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2 weeks smoke free

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Ok... So i'm 2 weeks smoke free, for the most part the cravings are gone. What's weird is the whole "having to re learn everything" is so insanely true. Yesterday I decided to start reading a book. Haven't finished one since before I quit. Well I start reading and then my hand starts reaching for a pack of cigarttes that arn't there. I laughed the first time and went on but it kept happening. I finally had to stop reading and go take a nap. But I was determined because  I love to read and I wasn't going to let this destroy that for me. So after I got up I went right back to reading. and it did quit finally, It was nice to finally be able to enjoy the book then. haha 


but other then that everything has been fine. I'm thinking about smoking less and less and usually now when I do think about it, its in a "wow I actually quit, isn't this amazing?!" sort of way, not the old "I want to cry, I need a cigarette" kind of way. Both my dad and husband are 1 week smoke free themselves now too. 🙂 Only smoker left is my mom but I don't push it. You have to be ready for it, and she isn't. I don't ever want to be the sterotypical "ex smoker" I hate those people. Always on your heals to tell you how they quit and how great they are and how gross you are for smoking. That's not effective. It never got me to quit, that's for sure. 


Everything is going well with the moving plans. My husband is renting our place next week. I've already started packing. I realized today I have to wash a lot of stuff. Clothes in the back of my closet smell like smoke, so does some boxes. Need to clean all that. Don't want to take it into the new place like that. Other than those things in my closet, I haven't smelled smoke like other ppl talk about. A lot of ppl told me I'd smell it and think it was disgusting. Others said I'd smell and want it. neither has happened. I just don't smell it. The clothes and boxes smell like it but they neither smell bad or good. 


I'm still coughing a lot, and having trouble sleeping, but the heart burn and other symptoms have gone away. Thankfully. 


Congrats on two weeks!


Congrats on 2 weeks!!  You got this!!


WOW two weeks and your doing sooooo great.

Yeh I agree--don't push a smoker to stop just show them they can by doing it yourself.

I love to read too. What are you reading? Write us a book report (nothing formal) and let us know if you like it or not. LOL

keep adding those smoke free days.



Congratulations on two weeks!  You have made it through H#ll and Heck Weeks and it should get easier after this. You might try reading your book in a place different from where you used to read. Or – rearrange the room so the view is different. Moving will do a good thing to reduce the number of associations.


In the new place, I might ask your Mom to smoke out of everyone's sight (outside would be best, but I understand if that isn't possible). I understand that is difficult, but folks WILL start to smell the stink associated with smoking inside and secondhand smoke is not good for anybody. Maybe there is a garage where she could go? It is amazing that both your husband and Dad also quit. You must be a GREAT example!


Stay committed and keep adding those days. It just keeps getting better and better!





lol reading 11/22/63 Judy621


@ Nancy, My mom does smoke outside, before the rest of us quit we all smoked outside. That was our big deal, we never smoked around the kids.


That's probably why nothing smells like smoke except the closet with the clothes. lol I hadn't thought of that. Well that's also probably whats made things a little easier on me, as I don't have as many associations as peopl who smoke in their houses have.


Thank you for your post.  Through your entire entry you seem to have a really positive attitude about quitting and re-learning life without cigarettes.  Keep it going!  Best to you always!  -- Beverly


2 wks , fantastic


Keep it up it only gets better! Congratulations to all three of you, and yes, its best not to polk the Mama bear!


330 DOF



Congratulations on it all...being free from nicotine for two whole weeks. for your husband & dad being free as well. It will improve your quality time together dramatically!!

How lovely that in your new place you & your husband have no association to smoking...xo