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Share your quitting journey

440 Days!

2 19 186

Not much to report on here - except it is scorchingly hot here in Arkansas.  We will be knocking on the door of triple digit actual temperatures for the next several days with high humidity.  But that is to be expected in mid July. 

I went out at lunch today and treated myself to a "real" cheeseburger and fries.  As I was walking in at high noon - there was a very attractive young woman sitting on the side walk getting her nicotine fix.  I guess it didn't really matter that the sidewalk was hot enough to fry an egg on - she had to get her fix. 

In the beginning, I never really believed that I would get to the point that I would look at smokers and not envy them but rather feel sorry for them.  But I have arrived - not sure exactly when - but I am there and there is no turning back! 

Hang in there is the best advise that I can give the people just beginning this journey - it is worth it!


Jennifer 440 DOF

About the Author
I am a 65 year old single woman. I quit smoking at 55 and my only regret is that I did not quit sooner. Freedom from cigarettes is truly a wonderful feeling!