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271 days and going strong but need some help

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All is good with the smoke free world.

I have recently re united with an ex partner who I broke up with after he cheated on me 5 years ago.

He says he has grown up .I do have a strong attraction to him however

His ex from before me is coming for a visit in the near future and he wants to travel the country with her. I am not comfortable at all with that as he has cheated wit a "friend" before and I do not understand the mentality of someone who would think that is a good idea. I have heard details of their intimate life and the idea of them hiking and camping together does my head in.

I am resenting the stress of it as my quit I will protect.


Friend...Yeah...Don't smoke over it but in my world I would SO cut him loose...Travel the country with an EX after he CHEATED on you...Get a grip...YOU are WORTH MORE THAN THAT!!! He has ALREADY PROVEN his character to you 5 years ago...the sex and company might be great but he just showed his hand...You CAN NOT TRUST HIM....Cut your losses! So sorry! PS Thanks for coming to your Ex family who love you in a time of need! xo


Thank you so much 🙂


Hi gypsy! I have been thinking about you! Please don't smoke over it. You are worth so much more. I've been in that "strong attraction" thing before while someone else still lingered around. It's difficult for sure I get it. Just don't forget how much of a prize YOU are OK?? If you need more support or advice ( I REALLY have been there) please PM me and I will be so glad to help.

Good to see you and know you are still smoke free!!!


you're letting his idea of reality stress you out.

let him look elsewhere


In My Opinion I would tell him that you are not comfortable with this. I don;t know how long you and he have been back together but I would just say I think it is better that we part as friends is he insist on doing this. Does not sound like he is completely committed to your relationship, you deserve more and all others are right don't smoke over it.


Agree with everyone.  Don’t smoke over it.  Let him go with the old flame, but let him know you were just using him in the short term, and it was a nice little break for you.


Do yourself another favor and cut him loose. You can be free of him and cigs at the same time. The guy is a loser. 


oh...i could add to that Chris....but i don't think i'd better


What a fab bunch you are


I like what Chris said.  Your a better weomen then me!!!!! if you let him go off with his proven  track record,  My best friend satyed with a repate cheater. I don't know how she does it. I really want to know what Dale is thinking lol... You have 271 beautiful quit days 

Renee 2 days


He needs to stay home or move on for good! You deserve better, like someone who would never think of doing such an absurd thing! 

Sounds like he has a history of getting back with exes!?! I believe there's someone better for you "in the cards"!


First of all don't smoke over it. He is so not worth it. I say let him travel the country with his ex and keep on traveling. Kick him to the curb again !!


Dont be anyone's sloppy seconds.  Ever.  This is from someone who knows and wishes she had stood her ground a LONG time ago.

You are an intelligent, independent, creative and interesting person that has so much to offer someone who is ALL INTO YOU. 

Stay smoker-free so that when that person shows up in your life, you are a healthy happy gypsy.