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30 Days Quit

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Hello! My name is Kelli! I have been smoking for the past 5 years and smoked a pack a day for the past 2-3 years. When I decided to quit I went cold turkey and I also quit drinking caffeine. I would drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day and 4-5 cokes a day and rarely would I drink water. Ever. I am now 30 days nicotine free. The first week was miserable. I think my body is still in shock from how bad nicotine withdrawals actually are. I never dreamed it was like this and I don’t see how nicotine isn’t illegal. It definitely should be. Right now I still have issues using the bathroom, I get hot and very cold randomly, and my main withdrawal symptom is my anxiety. I have been taking magnesium and fish oil to help the dopamine levels in my brain etc. been drinking ALOT of water everyday. It’s the anxiety part that still gets me. Some days I feel fine and can keep it at bay then the next day it’s very hard. Like today my anxiety has been a little difficult, headache, and body chills. And then this evening body chills went away and I got hot. Is this my body temp trying to regulate? Any advice? Is this normal? I feel like my body is in complete shock from everything that I have quit at once. But I am so thankful for God and his mercy! I wouldn’t have made it this far without him carrying me through. But God! 


@KelliHat13 Hi Kelli, great job on your 30 days. It can take quite a while for your body to adjust to not having nicotine. For your bathroom issues you might try eating prunes. They are sold in a resealable bag. About six of them 2x a day should help. Raisins can also help. Look up "colonic massage" on the net which may also help. Don't be miserable.

Caffeine and sugar withdrawal can mess with your temperature. I hope you will feel better soon.

I have waited almost a year to eliminate caffeine and sugar because I wanted to focus on the nicotine. I am now off of coke and substituting Stevia for sugar. You may be having problems if you are using an artificial sweetener. Hope this helps. 


Congratulations on your 30 days free from Nicotine. In deed great achievement. 

State of mind and physical conditions are important in first few months. Yoga and long walk helped me a lot during initial periods of quitting. 


All the best !!




Kelli, it isn't normal for cold turkey withdrawal symptoms to persist for 30 days.  There's likely something else going on.  If it persists or if you would normally have seen a doctor for such symptoms, get seen.  And congratulations on your first month of freedom from nicotine, that's huge!   Still only one rule to staying here on the free side of dependency's bars while keeping your addiction under arrest on the other ... no nicotine today, to Never Take Another Puff!

Breathe deep, hug hard, live long,

John (100% nicotine-free since May 15, 1999)



Welcome to the community @KelliHat13 a super CONGRATULATIONS on your precious quit journey YAY for 30 precious DOF ~ Days Of Freedom and YAY for each and every Day WON you're giving yourself the GIFT OF LIFE! Maybe make an appointment to see your Dr if your symptoms persist but please be proud of your splendiferous quit! 30 days is huge YAY! 


@KelliHat13 Welcome to the ex and congrats on your first month of success. It can take 3 -4 weeks as the nicotine gradually decreases from your body.   Eliminating nicotine and a multitude of chemicals , can have a major impact on some quitters.   If you're concerned, please check with your doctor.  

If your not taking the Daily Pledge, consider doing so.  It's a great way to stay on track one day at a time and to support your fellow quitters.

Good to see your making some other healthy life changes.

We're here for you, so reach out anytime we can help.  Proud of your success!



You made a plan and you are working it, congratulations!!! Anxiety is a bugger for sure, but to rule out anything else a visit to your Doc or healthcare provider for a discussion about your quit and symptoms is warranted. Why not? It's a big deal to quit caffeine and nicotine all at once. But self diagnosing can lead to more anxiety and a feeling of being in an echo chamber going nowhere. Please talk to your doc!!!

Welcome to Ex and a big congratulations to you on all your hard work. You now have a community of quitters to come to-- and I hope it is a comfort and inspiration to you as you move forward one day at a time. Feel free to comment, blog as much as you wish.

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I would first and foremost check with your dr who knows your medical history to rule out that there isn’t something medically related that may be going on .  Be sure to share with them that you quit all caffeine at once and when   ( like your coffee and cokes ) as well as nicotine , Then maybe you can get to the bottom of why you are feeling the way you do . Fill us in , keep coming back for support .Your  body could I think still be getting rid of a lot of those toxins but that’s only my opinion not my experience . That is a lot of caffeine as well . I’m glad to hear you are going to take good care of your health . Glad you are here . Keep sharing your story . Btw Congratulations on your one month quit . WTG! 




@KelliHat13 , wow, 30 days! Totally awesome. You are a warrior!

The anxiety thing is, I think, par for the course during your detox. I have ADHD (I love my unique mind!) and smoking actually helped calm me a bit, as you treat ADHD with stimulants. I actually convinced myself that smoking was good for me (well, that was just a lame justification) because of the stimulating effect of nicotine.

Yeah, it would help for a few minutes, but then I wanted another smoke, lol. Nice try, Terry …

For me at the beginning of my quit (I’m still pretty new, about 7.5 months) what saved me, and distracted me from anxiety and other withdrawal symptoms, was to stay busy. Get absorbed in a project. As simple as working on a puzzle, or cleaning the house. We had a really clean house for awhile 😂.

You will feel better and better. And what a wonderful gift you’ve given yourself — freedom from smoking. Happy New Year!

Cheers, Terry 229 DOF (Days of Freedom)


Congratulations on your 30 day quit. That is HUGE!

How brave of your to quit nicotine, caffeine AND sugar all at once.  You have definitely sent your body chemistry into a tailspin.  No idea if it is the cause of all your issues, so I agree with those who have suggested you check in with your doctor.  

For your digestive issues, you might try adding Benefiber to your foods in conjunction with eating a few dried prunes (they are less overly sweet than the canned ones).   You will have to experiment a bit to get the right amounts.

Exercise will benefit both your digestion and anxiety.  You also might try a breathing exercise when your anxiety starts to ramp up.  Start with this illustration, then go slower and deeper with each breath cycle going forward.  I STILL use this while doctor/dentist office waiting, difficult people interactions,


 I am glad you are here.  Let us know how things evolve going forward!



Congratulations,  give yourself a big pat on the back and I hope you celebrate your achievement, cos I know it was't easy.  I have seen alot of information regarding anxiety and smoking, you can do a search on here for some info, or on the internet, but there is plenty of info.  Thanks for sharing so we can all be inspired.  Quit Day 105.


Could you have that flu that is going around? i was sick not long ago with same symptoms. Congratulations on 30 days! you will get through it, just keep pushing through.