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Share your quitting journey

2 months and 2 days...and needing a lobotomy still.

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Hello. I have not taken a puff since 2 April. Tonight is going to be a tough one though. Since yesterday, I am having a very strong desire to smoke. I know this is normal in the quit process and I am still riding it out, but the thoughts/cravings (I think this is just mind games now) were gone nearly entirely until yesterday.

The trigger that got me here is my marital issues resurfacing, or better said, realizing my marraige is over but we are still iiving together due to circumstances--my pregnancy, the location we are (oconus) not possible unless we return to the states, etc. I am  really tempted to smoke. I just can't stop thinking how I'd like to smoke to spite it all, to say "fuck it" I don't care about this marriage anymore and do that to embody my anger. Right now, I really just don't care enought to worry about the baby. I am at a breaking point. 

Writing this is helping me realize that my anger is making me want to act out and I am being selfish, becuase I do care about the baby inside of me--but my sick addicted self is telling me "one cigarette won't hurt" it is fucking nuts. Worry, for me. I may not have found my forever quit, even though  I haven't broken down yet. I am being honest because that is all I have in this madness, my honesty. I need to document this, so I can remember how stupid it all is. I know I can get through this without smoking, but I just want these pesky thoughts to go away. Any tricks?  I am seriously in the thick of a strong two-day mind battle and I want it to end. I came here before doing it, but I don't know if I'll make it until tomorrow at this rate...

14 Comentarios

Hang in there for you and your baby. Smoking fixes nothing


Try not to "mind battle' with it! Stay busy as much as you can! Stay strong for you and your baby! Congratulations on 2 years and 2 months!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


You are in No Man's Land and it is a very tricky place to navigate.  I had crying spells when I was where you are now and, clearly, I was not pregnant.  You have to ask yourself what smoking would do for you and then you need to answer it absolutely honestly.  You have to be honest with yourself even if you don't feel you can be honest with anyone else. Use the same crave busters that worked in the past.  Water, sour candy, fireballs, bite into a lemon, rind and all.  Take a shower, brush your teeth, do something to distract yourself. This CAN be your forever quit if you are willing to deal with the discomfort of the craves. Please keep in mind that no one ever died from a crave...I can't count the people who have died because of smoking. That baby has no choice in whether or not you introduce nicotine back into your system and then the baby's system.  I know you are in a tough spot, I can relate and I am so sorry.  There are no shortcuts to "smobriety" is one day at a time one step at a time.  You CAN do this.  Blogging is a great tool, you are taking the right steps, keep going, one step at a time!

Lobotomies are overrated.


Right here with you Kacie! We are doing this and running this race together. Dont let go and write, blog, scream, whatever it takes. We all have these moments and if I gave you the impression that I dont think the same thoughts at times that would be untrue. But I beleive with All My Heart that is why we were directed to this site. I plan to meet you in person someday and celebrate our quits together our health and our new dreams as goals as Exers. Not letting go girl, keep fighting because even if you dont feel like it right now....YOU ARE AMAZING, YOU ARE A WINNER YOU ARE SO VERY VALUABLE TO SO  MANY MANY YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. No marriage, or circumstance should take your peace or freedom. Get up Girl, and lets keep on winning this battle. We Will Overcome and I along with every EXer..we are right here. So any struggle you come we will all surrond you!  This day is almost over, you about Won another. Stay Strong! We may not be perfect .. you Are Amazing 

Mya prayers are for you to find the courage you need right now, and the peace of knowing how very very special you are. And that little one cannot wait to meet you!! 



Still haven't given in, but man. . . this is a shitty place. I thank you for your responses. I keep checking my blog to find some helpful thoughts that are better than my stupid brain trying to play me for a fool. I deserve to be free. Not doing it. Nope. Nope. Nope. 


What you are going through is very stressful. Your addictive brain is accustomed to smoking when something goes wrong or right.  It is a hard time but it is not impossible to get through.  First, you need to find a quiet place when you are feeling stressed and relax.  Here is a link that I found helpful.


Ok, I am going to bed. I am tried and I think waking up to a fresh mindset is just what the doctor ordered. I didn't smoke! I will check in again soon if this mind/thought/temptation thing keeps up...Tomorrow is a new day!


very good!


Good for you getting through the rough patch without the crutch of smoking, right on, one day at a time or if need be one second at a time but you are doing this, continue to be willing, determined and totally committed for you, your baby and even your wallet but mostly for you and for your health and your baby's health, keep stacking up your precious smoke free days. ☆


 I know it is not easy I am sorry much good advice above I have nothing to add but hang in there ! You have gotten through the hardest months it only gets easier  now .

Congrats on your 2 months and 2 days !!!!!!


go back and read your earlier blogs when you were on sturdier ground, it may reinforce the reasons that you are here with all of us you are stronger than you think.......good luck


Please be single-minded...your baby. Block all else out of your mind. Just dismiss it. Yeah, a temporary lobotomy may be in order....just save the part about the baby. Later, you can deal with the rest.



I am on day 549 of my quit.  In the beginning, I typed a lot on this site and searched Youtube for all kinds of videos related to stopping smoking.  I found the combination of support on the site, the hypnosis videos (no, I never really went 'under', but the music and even tones of the speaker helped drain stress and anxiety away), tapping (especially helpful when I was sitting at a stop light for the 3rd time) and Dr. Weaver's Stop Smoking seminars (5 total) got me through many tough spots.  The more I learned the more I realized how much my body was repairing itself each and every day.  Please hang in there...You are in control of your future, not the nicodemon. You are worth it!  You are special!   N.O.P.E!!!! (Not One Puff Ever)

Here are the links to several videos I used:

  Stop smoking with Dr. Weaver:

Phew! I made it without breaking down/giving in! Thank you for being there for me and reminding me of all the right things to think and remember as I face these moments of temptation. And for what it's worth, I actually re-read my blogs, this one has an last puff was on April 1st ( remind myself because it is one more day I won the battle for my life). I became a non-smoker on 2 April and this baby will have a smoke-free momma when she gets here. Thanks again all!