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28 days!! Insomnia and Marvin Gaye

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Hi there,

Well its day 28 Yippie!!  I guess I LOVE listening to music so thanks for listening to me  share about what I'm listening to while I quit, it helps.Today it's Marvin Gaye.  Its 3:55 a.m. and I'm here at the EX.  It sure helps to be able to come to this site and write about quitting.

I used to go to fb a few times a day but now its EX first then fb maybe.  The days are MUCH better then in the beginning.  I realize that its a one day at  time with quitting and believing these days are like putting money in the bank, as well as reading and writing.  Don't let me forget how helpful reading the suggested book and quitting sites are.

But I think what REALLY helps is the people of EX.  The encouragement ,support and information all helps very much.  Sometimes I have felt like having a smoke and I come here then somehow the feeling goes away and I am feeling stronger about my quitting.  I'm not sure how it all works but I know it does.  By staying close to this site, I don't think I could have come this far without it.  So thank each and everyone here.  I hope one day to help others the way I have been helped.

Peace, Lisa


Lisa, believe it or not, the newbies help the others just as much! That's what this site is made of. It's seems a little slow right now though. I know the dead of winter is now on alot of us and I for one cannot wait for the first sign of Spring! The groundhog didn't see his shadow, so we all know what that means!!!!! Congratulations on 28 days and for listening to Marvin Gaye. I love music as well.


Lisa- I toggle back and forth between here and FB. But for the first two months, this site was my FB. I was on here all the time and you are exactly right. I did not know how it worked exactly, but I would come on here and read and post and the cravings would go away. A blog a day keeps the cravings away. I said that. LOL. You wanna find me on facebook, I am Lee Hull in Leander, Tx. Keep up the good quit. I am 75 days now after smoking for 35 years. It can and does happen for people. You are doing great.



Hi Lisa! I think you got it! I was just like you when I first joined, back and forth, here and FB. Yes, this site helps so much. There is hardly anything you can go through during your quit that has not happened to someone else here and if you blog about it, you will see that you are not alone. It is comfort in knowing you are not alone and healing power in the words of those that have gone before us. I'm currently over 170 days quit and I never thought  I would be there in a million years. Understanding the addiction helps sooo much. Stick around, keep reading and blogging. Before you know it, the worst will long be over. Congratulations on your quit! Stay close as you need to the site. Share your experiences. Be encouraged.


Congratulations, Lisa, on 28 days.  That is so FANTASTIC!!!  You are doing this.  Yes, I also go back and forth with FB.  But I am on this site more hours, just reading and commenting.  It has gotton me to 77 days.  Have a great smoke free weekend.


Stay strong and always protect your quit!!! xoxo



I have not been on FB since...can't remember...

It is called 'accountablity'...we get love and support here and the continued strength, courage and outright ability to keep showing up for ourselves...we know people CARE about our quit with us ...our addiction does not have us in a dark corner alone in our minds anymore...We have the EXlight on!

I JUST started sleeping well again this week after beginning a daily exercise program...finally I get to sleep!!!!

Love Marvin Gaye! xo


I love Marvin Gaye! Can you believe we have made it past a month already? 

It still surprises me when I look at the calendar. But it feels great. 

Keep it up!