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Share your quitting journey

5 weeks

8 10 241

So, I guess I am early in the No  Man's Land stage of quitting.  I've read a bit about it and that was helpful.  Can't remember the approximate length it lasts, though I understand we each have different journeys, though lots of shared similarities too.

I have strong, joyful hours and kind of down hours--learning how to deal with uncomfortable situations and emotions without running for a cigarette is an interesting experience (not always that easy)

But at work today, before a meeting, I was talking to someone about my quit and lots of people apparently perked up their ears and heard the conversation I was having.  It is a supportive environment, for the most part, but I was really overwhelmed with gratitude when almost everyone in the room started clapping for me and saying, Way ta go.  Heartwarming experience.  Encouragement and support are amazing, and that's why this site is awesome.  We cheer each other on for each day Won.  I appreciate being able to share my journey and I really appreciate reading about your journeys and your stories of strength and hope and the joys of being on this Freedom road.


10 Comentarios

A super CONGRATULATIONS on your precious quit journey Raissa 👏 you are totally rocking it! 🤗 Hang onto your positive attitude because it'll get through any rough patches that you may come upon. 🤗


@ReallyReal What a wonderful experience that your co-workers applauded your success.  Support can make the difference for many of us.

Congrats on 5 weeks.



Happy five weeks. Your work companions threw you some love!!! Awesome! 


@ReallyReal , NML is real and it is challenging. I noticed around the same time as you have  (a month or so in) that I wasn’t bursting with the enthusiasm and positivity that I had experienced racking up those first few weeks. I felt sad to lose that almost manic peppyness; maybe it’s when you realize that staying quit, being an Ex er, is a life-long journey … although it is still one day at a time … good days and challenging ones … and it’s absolutely true that each of our quits is unique. I’m at almost 20 weeks, and I guess that it’s only natural to transition from the amazing energy of the first few weeks to a deeper, steadier feeling. But I miss that “zing.”

It was in NML that those sneaking nicodemon thoughts decided they’d peek out. Maybe the excitement at the beginning of our quits is a high of another sort; after all we are addicts, and we’ll always crave that reward.

So I feel ya, and I don’t know how long it will last. I’ve read here that it takes either one or two complete processions of the seasons to get to that steadier state. Right now, that sounds like a looong time. But not too long ago, quitting seemed impossible, too. I’m not good at patience or delayed gratification (geez, those aren’t things an addict feels ::eye roll::), so I look at it as a chance to practice and maybe even improve those skills, lol. But what matters is that I won’t smoke over it.

Keep your chin up (now that’s an old-fashioned phrase!) because you are grippin’ this and rippin’ this. NML is a perfect time to REALLY get busy because it can be a testing time too. I love your imagery of the Freedom Road — let’s keep walking it together! Thanks for inspiration this morning.

Cheers, Terry 136 DOF 



I had one of my more difficult days around 108/118? (hard to remember after ten years!).  I had a monster crave that seemed never ending.  Without reading about NML, I might have felt it was NEVER going to end; it was NEVER going to get easier.  But I did know, so I blogged "HELP" here and an elder came to my rescue.

It DID end and my quit was saved!  I will remind you that it IS going to end!  It IS going to get easier!

Just hang in there no matter what until it does!



Great news that you are getting support at your work place during your quit. This is important. You are star performer in quitting addiction.

Wishing you all the best !


@ReallyReal I'm 8.5 months in and when I told some people I quit last week they congratulated me. I wasn't expecting it this far into my quit but it felt good. I'm glad you are getting support outside of this group. That will help. NML lasts from days 30 to about 130. For me it lasted till day 150. After that things got a lot easier but I still had to call for "help" around day 180. Today is hard. I guess bc of the change of season. So I came here to blog and pledge. After that I'm going for a walk and getting busy.💞🍁


@Snowdoggie hope today turned into a good day for you. Ya, the season/weather changes can have major effects on a person's mood and life.  Sounds like you did some good self-care and that's cool.  Cool also that those people congratulated you last week--a nice surprise.  Yay for all of us who are hangin in there through the good times and the hard times and staying smoke-free.


@tburton1004 thank you for your words on NML today.  Ya, we addicts and those "zing" experiences--wow!  But I do like the idea of steady on the quit smoking journey, and great opportunities to "practice" at this thing called life without the crutch.

Also so glad to hear from several Exers that NML is a temporary, if lonnng, period.  Wishing you the best Terry in your quit; and I will keep my chin up!! We got this!



What a wonderful story about your experience at work! Congrats on your great quit! 

Acerca del autor
I am 59 years old and love my four dogs and two cats, all strays I couldn't turn away. I love to be outside in my yard, watching the birds or puttering around in the dirt. I am so grateful that I let go of those inner voices that kept telling me, It is too late to quit smoking, or, Why quit now? I am so looking forward to being smoke-free.