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Share your quitting journey

4 days

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On day 4 right now. I had a 76 day quit going through April but slipped up a little.  Im doing well today when I crave one I usually grab a toothpick just to distract myself for a little.  Also got some sugar free lifesaver mints 


If there wasn't a banana peel or ice involved, you didn't "slip."   You made a decision (actually many) to smoke that first one, and then  it was a given that you would smoke another, and then another until you landed right where you are now.  It's the law of addiction that there is never such a thing as "just one" to an addict.   You might take a moment to think about what caused you to lapse after 76 days, and make a plan right now for what you will do differently this time.

I would recommend that you do some reading about the time period when you lapsed: .  We have chosen to shine a spotlight on it because a lot of quits are lost about that time.  Better to be prepared.

Congrats on getting right back at it!  Let us know how we can help.



CINNAMON sticks help ❤ the cinammon helps clean blood of toxins - just sharing CONGRATS 4 DAYS!  


One day at a time.....

Smoking Is Not An Option - NO MATTER WHAT

You can do this!!!!!


So glad your here and congrats on 4 days! Keep it up, yes, it is tuff at times but once you get through the worst  of it the freedom you feel on the other side is worth all the effort!


Big congrats on 4 days smoke free.  That's called success.  I found chewing on straws helpful also.   Keep up the good work.



Congratulations on 4 days of freedom.  I am sorry that you had to start over again but it is good that you are back on track.  In order to stay on track, you have to educate yourself about this addiction to nicotine. It is advised to read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking.  Have you done that?  Also, do you have a plan? My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX Keep in mind there is no "real" reason to really smoke but an addiction ane you will make, EXcuses to get the "fix".  Make a commitment that you will never ever touch another cigarette. Take the Daily PledgePledge. Understand your triggers and be prepared to counter them.  You have to be willing to let it go for it is not by power or might.  In other words, it is not will power but the willingness to do whatever is necessary no matter what.  Come here ofter read study blog, stay close, If you need help navigating the site 


Congrats on 4 days!   Fly Eagles Fly!  


Congratulations on four days...keep stacking them up, it DOES get easier!



Congratulations on Day 5 of Freedom...~ Colleen 246 DOF 


Day 6 now

Happens and the only one it hurts is you

We have all had many quits

When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired of the games you play with yourself

Than you being the work of staying quit

Ain't easy but it becomes easier than starting over and you N.E.F