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Share your quitting journey


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So many of you have been with me since I first started blogging and reading and commenting.  You have been kind and patient; you have been honest.  You have been intuitive knowing what I needed even when I didn’t.  I am trying with all of the energy I have, to keep going, to keep from just falling apart because I am so tired, I am so short of breath.  It means that I have to budget the small amount of energy and breath that I have.  I must accept that there are many things I can not do any more.  I am not sure if I will ever be able to do them again.  I expected to feel better than this, I expected to be able to complete things that I started but I cannot do that anymore.  I cannot vacuum or take care of things around the house; I can’t catch my breath.  I will see my pulmonologist in early Feb but I don’t think he can offer me much.  He may want me to do pulmonary rehab again…I have really severe issues getting from the house to the car, even with the portable oxygen.  I have been practicing my breathing so that I can at least TRY to make it from point A to point B without gasping for breath.  This is a journey.  I HAVE learned that my scoliosis impairs my breathing even more than I recognized.  When I bend over, my rib cage pushes my lung tissue up so that I cannot get a breath in.  If I MAKE myself breathe through my nose (not always possible), I can keep from the panic situation hitting so completely that I can’t calm down.  Living with COPD has brought me as close to clinical depression as I have ever been in my life.  Recognizing my limitations and trying to accept them is a constant battle.  I really should think of it the same way as I thought of quitting smoking.  It’s not a battle, it’s a JOURNEY. When I think of smoking now, it is with great resentment. Just DON’T SMOKE, it’s that simple, just DON’T.  It will get easier. Thank you for celebrating my seven year anniversary.



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meWisconsin‌ You are so right, Terry.  Here I am saying that I wish I had quit sooner when we ALL feel that way.  I might be suffering from some terminal uniqueness.  Someone said that to my husband when he felt like he didn't really belong in  AA.  I have never felt like I don't belong here, from the very beginning.  I am so glad to have EX.  Sometimes, it is the only thing that I feel like I really want to do, if that makes any sense.  Thank you, Terry..



sweetplt‌ Oh my, Colleen, thank you so much. You are the kindest woman ever & the support you give is so loving & sincere. I knew very soon after you came here that you were particularly special, l was right.  I hope you have an amazing time in Florida, what a lovely thing to look forward to every year!

Love & hugs,



Barbara145‌ WOW, thank you for your support & encouragement from when l first came here, you had 100 days of freedom when l came here & l thought l will NEVER get there. I loved being a nurse but l am so glad l never worked through anything like this pandemic, thank God! Nurses have always been special but this has been so difficult for so many of them.

Thanks again, my friend.



AnnetteMM‌ Wow, you give me way too much credit but l gratefully accept it. You are a very talented writer, l found myself really looking forward to your blogs. Still do. Thank you for your kind support.



Barbscloud‌ Thank you so much, such a sweet message.




Thanks so much for your encouragement & for taking what l say about COPD seriously. I am so hopeful that someone will stop smoking or STAY stopped because of how this ravages the body. I am not sure if the pool will be available but l certainly HOPE so. I can ALMOST convince myself that my back is cured & my COPD is in remission when l am in that water, between the sun & the water, something magical happens, l LOVE it!

Thank you again.



kristen-9.7.15‌ Beautiful smile lady, newlywed, thanks for the congratulations & for being here, it makes a difference.



Rachy2283‌ Thank you for your kind message & thank you for being here when there is so much going on in your life right now. Smoking is a sneaky beast, making you believe you cannot live without it when the truth is that it is secretly killing you. Remember that no crave ever killed anyone & that craves go away whether or not you smoke. I remember questioning that but it is absolutely true. I am glad you are here.



Trisha76‌ Go to the groups link on EX, everything is there. 
Can’t get medical marijuana here, not legal...yet.



Ellen, 1st. Congratulations on 7 wasn't always easy but very doable, I applaud you on this wonderful milestone. Next, I am so sorry for the struggles you are up against with copd. And, yes the older we get the more our actions of our youth are stowed a pond us. If we all would've just listened to our older, wiser seniors on these mindless habits. I hope and pray you fine comfort and relief on your up coming pulmonary appointment. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes always, JoAnn. 


I'm so proud of your 7 year accomplishment Ellen. So many in your position give up but it's not in you. You are such a positive influence to everyone at EX. Thank you for being here.

Mike Huzzah.JPG


Love "terminal uniqueness"...thanks (((((ELLEN)))))


When I think of smoking now, it is with great resentment. Just DON’T SMOKE, it’s that simple, just DON’T. 

What a powerful sentiment; so simple and honest and raw. Thank you for this post. I know it's hard; reading your words made it hard for me to catch a breath. I can't imagine the daily struggle you are facing, and the fact that you still find the strength and resolve to be an inspiration to so many of us is, bluntly, staggering. Thank you for expending some of your energy on us, on this. Thank you for shining a light forward, even though every step is a struggle. 

I can't express how much I value your words. 


Thanks jojo_2-24-11‌ Nice to hear from you. COPD is pretty tough but it is marked by exacerbations & remissions, just like RA.  They are skipping together through my body these days. I am SO GLAD that l quit smoking, it really was a gift to me.

You have a TEN YEAR anniversary coming up, WOW!



Mike.n.Atlanta‌ Thanks for celebrating with me! You have been a great support, l appreciate it.



ruesella‌ Thank you so much. 



although I've only known you a very short time I am incredibly inspired and impressed by you. I wish I could take your pain away I'm so very sorry for what your going through. Congratulations for all you have overcome and continue to conquer everyday. Your a shining role model for us all. Just do what you can when you can.  I give you my best.         Julie


JuliePatricia‌ Thank you so much for your support, l so want you to get away from your addiction before you are reminded every day like l am.




About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.