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Share your quitting journey

4 months since I smoked a cigarette

0 5 24

and it's still tough emotionally speaking, one of my best friends who quit 10 days after me fell off the wagon this week and even though I don't live near her for it to affect me in person, I am scared that if she falls that it can be so easy to slip.  Physically I don't want one, I don't crave one, but emotionally I still feel vulnerable.  I still miss smoking as a crutch, but I am strong and most of the time I see people smoking and I think I'm so glad I don't do that anymore, but part me is envious.  I don't know why I feel so insecure about this now I guess the idea that I can never have another cigarette still makes me sad, so I go to the gym and do an hour of cardio to exercise my heart, something I could not do as effectively if I were smoking and I work out hard instead of thinking about smoking.

After my last blog received some strong reactions, I tried to changed my quit date from March 6th to the 17th (my slip date when I had 3 cigarettes) but when I hit the reset my quit date it won't let me go past May...  so it might say 133 days but it has really been 122 my bad...

5 Comentarios

her going back does not mean you have to.

give yourself some more time and don't lean on her failure, lean on your own quit.


You're doing GREAT!

CONGRATULATIONS on earning your FREEDOM One Day at a Time! 

You're envious of people killing themselves one puff at a time????

Sounds like it's time for you to KNOW YOUR ENEMY - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! 

Visit my info Blogs and find out just how BAD smoking is! It's like romancing a VAMPIRE! Not really what you want....


From two of our awesome EX'ers, great comments!!!


congrats on staying quit,,it is more important to stay quit than to count days,,in fact once i read that it is best to pick a holiday close to your quit day and measure by that when that holiday comes around then it is one year...count the years not the days.,... counting days is fun and i do it to.. but its not the most important thing.. your health is the most important thing


Thanks for your kind words everyone and to newlife I had my last cigarette on St. Patrick's Day so I will definitly be able to remember that next year, I do appreciate counting the months but the days are too tedious for me to bother with.  I guess I was feeling sad because just as an example let's say you break up with someone you loved but they did not treat you well.  I think it's the same thing here, I broke up with something I loved (or thought I loved of whatever) and 98% of the time I'm so happy I broke up with smoking I feel better, I go to the gym and run on the treadmill to exercise my heart but every once in a while I miss that ex-lover that I loved even though he was a jerk.  I was just having one of those moments when I said I am envious.  I'm better today and I haven't thought about smoking since posting here it's almost like I said it here got the thought out of my head and "verbalized" my insecurity about my friend falling off the wagon.  It's so easy to lose a quit if you're not careful that's all I was trying to say about that.

Thanks for commenting on my blog everyone have a wonderful day wherever you are.