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Share your quitting journey

2 Week Rewards

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Hello Everyone! The last three tiems i have attempted to quit, i started smoking again around the 2 week mark each time. This time, I thought it would be a good idea to give myself a reward after the two weeks, and maybe every week smoke-rfree there after. I figured i spent $50 week on sickorettes, so that is my budget. Has anyone done this before? What are some ideas you rewarded yourself with? The only thing i can think of (which will be my first reward) is a Manicure/Pedicure, since i always do it myself. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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Treat yourself to a nice meal at that restaurant you've always been meaning to try. Or visit the new bistro/cafe/diner that just opened up. Or go to your favorite eatery and have something different off the menu. Be sure to tell the waitperson that it's your big reward for quitting smoking. (You'll either get a funny look, or you'll get a smile and some praise.)


I think anything that you enjoy is a good reward - right after I quit I was hit with some unexpected expenses so I have not really rewarded my self in a big way yet, but I do have a nice meal once in a while or a couple pieces of candy.


GREAT idea! Time to take your life back & enjoy the little things again!  xo


A massage, or join a water arobics class!!!



I would do the mani/pedi or the massage but that's just me.  I have been putting my money away saving for Christmas which I realize is a ways off but it is always such a financially stressful time that I am trying to pre-empt that stress.  I only spent about $50 a month on cigarettes but I have been putting away a little more than that so I will have something more to take the pressure off.  I have done this before and always ended up spending the money.  THIS time, I am really trying to stay committed to leaving it alone and adding to it as I can.

Oh, I have had a couple of manicures in my life, never a pedicure, and never a massage. I don't think I know how to reward myself unless it is connected to other people. Hmmm, might have to work on that one.


I am still saving mine, six months worth and growing every week.  I don't know what I will finally get, maybe a vacation next summer.  But I would love a water aerobics class.


Yes, Yes, Yes!!! It makes such a difference! I'm a visual person so I put my "Cigarette Money" in a clear jar, so I could watch it grow. For the 1st few months I would take money out and get mani/pedi or treat myself to special night out. I found that rewarding myself helped me appreciate my quit more. After a few months, when I was feeling more secure in my quit, I decided to let it grow toward a vacation in the Bahamas I've saved $2,294.09 so far. That's going to make for a pretty nice vacation. And that is where my Quit Meter comes in! All I have to do is take a glance to know how much money I've saved, and that keeps me even more motivated. You should load one to your profile. Let me know if I can assist.

However, the most beautiful use of saved money was written by joyeuxencore (teddyjoy)

Here's the condensed version:

Today I decided that it is awesome all the great things I have been able to spend my money on instead of cigarettes but the light bulb went off & I decided I would start helping others with some of the money I am saving...Here is today's gift!!!


Thanks everyone! I think i am going to reward myself every two weeks for the first few months. Then save for something big! Love the ideas!!!