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Share your quitting journey

2D, 8H, 21 M

2 9 88

Just woke up and sitting here with my decaf coffee.  This is the first time in I don't know how long that I did not wake up with a headache or coughing.  This is a great feeling!  Definitely a plus I need to hold onto!  This is also the first day since my quit that I will be alone. I struggled all day yesterday with wanting to go out and buy a pack.  I have to remember that being around ppl didn't stop me from buying a pack, I did that!  I fought it all back and I can do that today.  This is not a test or practice to see if I can quit smoking, this is it!  Got my day planned out to stay busy.  I'm sure it will be tough, but I know I can do this.  Thanks everyone for your support.  Check in later! 

9 Comentarios

You can and will be successful one precious smoke free day at a time or if need be one hr or even one second at a time, just continue to remain willing, determined and totally committed to succeed and you will be successful, keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and stay close to this site because we're all here for you and your awesome quit, you are doing great keep moving forward and stacking up your precious DOF  - Days Of Freedom. 


Yes, you can do it!  I also struggle when I am alone.  That is when the brain starts feeding me excuses as to why On puff, one cig won't hurt.  But it does.  I know it does.  Not one. Somehow NOPE does not seem strong enough, but it will have to do for today.  We can do this!


Good for you. This is day three - when you get through today, you will have all the nicotine out of your system. Your physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will get less and less. Having a plan for the day is perfect.



The battle is on! But it's one you can win so long as you stay true to yourself. So long as you remember throughout the day how good you felt this morning. If the voices get to loud, come here and blog about them. We'll be happy to listen if you need us. Just don't go and buy a pack. You're doing great! So many have felt what you're feeling now, and got through it. You can too. Just stay focused on the bright future that you're creating right now.




Don't argue with yourself about buying a pack.  You made the decision to quit smoking, so that is simply not an option.  Try saying to yourself, "well, since I don't DO that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it!

You can't win an argument with yourself, so don;t have one!



Good job - staying busy is a really big help!  Check in here as often as you can!


You have gotten great advice really is one day at a time and, at the beginning, it might be one crave at a time but they don't last, seriously, they don't go on and on, they are just there for a very short time and certainly you can find something else to do for three minutes!

You are DOING this!


Just got in from running my errands.  Every store I went into had cigs behind the counter.  One store when the clerk asked me if there was anything else I needed, I know she thought I was crazy as I stood there as I was having an internal argument with myself.  But I counted to ten and looked at her and said no thank you.  She had no idea of that battle that raged within.  Another ah ha moment I had with myself today was I could not figure out why I have been so mad at my husband.  You see my husband is going into week 3 of his quit.  My husband has smoked for the 33 years that I have known him.  I have smoked for the last 15 years.  So I believe when I look at him I will always associate him with smoking, therefore making him a trigger for me.  Even though he has quit, and I am very proud of him, he's also a trigger.  Maybe now that I understand it, I can put my anger towards him behind me.  For his sake, I hope so.  Now I think I will clean my house and then get on the treadmill and continue to distract myself. 


Just the fact that you're thinking things things shows a strong commitment. I am glad that you figured out the husband trigger, both for his sake and yours

 Actually, him being a recent quitter, he may understand what you're going through right now more than you think. Keep learning, keep fighting, keep climbing and before long, you'll be free!

