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Share your quitting journey

6 months today!!

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I have been quit 6 months today-so why is it when I smell cigarettes I want to vomit and buy a pack at the same time? I know I need to stay vigilant, and I am afraid of that one stupid thought that turns into that one stupid moment and poof- it is all gone. Luckly, I am still wheezing and spitting up-if not I am sure I would have caved by now. I am in unknown territory right now and I need to get through the next 6 months. I think once I have made a year it will not weigh on my mind so much. Summer is coming, that is the drink and smoke outside time of year I love. This will be my first without alcohol and without smokes. I got this, I hope. #stayingquit

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14 Comentarios

@kissthis812 Congrats on 6 months of success.  Glad you stopped by to celebrate.  The change of seasons can be a challenge, especially the first one or two years.  We associate different things with different times of the year.    Spring/Summer were the most difficult for me.  I also enjoyed being outside smoking.  My first summer, I couldn't sit on my deck at first. Try to come up the some different outside activities that  didn't accompany smoking in the past.   One quitter here suggested blowing bubbles, which I actually did for a while.  It worked and it was fun.

Stay vigilant.  You definitely got this.



It isn't surprising that you want to smoke as it turns to Spring.  You haven't a lot of practice doing Spring things without smoking.  Even the fragrances and light will remind you of those days.  This will be easier if you do a few things.

It might help if you change things up to reduce the associations with summertime activities.  Do things in a different order, in different places. Sip a different beverage.   Change the location of your outdoor sitting area; even turning the chair to face a different direction might help.  Maybe get a new table,  plant, or sculpture to renew the area.

Congratulations on SIX MONTHS!  That is HUGE!  Keep going!




@kissthis812 Congratulations on 6 months. Be proud of yourself and all you have accomplished.






Congratulations on 6 months of smobriety!!  I hope you give yourself a reward for this achievement.  Wishing you the very best as you continue on tge Freedom Road!!


Congratulations to you for being SIX MONTH nicotine free.  That's amazing!  Find those OTHER enjoyable things to do.  That's your challenge, because inhaling nicotine is for losers and you are a winner.  If you can go six months without, you can keep going, because nicotine is not the answer....was never the answer.  Nicotine didn't solve one problem or enrich your life.  YOU have chosen LIFE.  Don't let that addiction drag you down any more.

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Congrats @kissthis812 on six months free of not only smoking but of quitting drinking as well . I have every bit of of confidence that you can get through summer and will find summer without those two things so enjoyable now . It’s a first summer of great future summers . Be vigilant and enjoy this great time of the year smoke and alcohol free . Great job . 


Congrats on 6 months smoke free.  I am at the 6 1/2 month point.  I definetly know how you feel.  Some triggers are just stronger than others.  It's alot easier to say no now.  Just keep on being strong and reach out when you need support.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations on 6 months! Great job!

Quiana, EX Team 


Woo hoo @kissthis812 congratulations on 6 months! I did laugh when I read your vomit & buy a pack at the same time, those not in the former smokers community might not understand why that's funny.....because it's so true is why!


You all are so awesome!! Thank-you for the replies and the advice!!


You're doing great @kissthis812!

It may be unfamiliar territory... but that's true only until it becomes familiar. I quit drinking as a side effect of quitting smoking. In my mind, I know what that drinking/smoking experience is like. I drank and smoked my way through 30 years. I'm ready for something ELSE. I'm ready for other habits, other routines, other experiences that bring me joy that aren't killing me simultaneously. Your future is worth more than empties and ashes. Fill it with MORE. I'll be rooting for you. Reach out if you need help. 6 MONTHS IS A HUGE MILESTONE!! You can make it to a year and beyond by focusing on one day at a time. 

This has become my favorite quote: 





Same here. I decided I am done with the unhealthy habits-my familiar crutches. They were fun back in the day but it is time for me to experience life with a clear mind, the ups and the downs. No more leaning into a cloud of smoke or clinging to bravery in a bottle. Your words are spot on and it truly has been unfamiliar territory! I love the quote btw!!


@kissthis812   So inspiring to read this.  You are worth every bit of any struggle you might be going through to rid yourself of this addiction.  Around 6 mos., I wasn't always "sunshine and rainbows", because I still thought I missed my crutch, but you make NEW, healthy memories.  You find new fun things to do and you find healthy ways to cope with life.  Besides, groceries have gone up and without spending all that money harming yourself, you can now afford to buy those healthy things now.  Congratulations.


@kissthis812 So happy for you're finding a new way of living.   



Acerca del autor
My name is Patricia, but I go by Pat. I am 58 years old, I am married and I have 4 grown children and 3 grandchildren and 2 dogs. I started smoking when I was 12 and I have tried to quit a million times. I have to say that I have had an exceptional year and I am hoping to add quit smoking to my 2023 accomplishments.