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333 Days!

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You all know how much I love to celebrate milestones, and this, I believe, will be the last one before one year (Yay 6% club -- here I come!).  Oops, I just realized that I might think 345 days would be a milestone, but I'll probably skip it.  At any rate, 333 days feels really good.  I am truly a non-smoker, and now I don't even feel surprised about that!! 

I've had a lazy couple of days since Thanksgiving, and I figure since I'm going back to work (oh, my, that sounds good!) in a week I can afford to have some nice relaxing days.  I do want to finish up the Excel courses I signed up for, because I'm sure it will help in my new job.

I've got a turkey breast in the oven -- I had Thanksgiving at my daughter's house, and it was great, but I just didn't get enough turkey and I want turkey leftovers.  So I figure this is one of the nice things about living alone -- if I want to cook a turkey three days after Thanksgiving, I can do that.  I bought some Stove Top Stuffing and I will have my own little dinner with leftovers for sandwiches, salads and soup.  Yum!

I am still reflecting on how things have worked out for the best.  Life really does throw some curve balls, but the good news is that nothing stays the same.  I found it SO uncomfortable being in that limbo -- job? retirement?  sell my place?  pay for cobra?  get unemployment? move to Richmond?  (fortunately, "have a smoke" never even occurred to me).  But it is completely true that we don't grow when we're sitting smack in the middle of our comfort zones.  I really did draw on the techniques I used in quitting smoking, because we all know quitting is stepping out of our comfort zones for sure.  I highly recommend deep breathing for quitting smoking and it worked great for living in limbo as well.

So on New Year's Eve I will celebrate a year smoke-free and a new adventure in my life!!  Amazing.