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45 days in, But today is bittersweet

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Hi Gang!!

I am happy to report that I am still going strong at 45 days, but I don't know how long this will last. I had a Doctors appointment yesterday(Ultrasound) and as of yesterday I should have been 12 weeks and 3 days, but the ultrasound showed 8 weeks and 3 days. I am devastated. I really tried to be as healthy as possible with this pregancy, eating the right foods, drinking more water and even exercising, but God had another plan for me. It was so disappointing to look at the monitor and see my baby not breathing and how I have to break the news to everyone, that seemed so happy and excited for me. For now I need to surround myself around all the support I can because a smoke sounds so relaxing right now, but I know I have to stick to it for my 2 girls.


Support helped me a lot when I lost my third baby.  That was the only time I saw my ex cry.  If you need to talk, let me know.  I'll pray for you, Nita.


i am so sorry for your loss.

smoking is not relaxing.

that is a lie. it is a lie because in reality? it's just going to make you feel uncomfortable

to the point of NEEDING ANOTHER.

And there you are, right back to smoking.

right back to being the example you don't want to be for your girls.

think long and hard about that one.

Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending supportive thoughts your way. 


{{hugs}} Sweetie.  I'm sorry.  Keep up the good Quit you have going. 


I'm also sorry for your loss. But you are right, you need to stay strong for your 2 girls. And even more importantly, for yourself. Trust in God's plan for you. In time, you will understand better.


Patty-cake is right, Trust in God's plan for yourself. I know you have heard when one door closes, another opens. It is true, you will come to know this in time, I havent lost a child, but I once lost a grand baby, so I was close to a situation like yours, and I know the pain you feel. God knows what'sbest. You will heal. I pray for your strength in  all you're going through, may God be close to your heart at this most difficult time and know that your world will be right once again in due season. Stay strong.


So sorry to hear of your loss Nita.  Healing thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

Wow, that's really tough. I have no idea what to say here, but keep putting one foot in front of the other. ❤️

I am so sorry for yur loss.  My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

But - don't lett this deter you from your quit.  That cigarette that you imagine being a soothing help is NOT!!!!!  It will do absolutely othing for you except demand that you smoke another, and another, and another until you are right back to go.  

You really don't want to have to start overr, do you?  You really don't want to have your girls inhaling those noxious vapors, do you?  You hae come so far ---- don't let this deter you from your smoke-free life.

Be strong!


I am so sorry for your loss, for once I don't know what to say. But you have 45 days which is great, you don't want to start again, keep strong.


God bless you and your family Nita. This will be tough for all of you but will improve with time and faith. Please take care of yourself and stick with your quit. Hugs.


I am so sorry....  😞  My husband's and my first child together was stillborn.  He died inutero @ 35 weeks and I carried him another 3 weeks before I went into labor.  There is nothing as devastating as a loss of a child.  

There are no platitudes that will erase the pain and disappointment....but neither will a cigarette.  One of the things I learned through our losses (I've had 2 miscarriages as well) is that LIFE is precious!!!!!  

Choose LIFE!!!  Honor that little soul that now resides in the presence of the Author of Life, by choosing to remain free, and to face the future with hope.  You don't know what the future holds - don't risk throwing away all that still awaits you and your precious family for an addiction that will destroy you.


Praying for you all.


Nita, I am so sorry for your loss. I am sending prayers for you and your family. Smoking wiill do nothing positive for you, stay strong.


As a mother myself, my heart hurts for you and your family Nita.....



Prayers up for you and your family Nita. ♥  img alt="" src="" />   


Thank you to everyone for your kind words and support. This baby taught me that I have strength and whatever I wanted to conquer I could. My children need their Mom, so why should I be selfish to them and bring this nasty habit around. I can do day at a time.


BTW....After some healing...we may try again.<3


So sorry for your loss, Nita.  There is nothing more heartbreaking than the loss of a child.  My second son was stillborn.  Hugs and prayers are being sent your way.  Stay strong and do not smoke.


Oh Nita - I am so very awful! As you can see - you have support here - and lots of prayers, mine included. Please continue that beautiful quit - it is a very special gift - I'm sure it is difficult right now - but, you will be so happy you hung on to it. Please take care and stay close. God bless.......


so sorry for your loss, i do not know why things happen, but you have to go on, you have two girls that depend on their mommy, so hang in there, you can do this, and you will be happier GOD BLESS !


GOD'S Blessings to you Nita. I am so sorry for what you are enduring♥