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2,000 days!

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I hardly know what to say on this auspicious anniversary.  I certainly never thought 2,000 days ago that I would ever be here.  It has not been all sunshine and roses but a LOT has been. I am so proud of myself that I cannot believe I am here.  Yes, I have COPD and yes, it is pretty bad. I would give just about anything to have never smoked but, alas, we cannot go back and get a redo of adolescence.  I am so happy to have quit smoking and I celebrate this day with a certain reverence for the amount of time that has passed and for the challenges I have faced down.  

           Yesterday was a particularly difficult day for me, I had to take my husband to the eye surgeon which is an hour and a half away and, of course, I got lost.  This is my third time going to that office and my third time getting lost. My phone’s GPS stops talking while I am at crucial stages. WHY???? We left home early and were still almost 45 minutes late.  I was a MESS, I was so stressed out that I was shaking. Back in the day...I would have HAD to pull over to smoke, wasting MORE time and feeding into my anxiety. All the while we were driving, my husband was saying that he was going to vomit.  He gets very car sick. I told him to grab a cloth grocery bag from the back seat and just DO IT. His nausea was feeding my anxiety. On the way home, we hit dangerously strong thunderstorms with torrential downpours and strong winds. We were crossing a mountain when it hit and it made it harder than it might have been if we were not at higher altitude.  I could hardly see the cars or trucks ahead of me and I dropped my speed down and turned on my flashers. Pulling over was not an option. When we got home, I was exhausted but had things to do, feed the cats, check for damage around the yard, and get out of my dressier clothing. My little cat, Clementine, loves to carry around a toy of hers that is a plastic stick with a ribbon on it and a “mouse” attached by yarn.  I walked into the bedroom and stepped on it and literally went “flying”. I came to a stop on my left shoulder and knee and my right wrist...the little toe on my right foot was at a 90 degree angle to my foot. Good thing I am tough. I moved the toe back into alignment as tears flowed down my face and I got up and walked around to assess the damage. The left knee is bruised and swollen, the left shoulder is also significantly swollen as is the right wrist.  We won’t even TALK about that little toe that now rivals the big toe for size. Yes, I was tired, I was actually exhausted so after eating and showering and applying ice packs...I went to bed. I could not sleep because of the constant throbbing in so many places...but eventually I DID sleep. I would have been outside smoking like a chimney in the old days...2,000 days ago but I have long since quitting learned what a joke that was and how it would not have helped.  I wish each and every one of you a wonderful Friday, I am working today, walking with a rather decided but determined limp.

I will look forward to returning home and will be watching for that notorious stick.




Happy 2000, Ellen. Thanks for sharing your success and for being there over and over again for quitters and those who want to quit--never giving up on anyone. I've learned a lot from you and thanks for that!!!   

What you get through some days and then manage to carry on just astounds me. Big hug. You rock!

Love, Mary


First of all a HUGE High 5 on the 2000 days. You are Amazing! Secondly OMG on your yesterday!!!!! I have experienced everything you spoke of, except the toe thing, not in all day and not on my 1999 day.... 

The fact that you survived and now have a great story to tell says a lot. You done good! Thanks for being part of my life!



Holy smokes!  Actually, I guess smokes are terribly UN-Holy.  Holy Tamole!  That's a lot of days!  You certainly deserve all those days of freedom.  You most certainly do not deserve another day like you had yesterday .


Congrats on 2000 days.  That's really amazing.  Sorry you had such an awful day and got hurt. Animals can be dangerous--my dear Charlie has pulled me down on the ground twice in two weeks.  

Image result for celebration pictures moving

Thanks for the continued support.



{{{{{{{{{{A humongous ginormous super congratulations Ellen on 2,000 splendiferous DOF and counting WTG}}}}}}}}}}

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{♥️ huge gentle hug from me to you dear Ellen ♥️}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 


Good lord Ellen, what a horrible day!  Just a thought - does your insurance cover medical transportation?


First before I forget, I have experienced the same thing with my phone's just cutting off on the speaking. I have meant to check in with my carrier, but in the meanwhile, if you can get your passenger (husband or whoever) to go to the settings on your phone, find the volume control, and look for anything that has been turned to zero- that is what has happened frequently with mine. I am not sure if I did something to make this happen or is it just a defect- but once I turn the volume control up then it will generally stay on at least until I get where I am going. 



If we needed a poster child for someone who has experienced every potential reason to use some life event as an excuse to go back to smoking, I would nominate you. And yet you persevere through the toughest situations life can throw at you, and then continue to come here to guide newbies and all of the rest of us how to maintain a quit, and a really strong "can do" positive attitude. You offer us an amazing example of strength, and continue to come here to teach others how to do the same. Congrats on your ginormous milestone, and thank you for all you do to help and encourage others!!!!!


Ellen, I am in AWE of you! work so hard and do so much for so many people and take the time on this site regularly to encourage all of us. I know I have more time than you, yet I fall behind. It is simply a joy to have met you FINALLY at the reunion. I just wish I could of had more time with you....and others. Next time....

Meanwhile Huge hug of congrats and celebration to you for 2000 beautiful earned days being smoke free. You are such an inspiration and YOU are very loved by ALL of us. Hope you have a nice weekend and find som 'Ellen time'. xoxoxoxoMissy

images.jpegA beautiful flower for a beautiful lady, and no.....I did not paint that, lol, I just thought it was pretty


pastedImage_1.gif Ellen elvan not only on 2000 DOF, but being such a loving and grateful person no matter teach me and so many here about quitting and about life...YOU have been an inspiration in my quit since the first day I came to Ex’s...Thank you Ellen...I wish I could give you a day away from it deserve a break...I say a pray you can get one...blessing’s should abound from God to you for all the kindness you share with others...Have a beautiful day friend...Love and Hugs Colleen 221 DOF 




                         (That's cow for congratulations and......................OMG on your day yesterday...............)

