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Share your quitting journey

21 months?!

3 9 165

I’m used to timing things in “months” since my daughter was born. She’s 9.5 months now.    I’ve been smoke free since October 2016 and only a few months shy of 2 years!? I still can’t believe it. I have been having thoughts lately and I blame the weather... summer time is when I would normally only hang outside if it was by a pool or a lake and I usually had a Red Bull (if not wine) and a cigarette. 

Occasiknally I wonder what itd be like to have a smoke but I know it’d be awful so I don’t. 

Everytning else is GREAT! I’m working on my resume to try and go back to work soon. It’s beem 9 months home w my little girl and it’s beem great but she needs socialization (she’s only ever w mr

and her daddy since family isn’t nearby) and mommy needs to get out and have some structure to her routine! 

Ellory is STANDING!! She’s already into everything crawling (army crawling) and now she can stand up! I’m not ready for it. 


Hey Brittann, good to see you.  Glad you are still not smoking.  Stop by more often.  Ellory is standing on her tippy toes. She is precious.  Thanks for keeping in touch.  Enjoy each moment they grow up very fast. Good luck with the job search. 


Great to see you!  Ellory is too cute for words.  I can't believe how fast time flies.



It is wonderful to hear from you, I am so glad that you have had this much time with Ellory, it's wonderful for both of you, so many people have to return to work after just six weeks, I did and it broke my heart.  She is just adorable, I LOVE the way she is standing and I LOVE the look of mischief on her face.  What a glorious time this is for all of you.  

I am so happy that you are getting so close to two years, that is AMAZING!  The seasonal triggers are stinkers but JonesCarpeDiem‌ says we need to go through two sets of seasons before they stop being so annoying.  I can say from experience that has been true for me.

Give that little love a big hug and kiss and good luck with the job search.  What are you looking for?  Will it be full time or part time?  

Thinking of you.



Good for you.

I always figure if I had a cigarette, I'd be smoking again.

Once you give yourself permission, that's what happens.

Ellory looks like she's going to pull the refrigerator over. When she does might you take a video? 


So good to hear from you and of your continued smobriety. Keep growing it and sharing about it. And thanks for sharing picture of your Sweet Pea. 


Look at you, three months away from your One Year Milestone.  How cool is that!  Cigarettes thoughts are par for the course.  It's not called an addiction for nothing.  But thoughts don't have to be acted upon.  Stay true to you.  That sweet little Ellory wants you around for a LONG TIME!  Hope you get the perfect job.


Hey! I’m hoping to get back into respiratory Therapy or sleep field. When I worked in sleep a few years ago I worked full time 3 nights a week, 12 hour shifts. We’ll need to put Ellory in daycare regardless so I might as well get full time. I actually have an interview Thursday for a respiratory Therapy position. I’m so nervous. 

All else is great. Ellory is into everything!! She sleeps through the night and really only cries when she’s sleepy. She has reflux which is well controlled w high doses of omeprazole and has a dairy and egg allergy (although not severe). But all in all she’s a very happy baby. 

I can totally see that “2 seasons” being very accurate. I was pregnant all my first year of not smoking so i had a really good reason to not smoke. I could’ve seen having more a struggle had that not been the case. 

Anyhoo! Hope you’re doing well friend. Hugs! 


Aww thanks!  I know! It’s really flown by! And the things she’s leaned and how she’s grown is what blows my mind. 


brittann3‌ I am excited for you about the interview.  Working three nights would mean four at home with Ellory...I am so glad that you had this time with her.  She is beautiful and she sounds like she is really thriving.  Yes...two sets of seasons is very important but the craves that you may experience now are really just memories of times when you used to smoke.  You are reconditioning your brain and having that beautiful little girl is the best reason in the world to stay smoke free.

I am doing fine, so good to hear from you.

Love and hugs,


About the Author
{10.17.2016} I am 32 years old and started smoking at 13 years old. I've attempted to quit many times over the years but it wasn't until Oct 2017 that I felt I was really ready. I did it for my boyfriend, he does not smoke and hates that I do, and the possibility of a family someday. 1.25.2017~ I am 100 days into my quit and smoke free! I also recently learned I am pregnant! If not for this site my quit would not have been a reality. 5.11.2017~ I am over 200 days quit and almost halfway through my pregnancy. We found out that our baby is a little girl. I am beyond ecstatic to be living life with the man I love and a beautiful baby girl who will make us a family.