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3 weeks smoke free!

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It was a little tough today, I seemed to be quite irritable most of the day, I guess because my plans got changed at the last minute and that didn't go well with me.  Had to make some changes and run around in a rush to get everthing done.  Triggers were really here and there today but it seems its like they were in the back of my mind and I am mostly ignoring and not letting it come to the surface if that makes any sense?  But a few crept right there in my face and I wanted one really bad but I just kept doing what I was doing and didn't let it get me and I am glad I ignored it or refused to give in, to tell you the truth I don't think I could ever go back to smoking and feeling the way I did, closet smoker, tired alot, sore throats, coughing at the most embarrassing times, stinking, not breathing that  well, heavy chest.  I have come so far and feel so much better and I just can't imagine letting God, myself, my children & Grand children and all of you down.

God bless!


congrats on 3 weeks !!!!

life is better without smoking




I totally relate Sherry.  I am a little more than 100 days into my quit.  I had almost forgotten how bad it used to be.  I re-read some of my early blogs in order to remember more accurately.  Thank you for sharing your experience.


Thank you also Babs, it's really a blessing to be able to share what we experience through all of this and help each other at the same time.


i'm glad you posted that Babs. it does get beter and better.

one more month of no mans land.

look alive


Congrats! Im on three weeks today too!

I totally understand where youre coming from. Ive been getting irritable on and off as well, but I completely agree about REALLY not wanting to go back to the way I used to be. Like you, I was always tired, constantly coughing, throat infections, bronchitis. I feel so much physically healthier now and its awesome you do too!

Congrats on the three weeks! We're doing it!


Congrats to you also!  Feels great, hope your feeling better today.


thanks for sharing the info about when you were driving.. i laughed because it felt good to know i was "normal" LOL.. ( in an abnormal sort of way) - We did the same exact things!! i'm almost 2 weeks "old"..:) right behind you! I get thrown off with last minute changes too..Its strange because  its like the mind is looking for ANY excuse to make you feel like you need one..thats what the so called "trigger" is.. the mind playing tricks on us... And like you, when i think of possibly doing it again- i just can't. We've come THIS FAR.. which is not really really far, but its WAY further than we were before we made the decision to stop. If you're not doing it yet, take at least 30mins whenever you can and take a walk - even if its justi around the block. I promise you, you will feel better and just the mere act of BREATHING becomes a new trigger to remain a 'quitteri".  Good luck, comrade! 🙂


thanks for sharing the info about when you were driving.. i laughed because it felt good to know i was "normal" LOL.. ( in an abnormal sort of way) - We did the same exact things!! i'm almost 2 weeks "old"..:) right behind you! I get thrown off with last minute changes too..Its strange because  its like the mind is looking for ANY excuse to make you feel like you need one..thats what the so called "trigger" is.. the mind playing tricks on us... And like you, when i think of possibly doing it again- i just can't. We've come THIS FAR.. which is not really really far, but its WAY further than we were before we made the decision to stop. If you're not doing it yet, take at least 30mins whenever you can and take a walk - even if its justi around the block. I promise you, you will feel better and just the mere act of BREATHING becomes a new trigger to remain a 'quitteri".  Good luck, comrade! 🙂


Thanks , I've been using my stepper but a walk while breathing fresh air does sound good.   🙂