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Share your quitting journey

7 Days In

5 10 89

Craves are somewhat better except when I'm not keeping busy. I'm looking forward to the time when I can just sit and do nothing without that nagging feeling. 

I've told a few more people about my quit and it's nice to get "way to go", "you'll do it", etc. Then there are the negative Nellies who, when I tell them I'm using Wellbutrin, think that it is "cheating".  Whatever.

I haven't blogged since my 2nd day but I come here as often as possible and read. It's a temendous help!

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!

10 Comentarios

Way to go and yes I also cheated by using Chantix ~insert eye roll~, heck they are tools to aid in the quit and the first day that I did not stick a cigarette into my mouth and inhale all that nasty junk using whatever I had to use in order to not smoke is my forever quit day and I would much rather be a cheater then a smoker, but hey that is just my opinion. Glad you are finding the readings here help you out. I know I give the EX community a huge thanks for all they ways they have assisted me over the last few months.

Keep up the good work



Thanks Tabbie! 

I tried several times to quit "cold turkey" but it never worked for me.  I don't think there's a right or wrong way to quit. It's whatever makes us successful! 


CONGRATULATION!!!!  You just made it out of  Hell Week.  The journey continues.  Stay close, never give up. 


🙂 I guess everyone is having a relaxing Sunday because no one is here.  🙂

You're doing great. Onward and Upward!


I guess I was just late.   🙂


      Congratulations on 7--ur now 8. Good to hear that you are working it. Yah, that nagging feeling is a pest...but your growing smobriety will take care of that. 


Congratulations on your splendiferous 7 glorious Days WON and counting WTG,  you're doing great and it will get easier and easier with time under your belt but you must get through the rough patches and relearn life without the crutch of cigarettes but it's so worth it to be able to go anywhere, anytime, whenever, wherever and however without worrying about where to sneak off to suck on a cancer stick.....


Congrats again! And - you are not cheating!! 


Congratulations on 7 days WON.  It's wonderful. Keep stacking those days up.  (Wow...that's what the Elders said to me.  I'm so happy to pass them on).



Congrats CarolinaGal it is whatever works. I have been on several sites before but this is the best, someone will get back to you and there are plenty of resources to help.