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It really feels like 3 months! Time is not feeling like real time lately. Days go by in a flash and weeks can take forever! I sit down to work and look up and realize I haven't moved from my chair in almost 3 hours. I realized this morning that my smoking routines really controlled my time and the manner in which I managed my time. Every 1/2 hour up and smoking a cigarette. Two on the way to work, 3 before bed, 2 after a meal, one before a shower, 2 while getting ready for work. Now, time just kind of flows without those breaks. I think that might be why I get the feeling like I am forgetting to do something, because in reality I am. I am forgetting how to live a life in which my time was controlled by when and where I smoked. Now I can use my time anyway I want and I am kind of clueless on how to use my time. I don't think sitting in front of a computer for 3 hours is good for me or my body. I could go swimming, which I do. I could learn to use my new camera I bought myself last year. I could pull out my cords and beads and start working on my macrame again. I could sew, brush the dog, vacuum, wash the floors, clean the kitchen or bathrooms, wash the car, put bulbs in the ground... But then I sit here not sure where to begin and on what...

Today is 21 days and I am very happy for these last 21 days.  I did not think I could do it! But here it is, done if I make it to the end of the day.  I have every intention of doing so. N.O.P.E. Ain't going back! It's all about the attitude baby!


M. DOF 21 


Big congrats on 

Funny, I've been spending too much time on the computer also. I know it's because of a lack of a dog in my life right now.  I just don't feel as motivated as I usually am.  I'm not someone who procrastinates, but I have been lately.  Hoping with will be resolved soon with a new dog!


I too find myself sitting too long at the computer at work, I always took a break at least two hours after I got in to the office and every two hours after , now I  find myself sitting for more than 3 hours at a time. I have started setting my phone alarm for every hour to at least get up and stretch my legs, walk down the stairs. I don't have a computer at home (by choice) so that helps. When the weather  gets better I plan on walking outside on my break. 29 days!



I don't believe any smoker who has not quit understands how smoking becomes automatic and infiltrates our lives. 



You are relearning your life as an ex-smoker, and that is going to take some time.  You also are early enough in your quit that you are feeling unmotivated and a bit lethargic...which is normal.   This will pass, and your life of freedom will begin.  You WILL have more energy to pursue who you want to be instead of who you HAD to be when you smoked. 

It's a journey!  Good idea to set an alarm and get up every hour or so even if just to stretch.  You might also take a quick, brisk walk - or do a set of stairs - or march in place.  Even slow,  deep breathing is a good use of some time.

You are DOING this - and it gets better and better!



Thank you Nancy! The alarm is a great idea!!!


29 days is outstanding!! Congratulations!!!

I, too, am waiting for the warmer weather! I tried a walk last week and froze my ears!


Nope, they don't get it until, hopefully, they get it! 


There's a puppy out there waiting for you to be their new mommy!  I hope you find each other soon!


The best kind of forgetting!

Congrats on the changes you are making as you quit. Time is one of the gifts we are given when we quit. 

Keep it going!


Day 58


Hi Melissa,

Sometimes it is nice not to do anything...I will sit and do some mindless meditation ... and I feel so good and relaxed...I am trying to learn that along with (like everyone in the beginning of the quit) keeping so busy...You are doing great with your quit and an inspiration...~ Colleen


Congrats to you on 21 days! Every single day is a day of success!


Three weeks of smoke free living is a great beginning.

  Keep up the good work and...

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That's a wonderful point you've made and I don't recall anyone making such a point before.  Time warp.  Of course.  It makes perfect sense.   We spent so much of it on cigarettes, with cigarettes, thinking about cigarettes, touching them, feeling them, flicking them, lighting them, snubbing them out, going to buy them....   “Time is the longest distance between two places.” (Glass Menagerie)  Yet time can happen in an instance.  That time between us being smokers and craving and us being ex smokers and over it can occur in one breath of an attitude adjustment.  In one total moment of commitment.  

You're doing great.  It's wonderful to watch your progress.


Great post, I remember feeling annoyed with people taking breaks to have a cigarette when I was at work...after all, I wasn't taking breaks but then I realized I didn't WANT to.  I certainly didn't want to smoke.  Years ago, I worked for a doctor who offered each of us in his office $100 to quit smoking...then and there.  That was a LOT of money and two of the three of us said absolutely.  He gave us a two hour lunch break which never bothered us when we smoked but when we quit, we just about lost our minds.  We sure did laugh a lot...probably because we were getting oxygen to our brains for the first time in a long time.  We both ended up losing our quits...can't remember how long we lasted...but I do remember thinking how much time we had.  The doc cut our lunch to one hour which was MORE than enough, he was not happy with us but he didn't FIRE us either.

The time is a gift...enjoy it.


About the Author
Living in New Mexico, which I love very much, originally from Calif. The sky is so big and blue and the land is so vast if you choose to leave the city for the day. NM is a wonderful place for meditation and contemplation.