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346 days and I can SMELL!!!!

0 12 133

If you had told me 347 days ago that I would surround myself with wonderful smells, I would have laughed at you.  Now, I not only want great smells around me, some smells have startled me!  I can now tell when the last person to ride the elevator was on their way back from a smoke break.  When a person just took a hit of marijuana and then went into Walmart, I can tell.  I couldn't before.  I could have missed out on this information for the rest of my life, but I really do enjoy the wonderful smells of a new baby, Christmas trees, cookies baking, a clean house (this is a struggle with 3 dogs!), various candles, and my newest interest, essential oils. 


I often think back to the first months without cigs and how many times I "vented" on this website.  Without everyone's support, I would not be where I am.  I truly feel like beating the Nicotine Monster was the accomplishment I needed to improve my life overall.  THANK YOU TO ALL!


N.O.P.E!!  Here's to Freedom and Accomplishment!

12 Comentarios

Congratulations on your awesome 346 precious smoke free days and counting, you're heading right straight for the 6 % club yay my friend. I know that I I vented alot in the first few months of my quit and thankfully there was always several wonderful people to get me through the rough patches. Congrats again. 



Congratulations on 346  DOF. I can already smeel better. Glad you stopped by!

Terrie  132  DOF


Congratulations on 346 Days Of Freedom!! Boy, is your smeller in tact or what? Yes, you're going right into the 6% Club and YOU have truly accomplished Freedom and deserve to be surrounded by wonderful SMELLS!!! ONWARD and UPWARD!!

Candy     13    DOF


Congrats on 346 days of freedom from nicotine. The nose knows.  My nose was always overy sensitive.  Now I can smell more than I bargained for. 6% here you come.


I will save you a place at the next meeting of the 6% Club!  It's right around the corner!

My favorite newly discovered smell was experienced traveling over the bridge to the barrier island ocean resort and being able to SMELL the salt air ==== HEAVEN!  I had not been able to smell that since I was a child!

Life IS grand when we don't smoke, isn't it?!!!



God Bless You. Today is #1 for me. One day almost done.

Any engouragement would be great. Not much of a support system. I'm writing I feel good about it. I know it's not going to be all rosie.     wtrose420...


Well done Cindy...6% is so close I can smell it


It is amazing how many smells we don't even know we are missing.  On a previous quit, in the spring I was in my front gardent weeding and this fantastic sweet smell kept finding me.  It took me almost ten minutes to realize that the pachysandra I was weeding was the source.  I never knew that those little white blossoms smelled so good!!   

Unfortunately I went back to smoking and re-killed my sniffer - but I'm back on track and can't wait to inhale that fabulous smell again in the spring.

Congratulatins on your quit!!


Yay for 346 days!


This strikes me in a funny way:

Years ago when I began my first job as an LNA /CNA in a Nsg Home I asked God to assist me when certain smells were about to drive me away from this profession ! He answered my prayer and my sense of smell seemed to fade ! Now i would like some of it back but not all of it ! ( smile ) !


Sorry I posted before congratulating you on your wonderful 346 Days of freedom !!!

Keep on rockin' that quit !


It's so very true. The sense of smell improves and when you get a whiff of someone who just had a smoke break, you realize that's how you once smelled. Congrats on your fantastic quit and always smelling good...!  6% club-here you come!