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Share your quitting journey

400 Days!

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If I had tried to look that far ahead 400 days ago, I would never have been able to handle everything that has happened in those 400 days.  Sometimes, it feels like no time has passed and then it seems more like 400 YEARS than days.  I could never have anticipated all that has happened and I could never have adequately prepared myself either.  Smoking would not have changed anything, well, that’s a lie, it would have advanced my COPD, made my emphysema worse and my wallet even lighter.  I would not have earned the admiration and respect of many people I did not expect to be so incredibly supportive. People who never smoked somehow really stepped up and told me how happy they were, how proud of me they felt.  NML lived up to its reputation with my moods swinging back and forth and up and down like a trapeze and people probably getting really tired of me talking about quitting.  It was a very big part of my progress.  I felt that every milestone I reached should be shared.  One of my friends, a smoker, asked me if I ever went to EX any more.  I told her that I go there every day.  She asked me why and I asked her who she thought supported me when I first quit.  I told her that if everyone got to a year and stopped coming, the site would not exist.  She thought about that for a minute and then said she never thought of that.  I told her to think of what AA would be like if only people who just stopped drinking came to meetings.  What about Weight Watchers or any other support group?  It’s like an extension of No Man’s Land.  I seriously believe that smokers pose the biggest risk to ex-smokers.  They have all of their excuses for why they cannot quit, they are “unique” just like I was, just like ALL of us were. Now we are on this journey together and we are here to help each other in any way that we can, to listen, to understand, to just BE there.  We are like a pyramid and if one of us falls, the rest have to reposition themselves to remain stable but we each own our OWN quits, we are all responsible to ourselves for how we take care of OUR quits.  No one can quit for you and no one can MAKE you smoke. Every person here wishes you the very best and every person here wants you to succeed, this is a family in and of itself and we know each other in ways that our OTHER family members will never know.

To each person here, I extend my hand in my commitment to stay smoke free and in my gratitude for you being here, no matter where you are in your quit, you are more valuable than you could possibly know. Something you say, something you share could be exactly what someone here needs more than you could possibly imagine. I sincerely love each and every one of you!

Have an amazing week, month, year, LIFE!


Ellen, you are one amazing gal. 😃 Congratulations on 400 days!!! I love you, too!


Way to go Ellen!!!!!


Thanks Ellen for being a strong part of the pyramid and helping us "newbies". Congrats on 400 days!


What a wonderful 400 day blog. Beautifully said. Congratulations to you and thank you for all your support. WOO HOO..400 DAYS YIPPEE YIE YAY.


Congratulations WHOOHOOO!!!!!

You have been through hell and back and still you kept your beautiful quit going I am very proud of you.  


What a milestone but I'll give you something else to think about regarding your 400 days.

You can't have any idea how many peoples' lives you have touched and how many of us you have helped as we began and continue our quest becoming and staying an EX. 

Congratulations my dear friend and thank you.


Blog was wonderful. Congratulations on 400 days you awesome lady!!!


You  beautiful you Ellen are exactly what a I (we) need as a true friend and supporter.. You are a true survivor and you pass on everything you can from your heart. It takes a special person(lady) to get into my space- 🙂  You are such an inspiration to so many. 400 days sounds so unbelievable to me. I'm still climbing that hill at 80 days of my quit. It amazes me every day to read such compassion from you and other's. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Peace my friend~Deborah. xxooo


Wow Ellen, you touched my heart and I got goose bumps and the hair stood up on my arms reading this blog. You are one of the wonderful folks on this site that has helped me get through some rough times in my quit and got me through to where I am today. You have been through sooooooo much yourself and kept your quit even though you lost everything you own in the house fire, it wasn't bad enough having 1 broken rib it wasn't even close to being healed you broke another rib . you have a bad shoulder and back plus you work 2 days a week. I know that I am leaving alot out for sure after 47 yrs of smoking you are celebrating 400 precious smoke free days WTG my friend. To all the new people here quitting smoking is definitely doable, if a person can go through all this and remain an EX SMOKER we all can keep our quits. 


Your quit is as courageous as your heart. Thank you for showing all of us the way to The High Road. HAPPY 400, ELLEN!

Ellen,  what an amazing blog.....but, then, of course it would be coming from such an amazing lady.      Proud to be part of your journey and an EX sister!!!




So glad you are here with us!  Congrats on 400 days!


Congratulations Ellen, what a wild ride this has been, huh? But, look at us...we made the 6% club and we did it with our heads held high.  YOU are one of my biggest supporters and I thank you for that.

400 wonderful, smokefree days!!!!! You rock it lady!!

Love you to the moon and back!


Ms J

469 dof


Congratulatiuons Ellen!


You have a gift with imagery, Ellen! I was touched by your Blog just as I've been touched by your fortitude during the most trying of times! 


We're blessed to have you in our Family!




Yea !! Ellen ! Congratulations on 400days !  And thank you for sticking around we need you , I need you . 


Wonderful blog, Ellen.  I particularly like:  "We are like a pyramid and if one of us falls, the rest have to reposition themselves to remain stable"  I have often felt my quit becomes a little fragile when someone with several months free under their belts relapses.  And when it's someone with over a year smoke-free it really makes me pay attention.  Your stability in your quit helps to glue the foundations of so many.  If anyone ever needed/wanted an excuse to give up their quit - you've had it.  Yet you've stood true to yourself.  I'll glady take your hand in commitment to another smoke-free day.  Brava on the 400!


Way to go Ellen.  Congrats on 400 days!


Ellen - This is such a great blog and fantastic description of what this place is all about! Congrats to you on 400 days! 




WTG Ellen 400 days no smoke is big. Feels good don't it....


Ellen, my dearest girl, HOW did I miss this blog?  I'm so very very very proud of you on your Day 400!  When I first came to EX, I couldn't even wrap my head around a number that big.  I'll bet you couldn't, either.  But here you are, a member of the Triple Digit Club, a member of The 6% Club and almost half-way to The Quad Squad.  

I am so proud to call myself your friend.  We've come a long way, baby.  I agree with Giulia that the most poignant part of your blog is about the pyramid and how we reposition ourselves when someone gives up their Quit in order that the whole of us can stay strong for each other.  Such a beautiful, strong image, Ellen.  

Your strength in ALL things, particularly RA, continues to amaze and inspire me.  I am not sure where I'd be if I hadn't had you to lean on during those early days of my own diagnosis.  I am forever grateful to you for your wisdom and advice.  Please keep it coming.  (But this damn prednisone has GOT to go, I swear!)

Congratulations on becoming such a valued and beloved member of EX.  We all come here and receive what we need to be successful.  And we are ALL lucky when someone like you decides to stay and pass on what you have received here on EX.  Please don't ever leave us, my dear, dear, dear friend.

I love you, Ellen.    xxxxoooo,    Sky


WowWwWoW!  Ellen, HUGE CONGRATS on your 400 days!!  I can remember your day one.  You disclosed a little bit of your life to us.  As time went on (and I believe that you started to trust us), in little bits and pieces your entire story came out.  I remember feeling so sorry for you and all the EXTREME hurdles that you had to get through.  And I was downright AWESOME AMAZED that you could go through all that you have survived, and still remain SMOKE-FREE.  You are my hero and I know that you are an inspiration to this entire EX World. We all have our own journey to face, and just think of all the people  I KNOW you helped hang on because you were DOING THIS!

Beautiful, blog also.  You have a style of writing with down to earth thoughts and feelings and no bs.  You are not afraid to tell it like it is.

You must be feeling puffed up like a peacock today, and you deserve it.  Please do something special for yourself today or tonight.

All my love, Newfound Joy xoxo 

About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.