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86 hours!

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I have now gone 86 hours without a cigarette.  Supposedly the worse is over, but I know I’ve made it as long as 2 weeks before.  This time though I am making the choice to avoid all smoking areas, which won’t be hard to do at all.  No one is smoking in my home now or my car, my hospital campus is non-smoking so I don’t leave on breaks at all.  I don’t hang out at anyone’s house where there is smoking, and I haven’t been to a bar in years.  My down fall during my longest previous quit was being around a group of smokers who were all smoking in front of me, before I was strong enough to fight the urge.  This time I know better.


Congrats on making through the first  3 days!!  I'm just a little ahead of you on day 11.  I do think it gets easier.  I spent a lot of time reading these blogs.  I've quit for extended periods of time in the past so I was nervous about saying "forever" but I feel stronger about that now.  I still have my moments but it gets better.  I think it was Jojo who quoted something like "I'd rather be a nonsmoker who occasionally has feelings of wishing to smoke than a smoker who constantly has feelings of wishing to quit"  That's the jist of it anyway.  Good luck!  Hang tough, hang out here, it helps.


Sounds like you really want to protect this quit of yours.......hang in there with is easier than going it alone!! Breathe Free


Hang tough and proud. I'm 30 days of nonsmoking and I avoided all the places that has smokers. It wasn't really hard at all. Work is non-smoking, the bars are non-smoking, restaurants are non-smoking, and I just dont hang around smokers. I dont have a vehicle, so no one can smoke in it. The only place that people smoke is at home, and I'm not around them that much to be affected by it. By now, I dont see them smoking a cigarette, I only see them smoking dollar bills. Thats how I trained myself to quit smoking. Its very effective so far. My advice is: if it gets that bad, then leave. Refuse to be around smokers, and if they ask you why, explain to them that you quit smoking and do not want to be around it anymore. If you have to, find new non-smoking friends to hang around with. Its your life and health, not there's that you are worried about.

Welcome to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! I swear by doing lots of reading - blogs here, the free course at: and Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" -
Stick around!