(and these are ALL mine!)



You just have the shittiest luck, Elvan darling. I swear to God! But you are still here fighting this fight and winning - even if it doesn't feel like it! You need another massage session.

Congrats on 2000 days which is no small feat but a huge milestone!!!!!

I so look up to you!




((((Ellen)))  What a horrible day yesterday!  You have proved that you are capable of anything!  You are such a constant source of inspiration for me!!  Congratulations on 2,000 days!!



Wow!  2000 days Miss Ellen is truly amazing!  Thank you for always giving so much back to us.  Sorry to hear about your accident.  I hope you are better today. xoxoxo



Congrats on 2000 days!! Sorry you got lost going to the doctor.


Congratulations and thanks for all the help you have given me in my journey!


Congratulations on 2000 my friend. 

I will send up Song and Smoke for your injuries.



Your so cool and just down right loveable to share your HUGE heart with ME - I am so proud of you Ellen and very grateful to MY Daddy God for blessing ME with YOUR teaching - that's LIFE so deal with it with an attitude of gratitude and rigorously deep down SELF honesty and accepting being a HUMAN - WAY TO GO -  2000 DAYS AS A NON SMOKER- Yahooooooo GOOD JOB! gentle hug ❤


Oh my gosh Ellen! What a terrible sounding day! I sure hope your injuries have settled down....are you okay? Holy crap lady! But - HAPPY 2000 DAYS!! Way to go! 


So sorry to hear about your day...geez..when it rains, it pours! (pun not intended)

Hope you heal rapidly and completely.

Congratulations on 2000 days & thank you for paying it forward with your kind and thoughtful support.


Oh sweet sweet Ellen, A Big Congratulations on your 2000 days.

I know exactly of that toy your cat drags around ! I had one that she knew once I turned the lights out and went into the bedroom for the evening. There I would be in bed while she spent the next 30 minutes dragging all of her toys into the bedroom for the night.

You are special to me as my first few weeks you always checked in on me. I am forever grateful for that.

attachment.jpeg This is something you do every day for everyone. Even when you are not feeling well.

Your wisdom and kindness is never ending. God Bless you 


Congrats on 2000 days Yay!!!

I'm glad you made it home safe. That is the worst when we get lost and you got lost in the rain that must have been a nightmare. 



Amazing, wow, & congratulations on a great 2000th day of not smoking !  




2,000 days----- awesome!!!! 

Your luck yesterday-----not so awesome, but I'm glad to hear nothing broke and you got home safely.


I think we may need to swaddle you in bubble wrap     


Congratulations on 2000 days of freedom.




So incredibly happy for you, my friend! Hold that door open for me in August, will ya?


AnnetteMM‌ No, insurance does not cover transportation but I checked into a local company that does transport patients, they would charge $90 each way...uh, not going to happen.


NewMe‌  Great idea but my husband can't SEE my screen, he can't see ANY screen on a cell phone and he was going on and on and on about the nausea and I honestly thought I might lose my mind.  I think that I either hit a dead zone there or else I just MISSED a turn, somehow...I am not a fan of driving there under any circumstances.  I like to know exactly where I am going and I will admit that I get a "bit" freaked out by bicycles and pedestrians and so much traffic that I can't SEE the markings on the road saying left turn ONLY or whatever.  It was not a great day but I survived.  Thanks for your sweet encouragement.



Thank you ALL...seriously, ALL of you for your support and your amazing way of seeing me.   You have no idea what you each mean to me and how I could never have made it without you.  Working was a challenge, sleeping AFTER working all day was a serious challenge.  My foot seemed to have a very large pulse and it did not want to let up.  I slept all day on Saturday and I am just getting myself together today.  I have to work Thursday this week and then have appointments for two tests on Friday...just a 45 minute drive.  Husband does not go back to eye doc until August 22nd and will then likely schedule cataract surgery.  I have several weeks to figure this out and perhaps I can do it without an issue on THIS try.

Thank you again for the support, the love, the time you took to comment.  You are ALL incredibly important to me.




Thank you ALL...seriously, ALL of you for your support and your amazing way of seeing me.   You have no idea what you each mean to me and how I could never have made it without you.  Working was a challenge, sleeping AFTER working all day was a serious challenge.  My foot seemed to have a very large pulse and it did not want to let up.  I slept all day on Saturday and I am just getting myself together today.  I have to work Thursday this week and then have appointments for two tests on Friday...just a 45 minute drive.  Husband does not go back to eye doc until August 22nd and will then likely schedule cataract surgery.  I have several weeks to figure this out and perhaps I can do it without an issue on THIS try.

Thank you again for the support, the love, thank you all for being on this journey with me.  I will GLADLY hold the door open for you, Storm.3.1.14  and for YOU Jennifer-Quit‌ in the not too distant future.  




Well, I missed this.  But not the rest of it.  Happy Happy Double Comma, Ellen.  Two thousands days of inspiration for all of us look up to.  Sending bubble wrap love.


Please accept my apology for being so late to your party Ellen. You deserve a huge celebration for these 2000 smoke free days because it takes a lot of hard work & NOPE to make it this far. Congratulations & I know there are many more celebrations to come. Happy for you.

Mn@ 001.jpg


That's just criminal


Awe sorry I am late congratulating you a your big wonderful 2000 days of freedom.  You are definitely an inspiration to us all.  Love ya Ellen and hope you past few days are better and hoping your not sore from falling.  Glad you found your way back home safe.  Be careful and take care of you!


Keep up the good fight!



Kimchristensen1‌ Thank you...this is a journey I am not about to give up decision I ever made.



You are a ROCK STAR!

About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.