 89! You can do this.  Stay close.


Mellie - Stay vigilant, but if you do, the Nicodemon will have no power over you!  He likes to sneak up on the complacent ones, the ones who don't remember the tools they used to get them to No Man's Land.  As long as you keep in mind those things that worked for you to distract yourself during the early days, you will be just fine.

One day at a time; you GOT this!


Quit 7/4/12


Thank you everyone!!! i will try my best to stay on this site and continue my research!!


Hi Mellie and congrats on your quit! It is tricky here in NML...xo

Read the past blogs about it on Sarah’s page…she posts a new one every Wednesday:  Sarah