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Share your quitting journey

6 days into quit

3 7 112

Hello everyone!

Sorry I haven’t been on but it’s been pretty crazy. With all the schools deciding whether or not to do in person or virtual this week and I’m just finding out about what I’m expected to do for my job in the school that I work in, I haven’t had time to even login.

Thank you to everyone that gave me the advice to read Allen Carr’s book the Easy Way toQuit.   It was so very helpful, I was actually looking forward to quitting by the end of it. I really feel like it was able to keep me on track the first day and the following.

today is day number six and I have to say today has been harder than the previous days. Like I said things are stressful right now with work and my kids and family life. It’s just that gnawing sensation that there’s something missing or something that I should be doing.  BeingBusy makes it hard to be able to focus on what I need to do in those moments in a mindful way.  

Anybody else struggling today?  


Congrats day 6.  That's fabulous.  Just keep reminding yourself there's going to be stress in our lives whether we smoke or not.  It's crazy what's going on with the schools.  It's on the news everyday with different school districts having different plans that are ever changing.  I don't envy teachers or parent right now.

Keep moving forward.



What you are experiencing with your quit is perfectly normal - and to be expected, actually.  You are changing behaviors that have been co-mingled with smoking for many years, and it's going to take awhile and lots of experience to get beyond that.  I don't know if you are using nicotine replacement, but if not, then you are also experiencing your body adjusting to life without the drug.  If you think about it, that is quite a challenge!

BUT - you are doing beautifully.  You are almost through H#ll Week - next is Heck Week, then one day at a time to a month!

It WILL get easier  I promise!

Just hang in there until it does!



Congratulations on 6 days of Freedom...super job...and almost through hell week.  Smoking will not change any of the stressors in your life...Nico wants you back so he is trying to convince you why? Tell him NO...You are early in the journey and it takes a lot of work.  Today, is Friday relax and do something nice for you this evening...get a good night’s rest and I guarantee tomorrow will be a better one...Delay the cravings...


Check in with us and let us know how you are doing...~ Colleen 620 DOF 


Thank you for the support everyone! This is the first time I've joined a support group to quit and I feel like this time it's my forever quit!!!


As a retired teacher (and substitute up until this past March), I can’t imagine the stress involved in working in a school right now. But, you are doing what you need to do to protect your quit. Way to go and congrats on 6 days! It WILL get better! 


Congratulations on 6, now in 7! Keep working your quit one day at a time.


CONGRATULATIONS on making it through what is "affectionately" referred to as "Hell Week."  Being busy is a good thing, particularly at the beginning, please look at this as a JOURNEY, one day at a time.  It DOES get easier.  Welcome to EX.
