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Share your quitting journey


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At times I didn’t think I would make it, but here I am, 30 days later and a non-smoker. It feels great just to say it “I AM A NON-SMOKER”. When filling out medical papers, I can check Non-Smoker. When dining out with non-smoking family and friends, I don’t have to wish I could sit in the smokers section. I know where I belong. I am a non-smoker. Wow. That is truly awesome.

The cravings are still her, but much more manageable. I reach for the “pack of ghost cigarettes” every now and then and breathe deeply when I quickly realize I am no longer a smoker. My hair smells good, I clothes smell good, and along with saving the money I used for cigarettes, I am also saving money on Febreze, Renuzit, Carpet Fresh, and all those things I used so my clothes and house wouldn’t smell like smoke. I still get happy, sad, lonely, depressed, angry, hungry, and tired, but I realize they are all triggers, which I have to work hard to avoid. I refuse to take another puff of poison. I thank God for my health scare. Because of that I realized I was not immune to nicotine. It will affect me, and everyone that continues to smoke. I’ve had so much support from all of you and I want to express my sincere appreciation for every kind word, every motivating statement and every prayer that was sent up for me, and all of us that are struggling with this addiction. All of you are so special and I’m glad I found this site. Get ready, here’s my academy award speech. I want to especially thank Carole, who opened her heart and ears and held my hand when I was going through. I possess so much knowledge of the negatives of cigarette smoking because of her. hwc led me to, Sara Smile was first to open her heart, Diane plays nice music to relax me, Sheryl, she is very kind and I enjoy conversing with her, Jonescapp adds lots of humor. But most of all, I want to thank my wonderful sister, she’s been there when I hated myself, when I cried, when I thought I was losing my mind while in withdrawal. She loved me no matter what and held on to me so I wouldn’t let go. Love you Sis. After 33 years of smoking, today, I am free! Hallelujah I’m free! And I will continue to guard my quit Onedayatatime.

To the new members, hang in there. YOU CAN DO IT, but you have to want it. It will not be easy, but it is worth it. Don’t wait for a health scare and don’t let nicotine be your god. This is some dangerous stuff, seriously. When the cravings come, just hold on with everything you have until it passes and it will pass. Stay strong and soon you will appreciate the sun again!
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