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Share your quitting journey

4 hours and counting.

0 7 38

Okay the time is fast approaching. Like a mother waiting for the moment of birth, I am so excited that this is my final time I will battle this addiction.

I claim this day in the name of my Lord Jesus. That I have the joy and the love for myself and my family.  I have his strength, I have the love and help from this community.  I am filled with joy that this is over, done, finished, finito, end of discussion.

I rejoice in the trials I have endured in 2011.  There is nothing that can happen to me in my life that has not already happened while I was smoking, and there is nothing that can cause me to go back to it.

I handled stress while smoking, I can handle it when I am strong and not smoking.  I have the the future of strength and confidence now.  I am ready, I am willing, and I am able most of all.

To all my fellow workers who have also chosen this day to be the last day you are addicted to this drug, I send my blessings in the name of the Lord Jesus. May your 2012 be all you want it to be and all that he has already given you of your desires.

Love and Happy New beginnings Friends.


7 Comentarios

you've got it all together. you are surely going to do this and you will be so happy and free.I will be praying hard for you and your friends that your transition to nonsmoker will be smooth and easy. God bless and keep you. HUGS and N.O.P.E.

Ready or not.....

Am happy for you Mehlisue. Love your attitude & your faith will take you a long way. Stick to your plan & practice NOPE. Come here for help before you make any decision concerning your quit. We'll be here for ya anytime.

M n @
Seven years, two months, four weeks, two days, 21 hours, 28 minutes and 31 seconds. 79436 cigarettes not smoked, saving $16,880.59. Life saved: 39 weeks, 2 days, 19 hours, 40 minutes.


Hi.  It sounds like you are ready for the quit.  I am sure it will be easy for you to keep that attitude the way it sounds.  But if you have any doubts or have any urges try these websites,, or I read all of Allen Carr's book and thought it was fantastic.  He does not pull any punches that is for sure.


I know you have probably heard this already but read, read read.  Read as many blogs here as you can.  Get to know the people who respond to your blogs.  Respond to other people's blogs.  You WILL do great!

Happy smoke-free NEW YEAR!  Protect Your Quit.


Thank you all.  I am going to do it this time I know it. I feel the strength in my spirit.  Yes there is physical and even now it pulls on me. But you know what?  Each time will be less than the last.  It will ware off the drugs in my system I know this.  I am so glad I found you all. I don't think I could have been able to even be to this point without all the suggestions and the READING.  Oh yes God Bless Allen Carr.  There is no guile at all in that man.  He knows what he is talking about. For once I have heard the real truth about addictions.

His work is my smoking "bible" . LOL  His wisdom is great.

I am sure I may be on here more than one time in a day.  I will reach out when I feel like my resolve is trying to weaken.

I am staying in a spirit of joy with this. No moping, no anger, no disapointments, no regrets.

Have a great night.



Melinda just wanted to say Hi and see how you were doing . I see from your profile you quilt. I have to tell you since i don't smoke now I sure get alot more sewing done. I added you as a friend if you would like to chat.

Yes we can beat this if we stick with it together.
