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Share your quitting journey

6 months, still here!

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Let me start by saying 6 months ago I was a two to three pack a day smoker who thought I was happy, even if I had COPD and got colds and infections all the time. Everytime someone said you need to quit, including my doctors, they got the glare and a no way. I was in the hospital again in February and the doctor told me that I was going to die. I literally laughed, because they had threatened me with this for a while now. I just knew it was all BS, but he promised me that I would never live another year because of smoking. Ok, that scared me a little, but I got out of the hospital and got in the car and lit up, then started crying, because for the first time in my life I realized I was an addict, that even telling me I would die meant nothing to my not so good friend Mr Smoke. I decided I was quitting, that was it, I meant it. That day I put on a patch afraid I couldn't do it cold turkey, but determined to quit. Since that day I have learned a lot about me and Mr Smoke too. I learned that the meds that help some don't work for me and that cold turkey was the way I was going to have to go. I learned that even if your desire is strong in your quit, your addiction is strong too and that it is no picnic. I wish I could tell you it was easy, but truthfully it was hell. I cried, I was a bitch a lot, I threw things, I broke things, I hated everybody, but I would not smoke. My gall bladder ruptured,my guy said he was leaving me, I still wouldn't smoke, he had a heart attack and nearly died, still not smoking. I was told that even though I quit, I have severe COPD and may very soon have to have surgery, still not smoking. I buried folks, had birthdays of deceased loved one including one of my kids and a husband, still did not smoke. Did I always feel good? No, but did I do it, yes. How? I wish there was an easy answer, I just got stubborn and no matter how bad I felt (there were days I literally locked myself in the house), I just wouldn't smoke. I figured if I was going to live or die I didn't want to be a smoker. I remembered how I found my husband, still wearing his patch with cigarettes sitting in the ashtray where he had smoked with the patch and his body was weak from cancer and the treatments, how he had a massive stroke and died, for a stinking cigarette, how my father died after losing his leg, from smoking, I just decided that it was my choice and even if it was hard, it was one thing no one could take from me. Today in a few hours I will hit that 6 month mark, now to the world that may seem like nothing, but to those of us here who know the very real struggle, it is victory, one no one can take and trust me it is so worth it. I feel free for the first time in 38 years....please give your quit all you have, you will be surprised at how you will feel about yourself and what you will learn about will feel like a winner!
33 Comentarios

((((((((((((CINDY))))))))))))) way to go my friend
Six months calls for a big celebration, and no one deserves it more than you, Cindy. You are one of the strongest people I've ever encountered, and serve as such a great role model for anyone who thinks it's impossible to get through stressful situations without smoking. I hope you can feel all the warm hugs and loving thoughts coming your way!
Wow!! I am on my 4th day,and reading this brought a tear to my eye. I've been feeling the way you had! Crying,screaming,just a complete emotional mess.And you had a lot of curveballs thrown your way, it was testing your willpower, and you prevailed! I cant wait till I get to 6months, I want this whole thing to be behind me,I cant wait till the day I feel like a winner too! Good for you!!!!!!! And do something for your special day!
WOW! Girl you are an inspiration to all here! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Congratulations Comments
you are and always will be such a motivator for people that are quitting, keep being your sweet, caring self and all are helped by you. CONGRATULATIONS, you did it!!!!!!!!!!
You are so special to be where you are. I'm in awe of your stubborness. You've worked so hard for your freedom you should be so proud of yourself. Enjoy your day!!
Thank you so much for sharing one of those adicted to cigs...I have been told I will loose my legs and still I go on soking I have treed to quit and am going too again but your story has help me alot...thank you again....sue
Cindy, You are truly a powerful example to all of us. You have been teachging us that no matter what happens in life, we don't have to smoke as a response. We can rise above our addictions. Congratulations on your six months quit and here's hoping you have many more!
Awesome Cindy, you are indeed one of the strongest folks on this site!
Congratulations on six months, Cindy. I think your journey over the last six months has been an inspiration.
Many Congrats on your 6 month quit. i am sooooooooooo proud of you!!! a story like yours, truly gives me motivation to keep on, keeping on. Enjoy your special day!
Absolutely Beautiful - you and your commitment to your quit and your support here. You've got the key - despite anything and everything you refuse to smoke. The truth shall set you free.
6 months is awesome to me, you are my buddy and I am following right behind you. You are a winner!!!
Congratulations on being smoke free for 6 months.


Cindy, you are an inspiration to all and especially to me!
So proud of you Girlfriend! Thanks for the story of inspiration! I'm at day 138 (may be 139 now!) and have been blessed with your friendship most of the way! Thank You so very much! Congrats to you!
Congratualtions Cindy on 6 months.
I am so glad I met you here. They say god brings people into our lives for a reason. With everything happening to both of us, it's nice to be able to have friends who understand.
I wish you all the best, you should be so proud of yourself.
Enjoy the day, boy have you earned it.
Congratulations Cindy and what an awesome post!!! I am soooo happy for you!!!!
Hi Cindy, Congrats on your 6 months! i cannot tell you how much you have helped me quit with your powerful stories and never give up attitude! i am so happy for you and look forward to celebrating many more milestones! You are on strong woman and inspire so many with your straight talk and gentle support and suggestions! What a gal!!! Bigs hugs and love to you D
That was great Cindy! Your conviction is an inspiration. A real gem and a energizer bunny you are. Congratulations, you deserve many <<>> and pats on the pat. Give yourself a great big one, you deserve it.
Cindy congratulations on your 6 months reading your blog post I could really relate to parts of it and it really gave me a wake up call. Thanks
All these other comments are so true. Really, you are such an important presence here to all of us and such an inspiration. Congratulations on six months...I thought you were in over a year!

congrats you are now smoke free.
Mr. Smoke? LOL Love it.

I am SO proud of you. 6 months is outstanding!!!
WOW - - What a post !!! Beginner or "old-timer" this is an awesome, FANTABULOUS post !! You tell it like it is...and that, my dear friend, is something we ALL need to hear !!!

(I just can't picture an itty-bitty thing like you throwing things, and breaking things and screaming !!!! LOL)

Your tough resolve has brought you to 6 months - half a year !! I, for one, and I speak for many, are so darned happy you are here with us !!! You inspiration is the light at the end of the tunnel for SO many !!! Keep on keepin' on !!!! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((CINDY))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hi Cindy - Thank you for your post. You inspire me always and my heart aches for you reading what you have been through in the past six months. I hope the next six months are so much easier for you!!! Congratulations on your quit -- You are courageous - You are strong and You are doing this!!!
Cindy, Congratulations on your 6 mo quit. I hope you know how much you have motivated me to stick with my quit.I just passesd my 1 mo mark on the 15th. This site and great people like you have made this possible. My thoughts and prayers are with you daily. I hope your health gets better and better and May God Bless You for the inspiration you are to me and so many others. Wishing your peace comfort and joy in your smoke free life
Congratulations, Cindy!!! You are a continuing inspiration and one of the bravest people I've ever met. You're also very kind and very tough. YOU DID IT! Halfway to a year!

Cindy, I don't know how I missed this post but I did. You are a fighter, and 6 months is awesome!! I do admire your strength and determination. Thankyou for your inspiration.

hi cindy, please know i am praying for you+ also i will the 700club which they will be more than happy to. i
really wish there was more i could do for you! as you know cindy, God is the only one that can help. many times i have said to myself, God is all i have, but God is all i need! there's nothing i can say or do in this old fleshly body to bring you comfort, but i know who can!!! just like you i know the GREAT PHYCIAN!!!! i have wittnesed,+ heard of many miracles, healing+ otherwise. please read romans8:28. if you just have the faith of
a mustard seed, you know it will move mountains!!! cindy, i believe this is just a test of your faith,+ you have
passed your test with flying colors!!!! i believe this with all my heart! this is from my daily blessings book. i
am not the one that picked this scripture, but i believe you'll like it. i want to know your heart.
would not God find this out? for he knows the secrets of the heart. psalm 44:21 . i've experienced this countless times. i've learned that when bad times come, you can let them make you bitter or use them to make you better. i haven't seen my 3 grandchildren for more than 7yrs. i have such a hole in my heart that
nothing or no one can heal. after 161/2 yrs. of marriage my husband left me. details don't change things,
i revealed this to you ,because we don't know one another, but it is so important to me that you don't think i'm
some goody two shoes that has a perfect life+ couldn't possible know or understand your situation. i hope now you feel different about me. God is my witness, i would change places with you in a heartbeat. the
wonderful loving family, and all that goes with it. but i am happy for you cindy,+ soon you'll be at home with them. thank God for this website, because i love people,+ i love encourageing them,+ praying for them.
friends are angles who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly. God bless you!
Cindy...I just wanted to let you know that every time I feel weak I read THIS blog! If you can do it through all you went through....I know I can do it! You are an amazing person and a life line to US quitters! YOU ROCK!
Acerca del autor
Gone but Not Forgotten. RIP - they leave a legacy of their quit journeys behind as road maps for future members, to prevent the pitfalls, provide the tools and show the hope and possibilities for success at overcoming this addiction at any age at any stage. I quit after nearly dying from trying to smoke. I started when I was 14, I quit while I was pregnant and then when I had my spine fused with a cage. They wouldn't do the surgery unless I quit. I did for almost two years and then on that wrong day, I reached for a puff. Guess what? it has been almost 10 years since then. This last mess I went through, scared me enought to stop and I want to stay that way. I am in my early 50's, have 5 kids and 6 grands that I want to be around for. I love to cook and I was a professional cook. . I have COPD, pleurosy, asthma, chronic sinusitis,reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and God knows what else, from guess what? Smoking right. I made up my mind no matter what I'm through with my abusive ex, Mr. Smoke, he always was a liar and he has no power over me now..... I also realized that I did not create me and I do not have the right to destroy what I did not create. I think you could say I was stubborn about my smoking, nothing anyone said would make me stop. I used every junkie lie in the book, but here is the reality of my life everyday , not what I wanted for my life, how about you?